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3 "Symptoms of stress"
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Influencing Factors on Symptoms of Stress of Middle Aged Women
Kuem Sun Han, Pyoung Sook Lee, Yong Mi Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1427-1436.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factor on Symptoms of Stress of Middle Aged Women. The subjects of this study were 35 middle aged women who lives in Seattle, Washington in U.S, and 74 middle aged women who lives in Seoul. Data collection was performed at the University of Washington and Seoul from Oct. 1998 to May. 1999. Data collected through 4 types of questionnaires : SOS, Ways of Coping, Mood Status, Perceived Stress. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The stress symptoms showed positive correlation with emotion-oriented coping, mood status, and perceives stress. 2. Stepwised multiple regression analysis revealed that most powerful predictor of Stress Symptoms was mood status. A combination of perceived stress, mood status and ways of coping account for 64% of the variance in Symptoms of stress in Middle aged women. From the results of the study, the following recommendations are presented as follow: 1. It is necessary to replicate this study with a larger sample. 2. It is necessary to develop a stress management program focused on ways of coping, mood status, perceived stress for middle aged women.

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A study of Stress Reaction, Symptoms of Stress, Health Promoting Behavior, and Quality of Life in Korean Immigrant Middle Aged Women
Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):606-618.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the level of Symptoms of Stress, Stress Reaction, Health Promoting Behavior, and Quality of Life in Korean Immigrant Middle Aged Women. The subjects of this study were 33 middle aged women who live in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Data collection was performed at the U.W from Oct. 1998 to May. 1999. Data collection time was one hour and data was collected through 4 types of questionnaires : SOS, Health Promoting Behaviors, Quality of Life and Demographic data form, and the Physiologic Stress Profile was collected by J&J I-410 biofeedback equipment. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and the pearson correlation coefficient using the SAS program. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The level of physiological stress reaction and stress symptoms showed high level and quality of life showed low in general. 2. The Stress Reaction and Symptoms of Stress showed significant negative correlation with health promoting behavior, quality of life in the middle aged women. 3. The health promoting behavior showed significant positive correlation with quality of life in the middle aged women. In conclusion, the physiological stress reaction, symptoms of stress, and health promoting behavior were major influencing factor to quality of life in Korean Immigrant Women. From the results of the study, the following recommendations are presented as follow: 1. It is suggested that the study for developing the health promotion program focused on stress self-regulation for Korean immigrant women. 2. It is suggested that the comparative study for Korean immigrant women and Women in Korea. 3. It is necessary to broaden the scope of nursing practice for middle aged healthy women, so nurses can include a health promotion program focused on stress self-regulating as part of nursing care.

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Perceived Stress, Mood State, and Symptoms of Stress of the Patient with Chronic Illness
Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(1):87-94.   Published online March 28, 2017

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing Symptoms of Stress in patients with chronic illness.


Data were collected by questionnaires from 1,748 patients with chronic disease in General Hospital in Seoul. Chronic diseases of were cardiac disease including hypertension, peptic ulcer, pulmonary disease included COPD and asthma, DM, and chronic kidney disease. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.


1. The level of symptoms of stress was moderate(M=2.17). 2. The score of symptoms of stress showed significantly positive correlation with the score of mood state(r=.58, p=.00), perceived stress(r=.57, p=.00), and ways of coping(r=.33, p=.00). The symptoms of stress showed significantly negative correlation with the score of social support(r=-.37, p=.00) and self-esteem(r=-.19, p=.00). 3. The most powerful predictor of symptoms of stress was mood state and the variance explained was 34%. A combination of mood state, ways of coping, perceived stress, social support, and duration of illness account for 45% of the variance in symptoms of stress of the patients with chronic illness.


This study suggest that mood state, ways of coping, perceived stress, and social support are significantly influencing factors on symptoms of stress of the patients with chronic illness.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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