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A Structural Equation Model on Social Re-Adjustment of Stroke Patients: Based on Roy’s Adaptation Model
Kim, Jungmi , Kim, Hwasoon
J Korean Acad Nurs 2023;53(4):480-495.   Published online August 31, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to develop and test a structural equation model on social re-adjustment of individuals with stroke based on a literature review and Roy’s adaptation model.
This study involved 321 participants who had a stroke and visited the outpatient department after discharge. The hypothetical model was developed based on Roy’s adaptation model and a comprehensive review of previous literature on the topic. The model comprised four exogenous variables (neurological damage, gender [man], age, and social support) and five endogenous variables (activities of daily living, acceptance of disability, depression, rehabilitation motivation, and social re-adjustment). The data were analyzed using SPSS Windows software version 22.0 and AMOS 23.0.
Out of 28 research hypotheses, 18 were supported, and they indicated approximately 64% probability of social re-adjustment. Social re-adjustment is directly and significantly affected by age, social support, activities of daily living, and depression. Social re-adjustment is indirectly affected by neurological impairment, gender (men), age, social support, and rehabilitation motivation.
Continuous assistance and care should be provided for individuals with disabilities caused by sudden neurological damage to facilitate gradual improvement in their social re-adjustment. To enhance social re-adjustment, especially among older adults, newly developed interventions should focus on improving their activities of daily living, preventing depression, and enhancing support from family and healthcare personnel.
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Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Ischemic Stroke Distress Scale (ISDS)
Kang, Jaejin , Yoo, Yang-Sook
J Korean Acad Nurs 2023;53(1):12-27.   Published online February 28, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to develop a scale to measure distress in patients with ischemic stroke and verify its validity and reliability.
Preliminary items were developed from literature review and in-depth interviews. The final preliminary scale was confirmed through a content validity test of eight experts and a preliminary survey of 10 stroke patients. The participants for psychometric testing were 305 stroke patients in the outpatient clinic. Validity and reliability analyses included item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, known-group validity, and internal consistency of the scale.
The final scale consisted of 17 items and 3 factors. The three distinct factors were ‘self-deprecation, worry about future health, and withdrawal from society’ and this structure was validated using a confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity was supported by comparison with the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (r = .54, p < .001) and Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (r = .67, p < .001). Known-groups validity was verified by dividing groups according to ‘duration since diagnosis’ (t = 2.65, p = .009), ‘presence of sequela’ (t = 10.16, p < .001), and ‘awareness of distress’ (t = 12.09, p < .001). The internal consistency of the scale using Cronbach’s α for the total items was .93.
The Ischemic Stroke Distress Scale is a valid and reliable tool that reflects stroke distress effectively. It is expected to be used as a basic tool to develop various intervention strategies to reduce distress in ischemic stroke patients.
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Original Articles
Need Assessment for Home Nursing of Stroke patients
Hyun Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):550-562.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Since patients with strokes occupy a high priority among patients for home nursing, the development of guidelines for such nursing is required and the need of these patients should be reflected in the guidelines. Therefore, this study was done to identify the content and levels of home nursing for patients with strokes and to utilize the data in developing the most effective home nursing guidelines for these patients. The level of A.D.L. and the ability to control upper extremities were measured, and through a questionnaire. the needs for home nursing and related variables were also evaluated. The subjects for the study were 121 patients, 58 inpatients and 63 home care patients who had a Stroke. Data collection was done from September 1996 to January 1997. The collected data were analyzed utilizing SPSS/PC, and the results are as follows : 1. Home nursing need of inpatients The priority order of home nursing need for inpatients was : "Training in emergency treatments and how to cope with a stroke"(2.28+1.06), next "Explanation of diets as limited or recommended", and last, "Nursing care for sleeping problems". 2. Home nursing need home of patients The priority order of home nursing needs for home patients was ; "Care for the paralyzed side"(2.89+.34), next, "Maintenance of right posture and how to change position"(2.87+.34), and last, "Counseling on sex". 3. Comparison of the levels of home nursing needs between inpatients and home patients The results of analyses of home nursing needs according to causes were grouped into seven categories ; and t-tests of the seven categories showed significant differences between the two groups in all categories, that is, the level of home nursing needs were significantly higher for home patients than inpatients in all categories of home nursing. 4. Level of home nursing needs by characteristic The variables that have affected the level of home nursing needs for these patients were sex, profession, level of education, accompanying diseases, paralyzed position, A.D.L. levels and ability levels in coordinating upper extremities. There variables, displayed a reverse correlation with the level of home nursing needs, and the degree of correlation was high. In conclusion, the above results, show there were differences in the priority order of home nursing needs between inpatients and home patients : but the content of home nursing needs wanted by these patients was similar. Meanwhile, the levels of demand for home nursing was exceptionally higher on the part of home patients than inpatients, Although it is realized that nursing guidelines for home nursing needs in all items need to be developed, there is also a necessity to guidelines in accordance with priority orders, and with consideration of the factors that affect the level of home nursing needs.

