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A Prediction Model for Stage of Change of Exercise In the Korean Elderly: Based on the Transtheoretical Model
Soon Yong Kim, So In Kim, Young Ja Chun, Pyoung Sook Lee, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):366-379.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify causal relationships among variables of transtheoretical model for exercise in the elderly. A predictivel model explaining the stage of change was constructed based on a transtheoretical model. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected from 198 old adults over 60 years old in a community setting in Seoul, Korea in April and May,1999. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling (LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationship of variables. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was X2=132.85. (df=22, p=.000). GFI=.88, NNFI=.35, NFI=.77, AGFI=.59 which was not favorable but the fit of modified model to the data was X2=46.90. (df=27, p=.01).GFI= .95, NNFI=.91, NFI=.92, AGFI=.87) which was more than moderate. The predictable variables of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly were helping relationship, self cognitive determination, conversion of negative condition in process of change and efficacy for exercise . These variables explained 68% of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly.

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Process of Change Corresponding to the Stage of Change of Exercise in Elderly
Young Ja Chun, So In Kim, Pyoung Sook Lee, Soon Yong Kim, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):354-365.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Purpose: This study was performed to identify the factors that change exercise behave. This study will also classify and identify the characteristics of excercise stages to which the elderly belong Also, to identify the processes of change which influence on the changes in exercise performed by the elderly.
Convenient samples of 198 subjects over the age 60 in Seoul Korea(mean age=70) were selected from elderly communities and were all mentally conpetant older adults. The data were collected from April 1,1999 to May 30, 1999. The research instruments were measured the change in exercise (Marcus et al., 1992b), such as Stage of Change measure(Marcus et al,1992a). The data were analyzed by SAS Program.
1. According to the measure of change without missing data, 191 subjects were distributed each stage of change for exercise: 50 subjects (26.1%), 7 subjects (3.6%), 52 subjects (27.2%), 4 subjects (2%), and 78 (40.8%) belonged to the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage, the preparation stage, the action stage and the maintenace stage. 2. According to the factor analysis, 6 factors of change were identified as appropriate processes of change and were named by the researchers. The names were; 'Supportive helping relationship', 'Self cognitive determination', 'Environmental reinforcement', Consciousness raising', Reinforcement of negative condition and 'Conversion of negative condition'. 3. According to the stage of change, there were significant mean differences in the 'Supportive helping relationship(F=22.04, p=.0001)', 'Self cognitive determination (F=50.87, p=.0001)', 'Reinforcement of negative condition(F=7.84,p=.0006)'. 4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that Self cognitive determination is the most influential variable as one of the processes of change which can discrimiate the three stages of change (precontemplation, preparation, and maintenance). Also the next significant variable was Reinforcement of negative condition.
The process of the dey change is one of concepts of The transtheoretical model known as strategies and the techniques people use as they go through the different stages of change. Even though this study is cross- sectional not longitudinal study, the finding of this study gives useful information for exercise intervention, by using this strategy of exercise for elderly in different stages of change in exercise.

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A Study of Factors Influencing Health Promoting Behavior and Quality of life in the Elderly
Eun Sook Park, Soon Ja Kim, So In Kim, Young Ja Chun, Pyoung Sook Lee, Haeng Ja Kim, Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):638-649.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing health promoting behavior and quality of life in the elderly, to provide the basic data for health promoting intervention in order to improve quality of life. The subjects of this study were 51 elderly person over the age of 65, living in Seoul, Korea, during the period from November, 1997 to January, 1998. The instruments for this study were the health promoting behavior scale developed by Walker et (1987), the quality of life scale by RoyouJa(1988), the health concept scale by Laffrey(1986), the perceived health states scale by Lawston et al. (1992), the health value scale by Walston et al.(1978), the self esteem scale by Rogenberg(1965) and self efficacy scale by Sherer(1982). The instruments of this using descriptive statistics, t-test, Person correlation coefficients ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study are as follows; 1. The health promoting behavior showed significant positive correlation with health concept perception of health status, self esteem, internal health locus of control, self efficacy and quality of life in the elderly. 2. The quality of life showed significant positive correlation with health concept, perception of health status, self esteem, internal health locus of control, self efficacy in the elderly. 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of health promoting behavior was quality of life. A combination of quality of life, health concept, perceived health status, self esteem, internal health locus of control, and self esteem, internal health locus, and self efficacy accounted for 46% of the variance in health promoting behavior in the elderly. 4. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of quality of life in the elderly was self esteem. A combination of self esteem. health concept, perceived health status, health promoting behavior and self efficacy account for 56% of the variance in quality of life in the elderly. From the results of the study, the following recommendations are presented as follow : 1. Development of a health promoting program to improve quality of life in the elderly. 2. In developing the health promoting, the above major influencing factors be considered. 3. It is suggested that an education specialist in practice in the community be include in the program development.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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