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A Ethnographic Field Study for a Model Development of the Chronic Bed-ridden Patient's Home-ward
Tae Youn Kim, Yeon Kang Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(4):597-615.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study is designed to facilitate the creation of home environment conducive to the family taking care of chronic bed-ridden patients with more effective method. The need for this study has emerged against the background of marked changes in the structure of ailments and causes of death, resulting in the number and plights of chronic bed-ridden patients as well as of a rapid increase in demand for medical care and resulting premature discharge. Keeping these in mind, this study focused on home wards where the majority of chronic bed-ridden patients are being cared for. Despite their overriding importance, home-words are less than efficient in caring for chronic bed-ridden patients. These circumstances require the designing of home-wards that can offer greater comfort to patients and at the same time make things easier for caregivers, on the basis of an overall analysis of patients' life and home-ward situation. Accordingly this study adopted a Participant Observation Method derived cultural anthropology. Toward this end, 3 patients were chosen as subjects of this study for intensive interviewing and participant observation. In the process of this field research efforts were made to collect emprical data, that is, to faithfully record the words of the subjects and their caregivers for analysis and interpretation. The findings of these analyses are as follows. Firstly, the chronic bed-ridden patients are mostly being taken care by close family members. Secondly, a room for the exclusive use of the patient, floor, kitchen, bathroom, and multipurpose space were found to be necessary for proper caring of the patient. These spaces were respectively used with a view to 1) accomodating the patient as well as caregivers' activities, 2) keeping general and medical supplies and other appliances for patient's care and drying the patient's washing, 3) preparing and keeping the patient's foods and beverages, 4) keeping the supplies necessary for cleaning the patient's body and treating the patient's eliminations, 5) washing the patient's clothes, under wears and bedclothes. The patient's room in turn is subdivided into six portions in terms of uses; specifically the places for accomodating 1) the patient, 2) medical supplies, 3) medicines, 4) linens and clothes, 5) bedclothes and, 6) diapers. Thirdly, the activities of the caregiver are subdivided into seven key areas; hygiene, exercise, diet, elimination, therapeutic nursing, prevention of sore, and other activities. Each area is further classified into several different activities of caring. These activities are mainly carried out in the patient's room. Fourthly, the supplies for caring the chronic bed-ridden patient is divided into two large domains: medical and general supplies. Finally, three main problems areas were found in this study on the part of caregivers, that is, sore prevention, hygiene problem related frequent urination/defecation, the caregiver's physical, psychological and emotional burden. In consideration of the aforesaid problem areas, a model home-ward was developed in this study. The newly developed model has been found to have the following six advantages. Firstly, the time and effort required for maintaining the patient's hygiene are reduced, thus relieving the caregiver's physical and psychological burden. Secondly, the patient's hygiene can be maintained in satisfactory conditions, because the patient's eliminations are more easily removed. Thirdly, skin irritations caused by the patient's eliminations were remarkably reduced and so were the patient's sores due to moisture and bacteria. Fourthly, the home-ward have a tilt-table effect thanks to the inclining room floor. This improves the patient's cardiovascular function as well as constantly changes pressed skin areas and thus prevents sores. Fifthly, improved shelf arrangements help make the best use of patient's supplies. Sixthly, the trouble of continuously changing clothes, underwears, diapers and bedclothes is remarkably reduced simply by covering the patient with cotton sheets when laid in bed. This is espected to cut down expenses by reducing the comsumptions of diapers and other disposable supplies.

