The majority of studies on breastfeeding consists of descriptive correlational studies identifying the incidence and correlates of breastfeeding. The theory of planned behavior has been shown to yield great predictive power for behavioral goals over which individuals have only limited control such as improving school grades and weight loss. The purpose of this study was to test the "theory of planned behavior" in the prediction of breastfeeding of mothers who delivered vaginally. One hundred mothers who delivered vaginally in one general hospital in Seoul and one general hospital and three private hospitals in Taejeon participated in this study. The instruments used for data collection in this study were developed by the researchers following the guidelines suggested by Ajzen and Fishbein(1980) and Ajzen and Madden(1986). The instruments included measurement of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and intention. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation, hierachical multiple regression and logistic regression. The results are as follows : 1. Intention to breastfeed correlated significantly with attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. Both attitude and subjective norm did not make a significant contribution to the prediction of intention, but the addition of perceived behavioral control to the regression equation greatly improved the model's predictive power, increasing the R(2) from .05 to .52. 2. Intention to breastfeed alone had a significant predictive effect on actual breastfeeding, resulting in a regression coefficient of .16(x2=8.60, p<.01), but when perceived behavioral control was added to the equation, intention was not a significant predictive variable and only perceived behavioral control showed significant predictive power on actual breastfeeding, resulting in a regression coefficient of .12(x2=4.68, p<.05). In sum, breastfeeding behavior lent only partial support to the second version of the theory of planned to the second version of the theory of planned behavior, and because perceived behavioral control had a strong effect on intention to breastfeed and actual breastfeeding, it would be desirable to develop nursing intervention programs which focus on strengthening the perceived behavioral control for the promotion of breastfeeding.
The objectives of this study were to verify the effectiveness of the Theory of Planned Behavior in predicting exercise intention and exercise behavior, and to examine the determinants of exercise intention and exercise behavior in the sample of middle-aged women. The subjects who participated in this study were 263 middle-aged women. The instruments used for this study was a survey of general characteristics, attitude (18 items), subjective norm (2 items), perceived behavioral control (19 items), intention (3 items), and exercise behavior (7 items and 23 items for each). Analysis of data was done by use of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis with SAS PC program. The hypothetical model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior was tested by use of LISREL 8.12a program. 1) The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was good(chi-square=11.76, p=0.03, RMSEA=0.07, standardized RMR= 0.03, GFI=0.99, AGFI=0.94, NFI=0.97, NNFI=0.95). 2) Perceived behavioral control, attitude, and subjective norm were significant determinants of exercise intention, and these variables explained 35% of the total variance of exercise intention. 3) Perceived behavioral control, intention, and attitude were significant determinants of exercise behavior. But, subjective norm was not a significant determinants. These four variables explained 69% of the total variance of exercise behavior. In conclusion, this study shows the applicability of the Theory of Planned Behavior in explaining exercise behavior of middle-aged women, and suggests that health care providers should focus on perceived behavioral control and attitude rather than subjective norm to improve exercise behavior of middle-aged women.
The purpose of this study was to test the Theory of planned Behavior in the prediction of contraceptive behavior among married women. This study used a descriptive correlational design to examine the relationships among the study variables. Eighty married women in Seoul and Kyungki-do participated in this study. Research instruments used were the tool for measuring TPB variables search as attitude toward contraception , subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and intention: and the tool for measuring contraceptive behavior . The former was modified by the researcher according to Ajzen and Fishbein(1980)'s guidelines for tool development and Jee(1993)'s tool. The latter was developed by the research. Data was collected from July 20, 1996 to October 25, 1996. The results are as follows: The three factors, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control of contraception can explain 30% of the variance in contraceptive intention. Inspection of path coefficient for each of the three predictor variables revealed that subjective norm and perceived behavior control were the predictor variables on intention, while attitude was not ; and intention and perceived behavior control factors can explain 42% of the variance in contraceptive behavior. Inspection of path coefficient for each of the two predictor variables revealed that intention and perceived behavior control were the predictor variables on behavior. In conclusion, this study identified that Theory of Planned Behavior was a useful model in the prediction of contraceptive behavior, and the contraceptive service program based on the TPB variables would be an effective nursing intervention for the change in contraceptive behavior.
This study examined Korean clinical nurses' intentions to care for SARS patients and identify determinants of the intentions. Theory of planned behavior was the framework to explain the intentions of Korean nurses for SARS patients care.
A convenient sample of six hundreds and seventy nine clinical nurses from four university-affiliated hospitals located in Seoul and in Kyung-gi province was used. Self-administered (83-items) questionnaire was used to collect data. Intentions, attitude, subjective norm, perceive behavioral control, behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs were the study variables. All items were measured using 7-point Likert scale (−3 to +3). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation method, and stepwise multiple regression methods.
Intentions and attitudes toward SARS patient care among Korean clinical nurses were moderate, but their subjective norm and perceive behavioral control of SARS patients care were negative. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that attitude toward SARS patient care, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm were the determinants of the intentions for SARS patients care as theory proposed. Among the behavioral beliefs, “SARS-patient caring would be a new experience”, “during SARS-patient caring, I should be apart from my family”, “after completing SARS-patient caring, I would be proud of myself being able to cope with a stressful event” and “with my SARS-patient caring, patients could recover from SARS” were the significant determinants. Among the normative beliefs, colleague approval, spouse approval, and physician approval were significant determinants of the intentions. Among the control beliefs, “SARS-patient caring would be a challenge” “SARS-patient caring is a professional responsibility”, “tension during the care of SARS patients” and “support from team members” were the significant determinants of the intentions.
Korean clinical nurses in this study were not willing to care for SARS patients and showed negative attitude toward the care. They believed their friends and family were not approved their care for SARS patients. Nurses were in conflicts between professional responsibilities to care for SARS patients and personal safety. This study was the first to understand stress and burden of Korean clinical nurses who are in front line to care for newly developed communicable disease such as SARS. Under the circumstance where several fatal communicable diseases are predictable, conflicts between professional responsibility and their personal risks should be taken into considerations by nurses themselves and by nursing administrators in order to improve quality of care.
This study was done to develop and test validity and reliability of on instrument for predicting nursing intention for SARS patient care.
The psychometric properties of a SARS patient care attrition prediction tool, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, were examined in this study. The Three-phase design involved a) salient beliefs generated from clinical nurses (n=43) b) content validation by expert panel evaluations(n=5) c) face validation by plot testing (n=10) d) and instrument validation in a cross sectional survey (n=299). Psychometric analysis of survey data provided empirical evidence of the construct validity and reliability of the instrument.
Principal component analysis verified the hypothesized 6-factor solution, explaining 68.2% of variance, and Alpha coefficients of .7538 to .9389 indicated a high internal consistency of the instrument.
The instrument can be used by nurse administrators and researcher to assess clinical nurses' salient beliefs about caring for SARS patients, guide tailored intervention strategies to effective caring, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.