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The Hope of the Stroke Patients
Lee Sun Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(1):212-227.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Cerebrovascular diseases in Korea is an important health problem since mortality and morbidity have been increased rapidly. It marked the 2nd cause of specific death rates in 1993. The stroke causes physical function disorder due to hemiparalysis and emotional disorder, and stroke patients experience helplessness, powerlessness, sense of alienation and loss of hope. These feelings make the rehabilitation difficult because they lose the will of life. The subjects of the study were seven citizens who live in Pusan, are over 50 year old and belong to low income-level. The data were collected from Jan. to Sep. 1195. The researcher as a caregiver and volunteer made confidence of them and asked for their agreement on the purpose of the study. The subjects expressed their experience as openheartedly as possible. The analysis of the data was made through the phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi, which is as follows ; as an unit of description which include the subject' expressions and the researcher's observation, it is examined the theme that express the hope experience with the subject's language(underlining), and the focal meanings are identified. The focal meaning is the crystalization of the theme, which is written in the language of the researcher. After integrating the focal meaning ant make the situated structural description as the meaning of the hope experience identified on each subject's point. After integrating the situated structural description and make the general structural description as the meaning of the hope experience identified on total subject's point the systemizing of the structure of the hope experienced phenomena and the flowing of the consciousness was researched. The conclusions of this study was as follows : The ten sources of hope which the subjects experienced were sorted as under : <mutual relations to others : spouse, children, relatives, fellow believer, health professioner, associate patient group>, <spiritual dependence>, <recovery of physical function>, <rumination of the past life>, <expectation of hte future>, <economic power>, <beledf>, <ability>, <spontaneous participation>, and <recovery of roles>. Their hope was spoken out by the following two kinds of linguistics. First, the hope was expressed in the affirmative expression as follows : <to be dependable>, <to make efforts>, <to keep under control>, <to desire>, <to be pleasant>, <to be peaceful>, <to be grateful>, <to ve help>, self-confidence, Courage>, <to be happy>, <to satisfy oneself>, <to share with others>, <to understand>, and <to be affected, be impressed> Second, the hope was expressed in the negative expression as under : <to be destressed>, <to be uneasy>, <to be sorry, be unsatisfied> <despair>, <to abandon>, <to be fearful>, <to be suffer>, < to bear a burden> <to be confused>, <to be solitary>, <chest trouble>, <to feel heavy> <grief>, <to be daunted>, <to get angry>, <to be uncomfortable>, <to have something regretable> and <to feel guilty>. And their hope was expressed by the following four behavioral expressions : <physical sphere>, <psychological sphere>, <social support sphere> and <spiritual sphere>. The reaction patterns of their experience appeared in the following 4 coping method : <conquest type>, <dependence type>, <adaptation type> and <fate type>. Finally, in the hope structure the sense of certainty don't always coexict with the sense of uncertainty. When the stroke patients try to search for the best quality of life, the senses of certainty and uncertainty make a continual cyclic system in the hope structure.

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A Study on the Degree of Burden and Depression in Family Caregivers of Patients with Stroke
Kang Yi Lee, Kyeong Yae Sohng
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):853-867.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed and undertaken to identify the degree of burden and depression in family caregivers of patients with stroke and to determine whether burden was directly related to depression. The data were collected from October 23th to November 20th, 1995. The subjects in this study were 80 caregivers, that is, one family member and 80 patients with stroke who were hospitalized in one oriental medicine hospital located in Taejon City. The questionnaires consisted of questions regarding burden(13 item, 6 point scale) and depression(20 item, 4 point scale). Data were analyzed using percentages, means, t-test, ANOVA and Peason-correlation coefficients, done with the SAS program. The results of this study are as follows; 1. The score for family caregiver's burden was higher than the mid level for the 13 items. 2. The score for of family caregiver's depression was relatively low. 3. The relationship between burden and depression showed a significant inverse correlation. 4. In the relationships between total burden and general characteristics of the family caregivers; there were no significant differences. But, in the relationship between objective burden and general characteristics of the family caregivers; age and education had statistically significant differences. That is, the 40's group felt more objective burden than any other age group and the high education group more than the illiterate group. 5. In the relationship between depression and general characteristics of the family caregivers; sex, education and monthly income had statistically significant differences. That is, female caregivers felt more depression than males, and the lower the level of education and the lower the monthly income, the higher the degree of depression. 6. In the relationships between burden and general charateristics of the stroke patients, only subjective burden according to the patients' sex was significantly different. That is, caregivers felt more subjective burden when caring for male patients than for female patients. 7. In the relationships between depression and general charateristics of the stroke patients, only the patients' economic status showed a statistically significant difference. That is, caregivers felt more depression in case of patients' low economic status.

