Amongst varieties of clinical nursing role, the administration of medication is often highlighted as of prime importance. In order to attain data for the improvement of teaching strategies of medication, diagnostic evaluation of the knowledge level is a necessity. This study was performed from August through December 1975. 449 registered nurses, randomly sampled from general hospitals;16 of Seoul and 7 of Taegu and Pusan, were tested through 54 test questionaires based on 4 practical dimensions of administration of medication. Results are as follows; 1. Status of respondents; Length of clinical experiences;the average length revealed to be 2 years and 7 months. 72% revealed to have had less than 3 years of experience;38.6%-less than 1 year, 19 .2%-over 1 year and less than 2 years, and 14. 2%-over 2 years and less than 3 years. Type of Nursing education received;9.4% revealed to have graduated technical high school of nursing, 67.5% the 3 year diploma school and 21.7% the baccalaureate degree program. The knowledge Level; Degree of self-satisfaction on knowledge level revealed that;27. 4% responded to "more or less satisfied", 48.8% to "more or less un-satisfied" and 19.8% to "not satisfied". The average level of basic knowledge revealed to be moderate by 66.95 points. The level of knowledge of 4 questionaire categories revealed that;drug action category by average of 66. 5 points, methodology category by 65. 4 points, safety measure category by 71.4 points and terminology and concepts category by 64.6 points. Questionaire items which revealed high points are of;6 of drug action category, 4 of methodology, 4 of safety measure, and 3 of terminology. The items of low points are;8of drug action, 3 of methodology, 3 of safety measure and 5 of terminolology categories. 3. The type of nursing education revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge on the administration of medication. 4. The length of clinical experience revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge. 5. 75.1% responded that the actual practice of medication modes are similar to that included in the fundamentals of nursing course. 6. In-service education on medication; 54.0% revealed to have some incidental in-service education on medication while 34.0% receive programmed in-service education. 61.8% revealed to have expressed the need of systemic in-service education as one of the means for improvement of medication. 32.7% revealed to obtain information concerning medicine by reading commercial publications on drug package, while only 20.9% by reading specific information channel.
This study explored differences in how medical and surgical patients compare on the degree of hospital stress and their subjective physical status. Subjects were 343 medical and surgical patients in five university hospitals in Seoul and Taegu. They responded to the Hospital Stress Rating Scale and a self-report on physical status. The controlled variables were age, education, number of previous hospitalkations and seriousness of the illness. Medical and surgical patient differences on nine factors of the hospital stres scale and nine areas of physical conditions were reported as follows edptored ; 1. 1) There was not a statistically significant difference at the .05 level in the total mean score for hospital stress between medical patients and surgical patients. 2) The mean score of the factor lack of information (M=2.308) for medical patients was higher than the mean score (M=2.064) of the surgical patients. 3) The mean scores of the factor of discomfort (M=2. 130), toss of independence (M=1.889) for surgical patients were higher than for medical patients. 2. 1) There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level in the total mean score for physical status between medical patients and surgical patients. 2) The mean scores were lower in subjective physical status for surgical patients(S) than for medical patients (M) : stomach condition (S : M=2.8433, M : M=3.0-000), self-assistance(S : M=3.0373, M : M=3.4498), movement (S : M=2.6716, M : M=3.2392), interest in your surroundings (S : M=3.0522, M ; M=3.2632). 3. Patients scoring high on the subjective physical status such as sleep, appetite, stomach condition, bowel condition and urination states had higher scores in hospital stress than with patients scoring tow on those subjective physical status. The results suggest that subjective physical status might be on expression of hospital stress. Also patients with high scores in subjective physical statas might be predicted have a high level of stress on admission. And surgical patients had a higher level of hospital stress than medical patients.