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Factors Discriminating Nurses' Depression among Personal and Environmental Characteristics
Hae Jung Lee, Yong Sook Eo, Nam Hee Park, Gil Za Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):867-877.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of depression experienced by Korean hospital nurses (N=198) and to identify discriminating factors of their depression experience among personal and environmental characteristics. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey design was used to answer the research questions. A sample consisted of 198 hospital nurses in Korea. The data were collected from May 1999 to March 2000. Descriptive and discriminant analyses were utilized. RESULT: Korean nurses experienced low levels of depression. Twenty nine percent of nurses in the study experienced depression based on the cut-point suggested by Radloff. Role ambiguity, working in the tertiary hospital, work satisfaction in autonomy, professional status and interaction within nurses were significant discriminating factors for nurses' depression. These factors correctly discriminated 71% of the sample (Hit ratio= .71). CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of this study, developing managemental intervention programs and examining the effects of the program for nurses to reduce their depression experience are suggested.

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Identifying Usability Level and Factors Affecting Electronic Nursing Record Systems: A Multi-institutional Time-motion Approach
Insook Cho, Won-Ja Choi, WoanHeui Choi, Misuk Hyun, Yeonok Park, Yoona Lee, Euiyoung Cho, Okhee Hwang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(4):523-532.   Published online August 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

The usability, user satisfaction, and impact of electronic nursing record (ENR) systems were investigated.


This mixed-method research was performed as a time-motion (TM) study and a survey which were carried out at six hospitals between August and November 2013. The TM study involved 108 nurses from medical, surgical, and intensive care units at each hospital, plus an additional 48 nurses who served as nonparticipating observers. In the survey, 1879 volunteer nurses completed the Impact of ENR Systems Scale, the System Usability Scale, and a global satisfaction scale. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed.


The mean scores for the ENR impact, system usability, and satisfaction were 4.28 (out of 6), 58.62 (out of 100), and 74.31 (out of 100), respectively, and they differed significantly between hospitals (F=43.43, p<.001, F=53.08 and p<.001, and F=29.13 and p<.001, respectively). A workflow fragmentation assessment revealed different patterns of ENR system use among the included hospitals. Three user characteristics-educational background, practice period, and experience of using paper records-significantly affected the system usability and satisfaction scores.


The system quality varied widely among the ENR systems. The generally low-to-moderate levels of system usability and user satisfaction suggest many opportunities for improvement.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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