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Tactile and Proprioceptive Discriminative Sensory Dysfunction After Unilateral Stroke
Choi Kwon Smi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):138-147.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Although sensory deficits caused by stroke have been occasionally reported, dysfunctions of discriminative sensation have seldom been studied in patients with strokes. With the use of specifically designed methods, discriminative sensations including texture discrimination and position sense were tested in 67 patients with acute unilateral stroke. Thirty-two age and sex-matched healthy subjects were used as controls. Impaired discriminative sensation was common in patients with unilateral stroke (detected in 57 out of the 67 patients) regardless of the lesion location except for patients with lateral medullary stroke. Proprioceptive discriminative sensation remained intact in all except for three out of 25 patients who were initially diagnosed as having pure motor stroke on the bases of conventional sensory tests. However, tactile discriminative sensation remained intact in only 17 out of 25 patients. Discriminative sensory disturbances are common in patients with unilateral stroke even in those with intact sensory function on routine examination. The subtle disturbances of this sensation may explain, at least in part, the clumsiness of the patients that is not readily explained by conventional neurological tests.

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The Effect of Meridian Points Massage Nursing Intervention on the Recovery of Facial Paralysis
Hyang Yeon Lee, Byung Eun Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(6):1044-1054.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop on east-west nursing intervention program. This study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of using facial meridian points for massage nursing intervention on the recovery of facial paralysis for 46 patients (22 for experimental group). All had suffered from strokes, and were also admitted to the division of oriental medicine in K University Hospital.
Data was collected from February 1st to December 31st of 2000. This study used a quasi experimental, non-equivalent control group pre-test and post-test design. The recovery of facial paralysis was measured by the difference between left and right facial length, observation and self report on a seven point scale, and facial discomfort by a facial scale after 6-7 facial massages in a two week period. Data was analyzed using the SPSS package program with x2 and t test.
The result of this study are as follows; The experimental group who received the facial meridian massage showed higher scores in recovery of facial paralysis (t=2.72, p=.009), and a smaller difference between left and right facial strength than those in control group (t=2.26, p= .29). The discomfort of the facial area in the experimental and control group showed no significant differences.
These findings indicate that a facial meridian points massage could be an effective nursing intervention to the recovery of facial paralysis. This study contributes in developing an east-west nursing intervention with the oriental meridian theory and western massage therapy.

