PURPOSE: This study was conducted to detect the correlations and the main factors influencing self-directedness in learning of nursing students. METHOD: The samples were composed of 224 nurse students who were from three nursing department in Seoul, Chungnam and Kyunbook. The reliability of 4 instruments was tested with Cronbach's alpha from .63 to .86. The data was analyzed using a SAS program for descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. RESULT: The results were as follows: 1. The mean self-directedness score was 91.23 which was slightly high. The self-directedness in learning was influenced significantly by grade, perception of self-level, self-study in majoring and self-study except for majoring(F= 3.33-7.14, p<.05). 2. There were significant correlations between all the predictive variables and the self-directedness(r=.27-48, p<.01). 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that 35% of the self-directedness in learning of nursing students were significantly explained by self-esteem(23%), locus of control(6%), self-study except for majoring(2 kind, 2%), self study in majoring(good, 2%), and self-study except for majoring( above 3 kind, 2%). CONCLUSION: Based upon these findings, sociopsychological variables like self-esteem and locus of control are very important factor influencing self-directedness in learning of nursing students.
PURPOSE: This study was to identify the trends and contents of imagery interventions and to evaluate the effects of imagery interventions by using meta-analysis. METHOD: The materials used for this study were 15 imagery intervention studies carried out from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 2001. The studies were analyzed and evaluated in different categories: 1) types of dependent variables 2) types of imagery 3) interval of imagery 4) total duration of imagery 5) sample characteristics 6) intervention method. RESULT: 1) Behavioral imagery was more prevalent than dynamic imagery. There were wide variations in duration, and interval of interventions. Imagery intervention had moderate effects on psychological variables (state of anxiety, depression & and stress etc.) and had moderate to large effects on physiological variable(pulse rate, cortisol etc.). Behavioral imagery had larger effects than dynamic imagery. Imagery applied to the public had larger effect on decreasing the state of anxiety and stress than applied to the patients. But imagery applied to the patients had a larger effect on decreasing depression than applied to the public. The imagery intervention method by using the individual approach had greater effect than group approach method. CONCLUSION: These results of this study will be used to guide the development of imagery interventions to nursing practice. Also, various types of imagery interventions need to be developed based on the characteristics of nursing practice.
This study is a methodical research to develop a health behavior assessment scale for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. The research procedure was as follows; 1) The first step was to develop conceptual framework based on a comprehensive review of the literature, in-depth interviews patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This conceptual framework was organized in eight dimensions; pain management, exercise, rest, diet control, active committment, self-management, positive thinking, interpersonal maintenance. Initially 56 items were selected from 164 statement. 2) These items were reviewed by panel of eight specialists and the Index of Content validity (CVI) was calculated, and forty six items were selected which met more than 70% on the CVI. 3) 174 rheumatoid arthritis pateints were interviewed, and data was gathered from Jan. 25 to Feb. 18, 1999 for test reliabilities and validities of the scale. The item analysis was carried out and 40 items were selected. Factor analysis by varimax rotation was carried out to test construct validity. The internal consistency by chronbach's alpha was calculated. The findings were as follows; 1) Item analysis and factor analysis were carried out to test the validity of the health behavior assessment scale. The item analysis was based on the corrected item`s to total correlation coefficient (.30 or more), and information about the alpha estimate. However, this was only if this item was deleted from the scale. As a result of the item analysis, forty items were selected. Thirty items were selected by a initial factor analysis by varimax rotation, and ten items were deleted because of factor complexity. In the secondary factor analysis, eight factors were labled as 'positive thinking', 'exercise', 'rest', 'pain management', 'active committment', 'self-management', 'diet control', and 'interpersonal maintenance', each similar with the conceptual framework. 2) Chronbach's alpha coefficient to test reliability of the scale was. 903 for total the thirty items. The Scale for assessing health behavior developed in this study was identified to be a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. Therefore this scale can be effectively utilized for assessment in the health behaviors of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to understand the degree of vitality, meaning in life and self-efficacy and to elucidate the factors influencing this vitality in the nurses of Korea. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of nurses from 4 hospitals was conducted by convenience sampling. Data collection was conducted through the use of questionnaires which were constructed to include a Vitality Self Test, Purpose in Life Test and Self-efficacy Scale. RESULTS: The degree of vitality in nurses was in the middle range. The nurses of this study had few goals towards meaning in life, and an existential vacuum state. A positive relationship was found between vitality and the research variables. The significant predictors influencing vitality in nurses were meaning in life, self-efficacy, and clinical career, and these variables accounted for 28.7% of the variance in vitality. CONCLUSIONS: This results support that vitality is an important link with meaning in life and self-efficacy. There should be a comprehensive study in the future for in-depth understanding of the vitality of nurses.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of Yakson therapy as a pain management tool on the physiologic and behavioral reponses of infants with a painful heelstick procedure.
