This study was done to detenine the relationship between the anxiety levels of hospitalized psychiatric patients and various influencing variables. The purpose of this study was to determine factors that may help hospitalized psychiatric patients to experience lower levels of anxiety in relation to changing situations and provide the basic data for a dynamic approach which is important in the field of modern psychiatric nursing that understands and analyses the meaning of patients behavior. The anxiety may produce stress, which is a common experience among all human beings. Patients may merely feel uncomfortable in the state of mild anxiety, however, the severe state could be an obstacle to treatment and recovery from disease. The anxiety of the psychiatric patient is a factor which greatly influencing the patient's behavior, so his disorderd behavior is an expression of defence or pathologically fixed behavior. According the psychiatric patient's anxiety at the time of admission is the concern of the health team. The nurse's special concern has to do with understanding and supporting the patient and meeting his individual needs by frequent close contacts during the entire hospitalization period, compared to other teammembers the nurse's responsibility in this regard is greated. So this study emphasizes the necessity of creating conditions these, but above all the psychiatric nurse should create a therapeutic environment by not only regarding the patient's behavior or symptoms but understanding the meaning of them. The subjects of this study were 57 psychiatric patients selected from the K neuropsychiatric hospital located in Kunsan city. Data were collected twice from the same patients within a 24 hour period after admission and 10 days after admission. (September 18th to November 8th, 1980). The data collected method was through direct interview, and the interview time was 20 minutes for each patient. Data analysis included Item Analysis & Internal Consistency Reliability Tests, Percentages, t-test, analysis of variance and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of this sudy were as follows. A. Test of Hypothesis a. Hypothesis 1: "The anxiety level of psychiatric patients within 24 hours after admission will be higher than those of the same patients 10 days after admission," was accepted, (t = 3.15; p < 0.005) b. Hypothesis 2: "The more the number of admissions the higher the level of anxiety related to two categories", was accepted, (affective anxiety: F - 5.50, p <k 0.005, Somatic anxiety: F = 9.12, p < .
This thesis intends to make a study on the effectiveness of Nursing Professors through perceptual psychological approach. Purpose ot the Study Researches have been made relating teacher's effectiveness measurement. However, they share a common defect that they have been done on the basis of superficial aspects of the problems aspects that can be measured by general objective survey only, but this study is designed "to understand his behavior in terms of a human behaving and of a self as an instrument"-principle, based upon the Perceptual Psychology which puts more stress on the inner perception than on the external one. Method of the Study This thesis is based chiefly on the two soarcess. "Perceptual Orientation Scale" (Chunghoon Choy, 1971) which has been standardized on the basis of perceptual psychology and the questio-naires made by the researcher of this thesis and given to the 34 Nursing Professors in seoul and other country. Result of the Study The method of data operation by Pearson "r" asserts that there were distinct deep relation Between Perceptual orientation and fellow's estimate, while a little relation among the estimate of a-dministration, educational backgrounds and occupations but no relations the status of experiences. It can be concluded that the estimates between fellows working at "the same fields" have kept deep relations together on perceptual orientation which resulted from finding out a useful method to measure occupational effectiveness according to the perceptual field. Conclusion of the Study The personnel administration has bsen managsd according to external status and not positive operation; on the other hand, this study holds, it shall be oparated in accordance with the estimates by fellow, the "Preceptual Orientation Scale" for more positive ability. The study requires the following researches on the devoted professional occupations, such as medical doctors, teachers, nurses, etc. for the purpose of increasing their occupational effectiveness more scientifically.