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Correlations Among the Stroke Patient Family's Health Status, Burden and of Life
Kyung Ho Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):669-680.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study is used to investigate the correlation among a stroke patient family's health, burden and quality of life.
Data was collected from one hundred twenty family care-givers registered at K and H Hospital in Seoul. Questionnaire data was drawn up by personal interviews aided by the staff nurses. The analyses of collected data are based on the rate of 100 percentage to the average, t-test, ANOVA, DMR, Pearson Correlation.
(1) The influential factors on physical health proved to be age, sex, academic career, matrimonial status, present occupation, economic situation, the relationship with the patient, the patient-caring term, and the family-formation. The psychological health issues were age, final academic career, matrimonial status, the relation with patient and the family-formation. Burdens were shown to be age, matrimonial status, the relation with patient, and the patient-caring term. The quality of life was determined by age, final academic career, matrimonial status, and the relationship with the patient, the patient-caring term, and the family-formation. (2) The rate of the physical condition was 2.87, the psychological condition 2.43, the sense of burden 3.08, and the quality of life was 2.42. (3) The rate of correlation between the burden and the quality of life was (r=−.547), the psychological health and the burden was (r=−.531), the physical health and the burden was (r=−.263), physical health and quality of life was (r=.301), psychological health, and quality of life was (r=.413).
It follows from this study that there is a very close correlation among the stroke patient family's health, the burden, and quality of life. Therefore it is necessary that we should find various nursing intervention ways in order to mitigate the burden of family when caring for the stroke patients.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting Sense of Well-being of Stroke Survivor Family Care Taker
Young Ju Bak, Mi Young Jeong, Eun Hyee Ann
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(2):315-327.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This was a descriptive study clarifying the factors affecting family caregivers' sense of well-being. This study was conducted with 131 caregivers using structured self-reporting questionnaires and directly interviewing adult patients who had been under treatment in two general hospitals. The hospitals were located in M city from Aug. 10, 2000 until Sep. 2, 2000. The collected data were analyzed using SAS PC+ program, and the data were tested using descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this study are as follows; 1) The variables affecting the caregivers' sense of burden were age (F=3.76, p=.0063), education level (F=4.67, p=.0015), monthly income (F=2.49, p=.0466), amount of assistance provided (F=4.19, p=.0037), and the relationship with patient before disease (F=9.49, p=.0001). 2) The variables affecting caregivers' sense of well-being were age (F=9.54, p=.0001), residing with patient (t=11.38, p=.0010), the period of caregiving (F=10.52, p= .0001), education level (F= 2.79, p=.0290), monthly income (F=3.04, p=.0196), and relationship with patient before disease (F= 10.51, p=.0001). Also, all of the variables which showed statistical significance. 3) In viewing the relationship between activities of daily living (ADL) and the senses of burden and well-being, a negative relation- ship between activities of daily living (ADL) and a sense of burden was found (r=-.640, p=.000). However, the relationship between activities of daily living (ADL) and a sense of well-being had a positive correlation (r= .232, p=.008). Also the relationship between the sense of burden and the sense of well-being was revealed to have a negative correlation (r=-.614, p=.000). 4) A sense of burden was the most important indicator to the well-being of the caregivers who took care of stroke patients (R2 =.36). In addition to this, living with the patient (45%), activities of daily living (51%), relationship with patient before disease (53%), and the family's monthly income accounted for 56% of the sense of well-being of the caregivers.

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Depression of Stroke Patient's Family Caregivers and the Relating Factors
Hee Jung Choi, Moon Ja Suh, Kum Soon Kim, In Ja Kim, Nam Ok Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1531-1542.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

In this paper, we examined the depression of stroke patient's caregivers and analyzed influencing factors of the depression. The subjects were 215 caregivers who have takencare of stroke survivors in their home. The conceptual model of this study consisted of the caregiver's depression, perceived burden, illness intrusiveness, and patient's ADL. Modified Korean CES-D, modified subjective and objective Burden Scale, Illness intrusiveness(II), and Instrumental Activity of Daily Living(IADL) were used to measure concepts. Path analysis was used to test the model of this study. The results were as follows: 1. The mean depression score was 11.6 which was below the cut-off score of the CES-D. This score indicates that the subjects were higher than normal adults' mean score but not depressive. Eighty-six out of 215 caregivers(40%) were above the cut-off score. This finding was different from previous research results, and the reason might be the patients' capability of ADL. In a group of low capability patient's activities of daily living, caregiver's depression score was 15.5. 2. Caregiver's depression was positively related to caregiver's burden and illness intrusiveness, but negatively related to patient's activities of daily living. 3. The caregiver's perceived burden and illness intrusiveness directly influenced on their depression. Furthermore, the and caregiver's illness intrusiveness led to depression indirectly through their burden. A patient's activities of daily living didn't influence directly on depression but indirectly through caregiver's illness intrusiveness and burden.

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Relations between Perceived Burden and Social Support of Stroke Patient's Family Caregiver
Yeo Shin Hong, Moon Ja Suh, Keum Soon Kim, In Ja Kim, Nam Ok Cho, Hee Jung Choi, Sung Hee Jung, Eun Man Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):595-605.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to describe the perceived burden of the stroke patient's caregiver and related factors to analyze relationships between perceived burden and social supports. A convenient sample of 225 caregivers who take care for a stroke patient at home participated in this study. Caregiver's perceived burden was measured by the objective and subjective burden scale developed by Montgomery (1985). Related factors of burden were studied in terms of the patient's instrumental activties of daily living, cognitive function, caregiver's demographic variables and caregiver's illness intrusiveness. The results were as follows: (1) The mean of objective burden score was 4.5, and subjective burden score was 3.1. These scores show that caregivers perceive moderate level of burden. (2) Caregivers' objective burden was significantly related to caregivers's illness intrusiveness (r=.62), patient's IADL (r=-.33), and patient's cognitive function (r=-.15). The subjective burden was related to the caregiver's illness intrusiveness (r=.29), the patient's IADL (r=.24), and the caregiver's age(r=.23). (3) The percentage of stroke caregivers who perceived physical support was 49.1%. The percentage of those who perceived emotional support was 61.0%, and those who perceived financial support totaled 37.6%. (4) Caregivers who received any type of social supports perceived lower subjective burden, and caregivers who received physical or psychological support perceived lower objective burden. These results emphasized the necessity of a rehabilitation programs for stroke patients and support program for family caregivers.

