This study was performed to assess the reliability and validity of the Korean version of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire - Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 20 items (EORTC QLQ-CIPN20) in patients receiving neurotoxic chemotherapy.
A convenience sample of 249 Korean cancer patients, previously or currently, being treated with peripheral neurotoxic chemotherapeutic agents were asked to fill in the questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Construct validity, known-group validity, concurrent validity, and internal consistency reliability of the Korean version of the QLQ-CIPN20 were evaluated.
Factor analysis confirmed 3 dimensions of CIPN: sensory, motor, and autonomic. The factor loadings of the 20 items on the 3 subscales ranged from .38 to .85. The 3 subscale-model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (GFI= .90, AGFI= .86, RMSR= .05, NFI= .87, and CFI= .94), and concurrent validity was demonstrated with the EORTC QLQ-C30. Furthermore, the QLQ-CIPN20 established known-group validity. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients for internal consistency of the subscales ranged from .73 to .89.
The Korean version of the EORTC QLQ-CIPN20 showed satisfactory construct, concurrent, and known-group validity, as well as internal reliability.
The purpose of this study was to explore the health-illness transition of patients with Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease (YOPD).
From June to November 2011, 17 patients with YOPD who visited a neurologic clinic in a tertiary hospital participated in the study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using the grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin.
The core category of the participants' health-illness transition emerged as 'reshaping identity following uncontrollable changes'. The participants' health-illness transition process consisted of six phases in sequence: ego withdrawal, loss of role, frustration, change of thought, modification of life tract, and second life. Although most participants proceeded through the six phases chronologically, some returned to the frustration phase and then took up the remaining phases.
The study results provide an in-depth understanding of health-illness transition experiences in the participants. These findings suggest a need to develop appropriate nursing intervention strategies according to the different phases in the health-illness transition of patients with YOPD.