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A Study on Effectiveness of the Hospital-based Home Nursing Care of the Early Discharged Surgical Patients and its Cost Analysis
Kyung Sook Park, Yeon Kang Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(4):545-556.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Medical insurance and health care delivery system enabled Korean people to get the necessary medical service, but it caused increased needs for medical service, and resulted in the occurence of some problems such as a lack of manpower and medical facilities. In order to solve these problems, many countries, which already had medical insurance system had developed home care system and it has been regarded effective both in reducing costs and in increasing the rates of turnover of bed. Recently, Korea has included home nursing care in its health care delivery system, and some models of the hospital based home nursing care had been tried and its effects had been evaluated. So, author tried to run a home nursing care for the Cesarean section mothers and evaluate its effects both in the mother's health and costs. This study was designed as a Quasi-experimental study. Subjects were thirty mothers who got Cesarean section operation in hospital in Seoul. Experimental group consisted of 15 volunteers, and control group were selected by means of matching technique. Data were gathered from February 1st to March 26th by two assistants who were trained by author. Experimental group were discharged on the 4th day after their operation, and got nursing care and assessment about their home three times on the 5th, 6th, and 7th day. Control group stayed in the hospital until 7th day as usual and were checked on the same day as above mentioned. To evaluate the state of physiological recovery, vital signs, H.O.F, presence of edema in the legs, bathing, appetite, sleep, presence of pain or discomfort in the breasts, amount of lochia, color of lochia, defecation, urination. To compare incidence of complication in experimental group with that in control group, specific assessment was done such variables as smell of lochia, presence of inflammation of operation wourd, dizziness, and presence of immobilization in the extremities. The activities of daily living were checked Satisfaction of nursing were checked. To calculate costs, author asked subjects to specify expenditure including hospital charge, traffic expenses, and food expenses. The results were as follows. 1. On effectiveness of home nursing care There were no significant differences between experimental and control group in incidence of abnormal symptoms and any complication. The number of taking a bath [POD #5P=0.001, #6P=0.0003, #7 P=0.001] and the degree of appetite [POD #5 P=0.03, #6 P=0.02, #7 P=0.013] were significantly higher in experimental group than in control group. Contrary to author's expectation, the degree of the activities of daily living in experimental group was not higher than that of control group. All of the experimental group said they were satisfied with the home nursing care. 2. Cost analysis 1) Hospital charge of experimental group was lower than that of control group. [P=0.009] By taking home nursing care, average period of hospitalization was shortened to 3.1 days, and family members could save 22.8 hours. Total amount of money saved by early discharge was 3,443,093 Won. It is estimated that total amount of money saved by early discharge in a year will be 40,398,956 Won. 2) Home nursing care charge of 15 mothers was 1,781,633 Won. It is estimated that total amount of money saved by it in a year will be 20,904,493 Won. It was lower altogether than hospital charge of the three days which is 5th, 6th, 7th day of operation. The average cost of single home visit was calculated 10,940 Won. It took 87 minutes per round and it costed 1,017.3 Won. The average hour of home care was 39.0 minutes. 3) It is expected that early discharge can bring forth the increase of hospital income. On the condition that the rate of running bed is 100%, the expected increase of hospital income will be 202,374, 026 Won in a year. Suggestions for further study and nursing practice are as follows: 1. For the welfare of patients and the increasd rates of running bed, home nursing care system should be included in the hospital nursing care system. 2. Studies to test effect of home nursing care on the patients with other diseases are needed. 3. Establishment of law on the practice of home nursing care is strongly recommended.