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A Subjectivity Study on Type of Emotional Response of Stroke Patient
Soo Yeon Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):584-594.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify emotional responses, of stroke patients using Q analysis. From the data analysis, five types of emotional responses in stroke patients were classified as follows. 1. Acceptance and Overcoming : They attached to life strongly and had self-confidence of recovery. They were striving against their situation through using anything else good for their recovery. 2. Anger Type : They recognized a labile feeling and were angered easily. They had a self-confident and self-esteemed personality before they had a stroke. 3. Conflict Type : They wanted interaction with others. This individual recognized that no one knows their agonies. They were thankful to god or their family, while they could not control their minds. Their family supports were low. 4. Deficiency of self-esteem Type : They had a self-confidence of recovery, but they were in fear of interaction with others. Especially, they were ashamed of themselves. They have a high sense of responsibility and nigh self-esteem for themselves before they had a stroke. 5. Despair Type. : They were sorry to trouble their family. They felt depression, anxiety, darkness, uselessness of themselves, and they wanted to die. They recognized financial burden. for their family. The characteristics of the five types of stroke patient identified in this study will be used to assess emotional nursing needs for stroke patients. The findings of this study will provide practical guidelines for developing nursing interventions for stroke patients based on the characteristics of subjectivity types.

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Effects of Rehabilitation Program on Functional Recovery in Stroke Patients
Yeon Ok Suh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):665-678.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Stroke is a major cause of death and long-term disability. Because muscle weakness is one of the most prominent consequences of stroke, it was considered important to determine whether exercise if order to improve muscle strength and range of motion could have an effect in limiting the learned disuse of the affected side. The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of an 8 week rehabilitation program on physical and cognitive ability in stroke patients. A total of 18 patients who were admitted to the oriental medicine unit of a K medical center in Seoul were recruited : Ten for the experimental group and eight for the control group. The rehabilitation program consisted of three level's of active and passive exercises for prevention of muscle contracture and at range of motion. Muscle strength, flexibility of the upper and lower extremity, perceived balance, functional independence, depression, and quality of life for the two groups were compared at the pretest and 4 and 8 weeks after the rehabilitation program. The results are as follows: 1) When measuring muscle strengths of shoulder abduction and elbow flexion, hip flexion and knee extensor, ankle dorsi-flexor and muscle strength of knee flexor. Muscle strength of knee flexor for the experimental group was significantly higher than the comparison group at the 4 weeks. 2) Muscle strength and flexibility of the ankle dorsi-flexor for the experimental group was significantly better than for the control group at 8 weeks. 3) Functional independence, perceived balance, and Tinetti balance for the experimental group as measured at 4 and 8 weeks were better than for the control group. Also, there were changes over time in physical balance and functional ability, but there was no significant differences between the groups. 4) The experimental group showed a higher quality of life and lower depression than the control group at 8 weeks. 5) Muscle strength and flexibility of ankle dorsi-flexor were significantly changer over time and an interaction between group and time. The findings suggested that the rehabilitation program would improve the physical and psychological status of the stroke patients. Thus, the gains in actual or perceived ability to perform physical activities was marked.

