The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective opinions related to of smoking behavior of university students with a history of smoking. The research period was from Feb, 1. 1996 to Sep. 10. 1997. The research method used was Q-methodology. The process of the research was as follows : 1. Collection of concourse : The statement of self-reference was derived from fact to face interviews with 50 university students. Statement were categorized by researcher according to semantics. 2. Extraction of Q-sample 38 of the self-reference statements from the 32 categories of the Q-population were selected. 3. Selection of P-sample : 30 of university students were selected by consideration of diversity in sociodemographic background. 4. Based on a 1 to 9 point scale, the selected university students were made to participate in Q-sorting. 5. Analysis of Q-type was obtained by use of the QUANAL program. The results of this study revealed as follows : There are three types of smoking behavior of Korean university students. 1. The first type focused on the right of the individual to smoke and the lack of recognition of smoking behavior as a health hazard. 2. The second type cared about smoking behavior as a hazard to health. 3. The third type was habitual smoker. They are bored and smoke habitually. It is suggested that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies for the purpose of decreasing the incidence of smoking of university students.
The purpose of this study was designed to develope and test the structural model that explains alcohol consumption behaviors among university students in Republic of Korea. The hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of the literature review and Pender's Health promotion model. Data was collected from questionnaires from 512 university students in Republic of Korea, from August to September, 2000. The reliability of instruments was adequate (Cronbach's alpha= .69-.90). Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and LISREL 8.13 program for covariance structural analysis. The results are as follows;1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate. Thus it was modified by male and female models.2. The revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the empirical data (male: x2=87.21 p=.00, GFI=.97, AGFI= .94, NFI=.99, NNFI=1.0, CN=619.17, female: x2=49.29 p=.31, GFI=.45, AGFI= .95, NFI=.99, NNFI=1.0, CN=370.02).3. Self-efficacy was most significant factor and personality of novelty seeking, reward compensation, alcohol expectancy and drinking attitude have significant effects on male alcohol consumption behavior. 4. Personality of novelty seeking was most significant factor and personality of harm avoidance, friend influence, self-efficacies, alcohol expectancy and drinking attitude have significant effects on female alcohol consumption behavior.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sensory stimulation
on premature infants.
Thirty three premature infants admitted to NICU of D University Hospital in C
city were randomly assigned in two groups (Experimental group: 16, Control group:17).
For the experimental group, tactile and kinesthetic stimulation developed by Dr. Field
was applied 2 times a day for 10 days. Behavioral state was measured using the
Anderson Behavioral State Scale (ABSS). Heart rate, respiration, and oxygen saturation
were obtained for each infant before and after sensory stimulation.
Hypothesis testing was done using the X2- test, student t-test, and repeated measures
Hypothesis 1: There was a significant difference in the daily body weight gain between
experimental and control group (F= 40.77, p= .0001).
Hypothesis 2: There was a significant difference in the frequency of 'inactive awake
state' between two groups (X2= 39.778, p= .001).
Hypothesis 3: There were significant differences in the mean of heart rate and O2
saturation between two groups (t= -2.174, p= .037; t= 3.080, p= .005). However, there
was no significant difference in the mean of respiration rate between two groups (t=
-1.966, p= .581).
The effectiveness of a sensory stimulation on weight gain and behavioral
state in premature infants was supported. Further study is recommended to develop a
sensory stimulation method as an independent nursing intervention for premature infant.
PURPOSE: This study is used to investigate the correlation among a stroke patient family's health, burden and quality of life.
Data was collected from one hundred twenty family care-givers registered at K and H Hospital in Seoul. Questionnaire data was drawn up by personal interviews aided by the staff nurses. The analyses of collected data are based on the rate of 100 percentage to the average, t-test, ANOVA, DMR, Pearson Correlation.
(1) The influential factors on physical health proved to be age, sex, academic career, matrimonial status, present occupation, economic situation, the relationship with the patient, the patient-caring term, and the family-formation. The psychological health issues were age, final academic career, matrimonial status, the relation with patient and the family-formation. Burdens were shown to be age, matrimonial status, the relation with patient, and the patient-caring term. The quality of life was determined by age, final academic career, matrimonial status, and the relationship with the patient, the patient-caring term, and the family-formation. (2) The rate of the physical condition was 2.87, the psychological condition 2.43, the sense of burden 3.08, and the quality of life was 2.42. (3) The rate of correlation between the burden and the quality of life was (r=−.547), the psychological health and the burden was (r=−.531), the physical health and the burden was (r=−.263), physical health and quality of life was (r=.301), psychological health, and quality of life was (r=.413).
It follows from this study that there is a very close correlation among the stroke patient family's health, the burden, and quality of life. Therefore it is necessary that we should find various nursing intervention ways in order to mitigate the burden of family when caring for the stroke patients.
This study was to develop an online ‘ alternative therapy and health promotion’ class for university students and to evaluate its changes.
The online class was developed based on the Instructional Systems Development (ISD) model and model of Web-Based Instruction (WBI) developmental process. This was a quasi- experimental, one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study were 130 students in 3 universities, and they were provided the cyber class for 16 weeks. Data was analyzed by descriptive and plural answer statistics, and paired t-test.
The cyber class was developed in five steps : analysis, design, data collection and reconstruction, programing and publishing, and evaluation. The results of program evaluation were positive, which included learning 3.47, system 3.57, and learning satisfaction 3.64 on the scale of 5. The posttest scores of cognition and reliability of alternative therapy were higher than pretest scores. The posttest score of health promoting lifestyle (t=-5.051, p=.000) and perceived health status (t=2.979, p=.003) were significantly higher than those of the pretest.
These results suggest that the cyber class is a positive method in increasing a cognition, reliability of alternative therapy, and is effective to improve a health promotion lifestyle and perceived health status for the university students.
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between self efficacy (SE), health promoting behaviors (HPB) and symptoms of stress (SOS) among university students.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 369 university students in Seoul, Korea. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.
The mean score for SE was 3.42, the mean score for HPB was 2.48, and the mean score for SOS was 2.31. The score of SOS showed a significantly negative correlation with the score of SE (r=-.24, p=.00) and HPB (r=-.13, r=.00). Also, SOS showed a significantly negative correlation with diet HPB (r=-.15, p=.00), spiritual growth HPB (r=-.17, p=.00), interpersonal relationship HPB (r=-.17, p=.00), and stress management HPB (r=-.10, p=.04). The most powerful predictor of SOS was SE and the variance was 10%. A combination of SE, diet, problems related to drinking, and responsibility for health HPB account for 16% of the variance in SOS among university students.
This study suggests that SE and HPB are significant influencing factors on SOS among university students.