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A Preliminary Study on Setting Philosophy and Curriculum Development in Nursing Education
Yeon Kang Chung, Yoon Hee Kim, Kwang Hee Yang, Kyung Ja Han, Sang Im Han
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):162-188.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to guide the direction of the Korean nursing education to analysize (1) the philosophy and objectives (2) curriculum, and (3) educational environment. This analysis is based on the data from 50 nursing schools (14 4-year collges and 35 3-year colleges) The survey was conducted from Dec. 1986 through Jan. 1987 by mail. 1) Educational philosophy and objectives 10 4-year collges and 8 3-year college program have curicular philosohp. Most popular curricular philosophies are human beings, health, nursing, nursology, nursing education, nurses role in the present and in the future. 10 nursing schools mentioned that human being is the subject to interact with : environment physically, mentally and socially. 2 schools mentioned that health is the state of functioning well physically, mentally and socially. 13 schools mentioned that the nursing is the dynamic act to maintain and to promote the highest possible level of health. 4 schools mentioned that the nursology is an applied science. 4 schools mentioned that nursing education is the process to induce the behavioural changes based on the individual ability. There is different opinion about the nurses' role between 4-year college and 3-year college. In the responses from 4-year colleges they focus on the leadership in effective changes, self-regulating and self-determining responsibilities, applying the new technology, continuing education, and participation in research to further nursing knowledge. In the responses from 3-year colleges, they focus on the education in college, primary health care nursing, direct care provider and public health education. Among 50 respondents 40 schools have educational goals which can be divided into two categories. One is to establish the moral and the other is to develop the professionalism. 2) Curriculm The analsis of curriculum is only based on the data from the 4-year colleges because the most of 3-year colleges follow the curriculum guideline set by the Ministry of Education. a) Comparison of the credits in cultural subject and in nursing major. The average required credit for graduation is 154.6 and the median credit is the range of 140-149. The average credit of cultural subjects is 43.4. In detail, the average number of credit of required course and elective courses are 24.1 and 19.3 respectively. The average credit for major subject is 111.2. In detail, the average credit for required courses and electives course are 100.9 and 10.4 respectively. In 5 colleges, students are offered even on elective course b) Comparison of the credit by class. The average earned credits are as follows : 41.1 in freshman, 400 in sophormore 38.3 in junior and 32.4 in senior. Cultural subjects are studied in early phases. c) Comparison of the compulsory and elective cultural subject by institute. The range of credit is 7-43 in compulsory cultural subjects and there are lot of differences among institutions. While all respondents require liberal arts as com-pulsary subjects, few respondents lists social science, natural science and behavioral science as required subjects. Social science-related subjects are frequently chosen as cultural subjects. d) Distribution of creditsin cultural subjects by institute. The liberal art subjects are taught in 20 institute. English and physical education courses are taught in all instituions. The social science subjects are taught in 15 colleges and the basic Psycology and the Basic sociology are the most popular subjects. The natural science subjects are taught in 7 colleges and Biology and Chemistry are the most popular subjects among them. e) Distribution of credits in major basic courses by institute. Most of the institutes select Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, biochemistry and Pathology as basic major courses. f) Comparison of the required and elective courses for nursing major by institutions. Subjects and credit ranges in major are varing by institute. More than half of the respondents select the following subjects as required major subjects. (1) Adults Health Nursing and Practice (19.5 credits) (2) Mother and Child Care and Practice (8.9 credits) (3) Community Health Care and Practice (8.5 credits) (4) Psychiatric Nursing Care and Practice (8.1 credits) (5) Nursing Management and Practice (3.9 credits) (6) Fundamental of Nursing, Nursing Research and Health Assessment and Practice. Three institutions select Introduction to nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, School Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Nursing English, Communication, Human Development as electives in nursing major. 3) Educational environment a) Nursing institution There are forty-three 3-year colleges and seventeen 4-year colleges and 81.4% of which are private b) Number of students and faculty 19.2% of the students are in 4-year colleges and 80. 8% of the students; are in 3-year colleges. In 4-year colleges, the number of nursing faculty members is in the other of assistant professor, instructor and professor. In 3-year colleges, the orderiis lecturer, associate professor, full time instructor and assistant professor. In 4-year colleges, 18.8 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges. 33.1 students are allocated per nursing faculty. c) Clinical practices 66.7% of the 4-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic and 28.5% of 3-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic. In 4-year colleges, 11.5 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year olleges,17 students are allocated per nursing faculty. The survey shows no difference in the procedure between 4 year colleges and 3-year colleges but 3-year colleges choose the more variety practicing site such as special hospital and community health clinic. d) Audiovisual facilities The survey shows a lot of diference in audiovisual facilities among institution and 3-year colleges are less equipped than 4-yearcolleges.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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