This study was conducted to measure the effects of clinical application of a Nursing Diagnosis Protocol. The dependent variables were the degree of patient's satisfaction and the degree of nurse's satisfaction with the nursing activity. Analysis of the effect of the use of the nursing diagnosis protocol was based on the nursing record. The subjects for this study were 61 nurses (experimental group 31, control group 30) and 155 patients (experimental group 55, control group 100) on four internal medicine wards in K University Hospital in Seoul. Data collection was done from August to October 12.1988. - The results obtained in this study can be summarized as follows, 1. Effect of the clinical application of the nursing diagnosis protocol. 1) The first hypothesis ; " nurses who use the nursing diagnosis protocol will have higher degrees of satisfaction than those who use traditional methods" was rejected.(t= .54, df=58, p=.59). 2) The second hypothesis ; " patients nursed by nurses using the nursing diagnosis protocol will have higher degrees of satisfaction than those nursed with traditional methods" was supported(t=1.93, df=154, p= ,05). 3) The third hypothesis: Major hypothesis ; "the nursing records of the experimental group, who used the nursing diagnosis protocol, will be more detailed than those of the control group " was supported (t=6.40, df=79.90, p=.000). (1) The first subhypothesis ; "The recorded data collection of the experimental group will be more detailed than . that of the control group" was rejected (t= 1.79, df=118, p=.07). (2) The second subhypothesis : "The recorded patient's problem statement of the experimental group will be more detailed than that of the control group" was supported. (3) The third subhypothesis : "The nursing record of the experimental group will be more convenient for implementation than that of the control group" was supported. 2. Factors related to the nurse's degree of satisfaction with protocol. 1) No general characteristics(age, religion, education level, duty career, present duty career) were related to the Burse's degree of satisfaction. 2) Variables related to the nurse's degree of satisfaction were "satisfaction as a nurse" and "consider nursing as lifelong job" (t=-2.6, df=13.2 2, p=.02, t=2,41, df=23.85, p=.02). 3. Factors related to the patient's degree of satisfaction. 1) General characteristics related to the patient's degree of satisfaction with nurses using the protocol were ass. educational level, and being married.(F=5.17, df=3/153, p=.00, t=-2.39, df=154, p=.01, f=5.91, df=2/153, p=.00) 2) The variables previous hospitalization, duration of hospitalization, the hospital unit, presence of a relative, medical insurance, or medical diagnosis were not related to the patient's degree of satisfaction. I. The experimental group's nursing record was more detailed than the control group's record with regard to the physical and psychological state of the patients. As noted above, the experimental group nurses, who use a nursing diagnosis had protocol were less satisfied than the: control group who used traditional methods of the recording, but experimental group patients had a higher degree of satisfaction than the control group patients. The nursing records of experimental group, using the nursing diagnosis protocol was more detailed than that of the control group. If the nursing diagnosis protocol is used in clinical nursing practice, the quality of nursing care may be improved.
This study was conducted to investigate the present situation and problems related to the use of nursing diagnosis in practice. The data were obtained from 332 subjects (27 director of nursing service, 302 staff nurses) who worked in university hospitals in Korea from July through August 1988 using a mailed questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, X2 test and t-test. The findings were as follows : 1. Clinical use of nursing diagnosis by directors of nursing service and staff nurses. 1) The majority of the nursing departments (88.9 %) conducted group education on nursing diagnosis during the last 5 years and 81.5% of them kept a record formet for nursing diagnosis ; 88 .9 % of them had had prior experience with the nursing diagnosis. 2) Most of nurses (97.0%) had received education on nursing diagnosis, 2. Factors related to the clinical use of nursing diagnosis in nursing service departments and by staff nurses. 1) The one factor related to the use of nursing diagnosis in the nursing service department was the existence: of a record. 2) Factors related to the use of nursing diagnosis by the staff nurses were the organization style of the nursing service department, group education during the last 5 years, existence of a record, the attitude of the director of nursing service, and prior experience of the use of the nursing diagnosis as characteristics of nursing service department and educational experience of nursing diagnosis as a character of nurse. 3. Problems with the use of nursing diagnosis. 1) The primary problem was the lack of time and personnel (mean : 3.757) I the second problem was the lack of knowledge and will to use nursing diagnosis in practice by the staff nurses(mean : 3.546). 2) There was no significant difference in problems expressed by the director of nursing services and the nurses. The majority of nurses who worked in the university hospitals expressed interest in and concern about the use of nursing diagnosis. Most of the nurses had had education about on nursing diagnosis but use in practice was limited. The primary problem was lack of time and manpower Strategies for improving use of the nursing diagnosis in practice: 1) Strengthening the education about nursing diagnosis and a holistic approach to understanding human beings. 2) Develop protocols for the use of nursing diagnosis. 3) Eliminate the language barrier regarding nursing diagnosis by translation into in Korean. 4) Decentralization of the nursing service to promote accountability by individual nurses for use of nursing diagnosis.
