This study was designed to identify the degree of self-image and social support among Korean-Chinese adolescents and investigate the relationship between these variables.
A total of 621 Korean-Chinese adolescents in five middle schools in YanBian, China were recruited from March 1st to the 9th, 2005. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, and ANOVA with the SPSS 11.5 program.
In Korean-Chinese adolescents, the total self-image score was statistically different for age, parents' education status, parents' job and living with parents. In the 12 subscales, scoresof emotional tone, impulse control, sexuality, social functioning, vocational attitudes and self-reliance had significant differences between groups regarding gender. The total self-image was in the average range. However, areas of mental health and family function were lower than average and the scale of idealism washigher than average. The adolescents perceived parent's support was higher then friend's support. There was a positive correlation between self-image and social support.
The findings suggest there is a need to examine self-image and social support of Korean- Chinese adolescents according to their parents' marital status and a need to develop a program to help these broken family's adolescents.