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Original Article
The Development and Effects of WEB Instruction Programs for Drug Abuse Prevention in Korean Adolescents
Young Sook Min
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):1055-1065.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop, through the integration of instructional theory, a Courseware and to investigate the effectiveness of a web-based computer assisted instruction(WBI) program for preventing drug abuse, a serious problem for youth problem. During the first stage of this study done "Drug Abuse Prevention" Courseware was developed based on, Gagn & Brigg's instructional design theory, Keller's ARCS theory and the CAI model of Hannafin & Peck. For the second stage, the courseware was used to provide education for students adolescents in drug abuse prevention. This study used an quasi-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design with a convenience sample of 36 male high school students who were at one high school located in Seoul. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires which included a learning achievement tool, the Keller's IMMS (Instructional Material Motivation Survey), on attitudes to drug use, and on responses to the WBI instruction. Prior to the experiment, the "drug abuse prevention" learning method and the procedures of the study were explained to the students, and then the learning achievement of the subjects was measured as a pretest. The students were then given 2 weeks WBI utilizing the courseware. A post-test which included the pre-test learning achievement questionnaire and a survey of learning motivation and attitudes toward drug were given two weeks after the education was completed. The data analysis was done using SPSS/PC. Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between the pre-test and post-test scores for learning achievement. The results of the analysis are as follows: There were significant differences in learning achievement between the pre-test and post-test(t=-18.62, p=0.000). The hypothesis, that learning achievement will be higher, after the class has used the courseware, than before was supported. The scores for learning motivation and attitudes toward drugs were also higher than the results of existing studies. In conclusion, this study suggests that WBI is an effective learning method in the prevention of drug abuse for adolescents as it can be used for self-learning and repeated learning as assisted instruction. Recommendation would be given that further research needs to be develped in the courseware by cognitive learning style and by multimedia courseware and virtual reality system.

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