The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between health locus of control (HLOC) and the eating behaviors in obese high school girls. The sample consisted of 262 obese high school girls in Seoul and Kangwon-Do. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average scores of HLOC were HLOC- Internal; 4.06, HLOC-External; 2.47, and HLOC-Chance; 2.15. 2. The average scores of eating behavior factors were Disinhibition ; 2.91, Hunger ; 2.73, Dietary Restraint ; 2.55. 3. The HLOC-Internal and eating behavior (dietary restraint, disinhibition and hunger) were correlated positively. The HLOC- Chance and hunger was correlated positively. But HLOC-Chance and other eating behavior factors (dietary restraint & disinhibition) were not correlated in the level of statistical significances. The HLOC-External and eating behavior (dietary restraint, disinhibition and hunger) were correlated positively. 4. There was not a significant difference in HLOC depending on the existence of an obese sibling. There were significant differences in HLOC-Internal and HLOC- External depending on the evaluation of one's body figure. 5. There were significant differences in disinhibition and hunger depending on the existence of obese sibling. Also, there were significant difference in dietary restraint according to self perception of who is obese or not (t=3.342, p=.001). This study has shown a correlation between HLOC and eating behavior. As a result of these findings, clinical and school nurses should be involved in management and counselling obese girls concerning individual health locus of control and eating behavior.