Infants were randomly assigned to a group that underwent a series of Yakson therapy and a control that received nothingbefore a heelstick. Heart rate, oxygen saturation, and NIPS were compared between the experimental (n=16) and control (n=16) infants during an undisturbed baseline and after a standard heelstick procedure. Yakson therapy consisted of laying a hand on the back, and caressing the abdomen by hand for 5 minutes.
The pain scores of the Yakson group were lower than the control group. Foroxygen saturation, there were statistically significant differences between groups. For heart rate, there were no statistically significant differences between groups.
This data suggests that Yakson therapy had a pain relief effect in behavior responses and SaO2. Accordingly, Yakson therapy should be used as a nursing intervention for simple pain management for a heel prick.
This study was conducted to understand the degree of internet addiction tendency and to find out the factors influencing this addiction tendency among middle school students in Gyeong-buk area.
A total of 450 middle school students in the Daegu and Gyeong-buk area were surveyed in this study. Data collection was conducted through the use of questionnaires.
Internet addiction among middle school students was relatively low (Average user). In the overall ratio distribution, however, students who were classified as either addicted or at risk of addiction accounted for a high percentage, 27%. A positive correlation was found between Internet addiction and Internet expectation, depression and parent control over Internet use. A negative correlation was found between Internet addiction and interpersonal relationship, parent support and self-control. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of Internet addiction tendency was depression.
Through the above results, it would be necessary to develop an Internet addiction prevention program for adolescents taking into account for the psychological factors such as depression and Internet use habits. In the future study, the need assessment will be useful for developing this prevention program.
The purpose of the study was to identify and explain the essences and structures of maternal conflicts in Vietnamese married immigrant women in Korea.
A phenomenological methodology was used for the study. Eleven Vietnamese married immigrant women participated in the study. Verbatim transcripts were analyzed using Colaizzi's method.
Four categories, 10 clusters and 26 themes emerged from the data for the experience in maternal conflicts of Vietnamese married immigrant women. The four categories were 'An unprepared young motherhood in another culture', 'Feeling left out of the mother's place along the bands of Nap tai tradition', 'My image is like not-being able to stand alone/be independent' and 'Finding hope in motherhood despite of conflicts and stigmas'.
Vietnamese married immigrant women experienced not only the negative aspects but also sublimation of maternal conflicts. Based on the results, health professionals need to develop effective nursing interventions toward a positive maternal identity and approach with interculturalism for the Vietnamese married immigrant women in Korea.
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of parenting from the parents of children with ADHD and to develop a grounded theory about their experiences.
This study was a qualitative research study that used a grounded theory to understand and discuss the parenting experiences of parents of children with ADHD in a greater depth. Grounded data was collected through an in-depth interview from twelve participants with ADHD children. The data was analyzed using the grounded theory method.
“Approaching the normal” emerged as the core phenomenone. Parenting experiences for parents of children with ADHD referred to a process of bringing the children, back on track of normal growth development, and their functioning in the family at a normal level and establishing a new normalcy. The process of approaching the normal involved a basic social-psychological process, such as ‘living a day in hell’, ‘accepting’, ‘confronting the conflicts’, ‘lowering expectations’, and ‘making a new normalcy’.
The outcomes of this study, which observed the parenting process of parents of children with ADHD, could enhance nurses' understanding of ADHD and help nurses become major mental health service providers for the mental health of children with ADHD and their families.