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Epidemiological Study of the Communicable Disease in Kang Won Area
Sung Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):73-86.   Published online April 3, 2017
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A epidemiological study was condueted by autlor on 925 official reported patients with first grade legal communicable disease during the period from January 1969 to December 1970 in all area of Kangwon province. As the results of this study, the following conclusion were obtained. A) Typhoid fever 1. Of all 925 patients surveyed, typhoid fever showed the highest rate as 50.7 persent. 2. Age group from 10 to 14 years old showed the highest rates 3. High epidemic period was from june to September. 4. As for the occupatlonal distrlbution, unemployee slrowed the lriglrest late as 63.2 persent, followed by 21.1 persent in farmer and 9.4 persent in student. 5. Most of all patients(93.7%) were isolated in their own house 6. The morbidity rate was 16.0 per 100,000 population and case fatality rate was 1.76 percent 7. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curation were 11.7+-7.1 days and 25.1+-13.8 days respectively. 8. Main diagnostic method was almost the clinical examination B) Dysentery 1. Of all 925 patients surveyed, dysentery showed 44.4 percent 2. Age group from 0 to 9 years old showed the highest rate 3. High epidemic period of this disease was from April to August 4. As for the occupational distribution, unemployee showed the highest rate as 73.9 persent, followed by 17.7 person in farmers and 7.0 percent in student 5. The attack rate of agricultural area was higher than of fiching area 6. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curating duration were 10.4+-4.3 days and 15.7+-8.8 days respectively. 7. The morbidity rate and case fatality rate were 21.8 per 100,000 population and 1.45 percent, respectively. 8. Most of all patients were isolated in own house 9. Most of all patients(97.6%) were diagnosed by the clinical examination C) Diphtheria 1. As for the age distribution, 0-4 years old group showed the highest rate as 44.4 percent, followed by 27.7 percent in 5-9 years old group and 22.2 percent in 10-14 years old group 2. Epidemic season was almost in autum, winter and spring 3. The morbidity rate was 0.96 per 100.000 population and case fatality rate was high as 26.6 percent 4. 66.6 percent of this disease was isolated in their own house and others were admittend in hospital D) Paratyphold Fever 1. Most of all patients were attacked below 20 years old 2. Epidemic season was almost was almost in late summer 3. The morbidity rate was 0.53 per 100.000 population 4. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curating duration were 18.3+-1.3 day and 13.7+-0.2 day respectively.

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Nursing Interventions Classification(NIC) Use in Korea: Oriental Medicine Hospitals and General Hospitals
Young Hee Yom, Sung Sil Kim, In Sook Kim, Won Sook Park, Eun Ju Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(4):802-816.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this research were to identify nursing interventions performed by Korean nurses and to compare the interventions performed by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals and with those performed by nurses working in the general hospitals. The samples consisted of 144 Korean nurses working in three hospitals, 70 nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals and 74 nurses working in the general hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Classification(NIC) Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was translated to Korean and verified using the method of back-translation. The questionnaire consists of 433 intervention labels and definition. Thirteen interventions were used at least daily by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals, while twenty-one interventions were used at least daily by nurses working in the general hospitals. the most frequently used interventions by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals were Documentation, shift Report vital signs Monitoring, Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Positioning, Fall Prevention, Exercise Promotion, Intravenous(IV) Therapy, Pressure Ulcer care, and Bed Rest Care in that crder. For nurses working in the general hospitals the most frequent intervention was Analgesic Administration, followed by the interventions of Medication Administration : Parenteral and Intravenous Therapy(IV) Therapy, Documentation, Intravenous(IV) Insertion, shift Report, Fall Prevention, vital Signs Monitoring, Medication Adnninistraction : and , fluid Monitoring, and Medication Management in that order. The interventions performed least often by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals were Hemodialysis Therapy and Bleeding Reduction : Antepartum Uterus, while the interventions performed least often by nurses working in the general hospital were Rape Trauma Treatment and Contact Lens Care. The nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals performed the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain significantly more often than the nurses working in the general hospitals, while the nurses working in the general hospitals performed the intervention in the Behavior domain significantly more often than the nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals. This study suggests that further study will be needed to developed and validate more interventions sensitive to Korean culture.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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