The purpose of this study is to guide the direction of the Korean nursing education to analysize (1) the philosophy and objectives (2) curriculum, and (3) educational environment. This analysis is based on the data from 50 nursing schools (14 4-year collges and 35 3-year colleges) The survey was conducted from Dec. 1986 through Jan. 1987 by mail. 1) Educational philosophy and objectives 10 4-year collges and 8 3-year college program have curicular philosohp. Most popular curricular philosophies are human beings, health, nursing, nursology, nursing education, nurses role in the present and in the future. 10 nursing schools mentioned that human being is the subject to interact with : environment physically, mentally and socially. 2 schools mentioned that health is the state of functioning well physically, mentally and socially. 13 schools mentioned that the nursing is the dynamic act to maintain and to promote the highest possible level of health. 4 schools mentioned that the nursology is an applied science. 4 schools mentioned that nursing education is the process to induce the behavioural changes based on the individual ability. There is different opinion about the nurses' role between 4-year college and 3-year college. In the responses from 4-year colleges they focus on the leadership in effective changes, self-regulating and self-determining responsibilities, applying the new technology, continuing education, and participation in research to further nursing knowledge. In the responses from 3-year colleges, they focus on the education in college, primary health care nursing, direct care provider and public health education. Among 50 respondents 40 schools have educational goals which can be divided into two categories. One is to establish the moral and the other is to develop the professionalism. 2) Curriculm The analsis of curriculum is only based on the data from the 4-year colleges because the most of 3-year colleges follow the curriculum guideline set by the Ministry of Education. a) Comparison of the credits in cultural subject and in nursing major. The average required credit for graduation is 154.6 and the median credit is the range of 140-149. The average credit of cultural subjects is 43.4. In detail, the average number of credit of required course and elective courses are 24.1 and 19.3 respectively. The average credit for major subject is 111.2. In detail, the average credit for required courses and electives course are 100.9 and 10.4 respectively. In 5 colleges, students are offered even on elective course b) Comparison of the credit by class. The average earned credits are as follows : 41.1 in freshman, 400 in sophormore 38.3 in junior and 32.4 in senior. Cultural subjects are studied in early phases. c) Comparison of the compulsory and elective cultural subject by institute. The range of credit is 7-43 in compulsory cultural subjects and there are lot of differences among institutions. While all respondents require liberal arts as com-pulsary subjects, few respondents lists social science, natural science and behavioral science as required subjects. Social science-related subjects are frequently chosen as cultural subjects. d) Distribution of creditsin cultural subjects by institute. The liberal art subjects are taught in 20 institute. English and physical education courses are taught in all instituions. The social science subjects are taught in 15 colleges and the basic Psycology and the Basic sociology are the most popular subjects. The natural science subjects are taught in 7 colleges and Biology and Chemistry are the most popular subjects among them. e) Distribution of credits in major basic courses by institute. Most of the institutes select Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, biochemistry and Pathology as basic major courses. f) Comparison of the required and elective courses for nursing major by institutions. Subjects and credit ranges in major are varing by institute. More than half of the respondents select the following subjects as required major subjects. (1) Adults Health Nursing and Practice (19.5 credits) (2) Mother and Child Care and Practice (8.9 credits) (3) Community Health Care and Practice (8.5 credits) (4) Psychiatric Nursing Care and Practice (8.1 credits) (5) Nursing Management and Practice (3.9 credits) (6) Fundamental of Nursing, Nursing Research and Health Assessment and Practice. Three institutions select Introduction to nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, School Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Nursing English, Communication, Human Development as electives in nursing major. 3) Educational environment a) Nursing institution There are forty-three 3-year colleges and seventeen 4-year colleges and 81.4% of which are private b) Number of students and faculty 19.2% of the students are in 4-year colleges and 80. 8% of the students; are in 3-year colleges. In 4-year colleges, the number of nursing faculty members is in the other of assistant professor, instructor and professor. In 3-year colleges, the orderiis lecturer, associate professor, full time instructor and assistant professor. In 4-year colleges, 18.8 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges. 33.1 students are allocated per nursing faculty. c) Clinical practices 66.7% of the 4-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic and 28.5% of 3-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic. In 4-year colleges, 11.5 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year olleges,17 students are allocated per nursing faculty. The survey shows no difference in the procedure between 4 year colleges and 3-year colleges but 3-year colleges choose the more variety practicing site such as special hospital and community health clinic. d) Audiovisual facilities The survey shows a lot of diference in audiovisual facilities among institution and 3-year colleges are less equipped than 4-yearcolleges.