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Readjustment and Social Support of the Post Hospitalized Stroke Patients
Moonja Suh, Samuel Noh, Gerald M Devins, Keumsoon Kim, Kookgi Kim, Jiyoung Song, Namok Cho, Ywoshin Hong, Inja Kim, Heejung Choi, Sunghee Jung, Eunman Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):639-655.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

An explanatory design was employed to identify the relationship of physical, emotional & social readjustment and social support of post hospitalized stroke patients and their caregiver. A convenient sample of 254 patients who given follow-up care at the outpatient department after discharge and 225 caregivers were recruited. Mental Status Questionnaire(MSQ), Social Support Inventory Stroke Survivors(SSISS), Illness intrusiveness(II), Instument Activity of Daily Living(IADL), Center of Epidnmilogic Studies-Depression(CES-D), social activity and caregiver burden were used for measurement in this study. Results showed patient's physical level measured by IADL and psychological level measured by depression were high. But social activity was low. Cognitive function, depression & social activity were not significantly different by the posthospitalized period, but IADL was. The source of professional support was mostly the physician at the outpatient department. The family support was found significantly related to patient's depression & social activity and caregiver's subjective related to patient's IADL & depression. ILLness intrusiveness as a mediating variable was a significantly predicting power on patient's IADL & depression. The path analysis was used to identify the variables to predict the physical, emotional, and social status of patients, the physical, emotional, and cognitive function, illness intursiveness and professional support significantly predicted the level of siveness and family support significantly predicted the level of depression ; and patient's age and family support significantly predicted the level of social activity of posthospitalized stroke patients. Based upon these results, the rehabilitation programs to reduce the illness intrusiveness and improve cognitive function were recommended for the readjustment of the stroke patients. This model of the readjustment of the posthospitalized stroke patients is recommended as the framework for care of the stroke patients.

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The Effect of Slow Stroke Back Massage on Anxiety and Immune Response in the Patients undergoing Open Heart Surgery
Hae Soon Kim, Hyang Yeon Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):980-991.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of slow stroke back massage(SSBM) on anxiety and immune response in patients undergoing open heart surgery and to compare the effect of 5-minutes with 10-minutes SSBM. Among the sixty-four patient subjects, twenty-one were one experimental group receiving massage for 10-minutes, twenty for the other experimental group receiving massage for 5-minutes and twenty-three for the control group. Subjects were admitted at Hospitals in Inchon and Puchon for open heart surgery. This study was carried out from October 10, 1997 to May 10, 1998. The levels of anxiety were measured by the Visual Analogue Scale(VAS), Trait anxiety scale, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, blood cortisol and the levels of immune response were measured by the blood T-lymphocyte and Natural killer cell. Study measurements were taken before and after SSBM on the 1st pst operative day. Data were analyzed using x2test, oneway ANOVA, paired t-test, t-test and Pearson product moment correlation. The results were summarized as follows: 1. After SSBM, VAS anxiety level, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate of the experimental group were decreased significantly than those measurements before the SSBM. After SSBM, significant difference in the VAS anxiety level, systolic blood pressure and pulse rate between the experimental and control groups were found. 2. After SSBM, the blood cortisol of the experimental and control groups were increased significantly compared with before SSBM. But the significant difference in blood cortisol between the two groups was not found. 3. After SSBM, the blood T-lymphocyte percentages of the experimental and control groups were decease significantly and blood Natural killer cell percentages of the two groups were increased compared with before SSBM. But significant difference in blood T-lymphocyte and Natural killer cell percentages between the two groups was not found. 4. Significant difference in VAS anxiety level, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, blood cortisol, blood T-lymphocyte and Natural killer cell percentages between SSBM for 5 minutes and SSBM for 10 minutes were not found. Based upon the results, this study concludes that the slow stroke back massage for 5 minutes is a useful intervention that decreases anxiety and produces relaxation in patients undergoing open heart surgery.

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The Effects of a Support Group Intervention on the Burden of Primary Family Caregivers of Stroke Patients
Eun Kwang Yoo, Sanghee Jeon, Jeong Eun Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):693-702.   Published online March 28, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the effects of a support group intervention on the burden of primary family caregivers of stroke patients. METHOD: A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The subjects were 36 primary family caregivers of stroke patients [experimental(N=18) and control(N=18) groups] in a neurosurgery ward of a university hospital. The experimental group members participated in six sessions of a support group intervention for two weeks and the degree of their caregiving burden was evaluated. Data was analyzed by Chi-square tests, t-tests, and paired t-tests using SPSS 10.0. RESULT: The experimental group had a significantly lower total burden score (t=2.061, p= .047)and sub-scales of emotional(t=-3.319, p= .002), time-dependent(t=-2.045, p= .049) and developmental(t=-2.656, p= .012) burden scores than the control group, while no significant differences were found in physical, social or financial burden scores between the two groups. Within the experimental group, there was a significant decrease in physical(t=2.507, p= .023), emotional(t=4.754, p= .000), social(t=2.932, p= .009), time- dependent(t=5.015, p= .000) and developmental(t=7.541, p= .000) burden scores but not the financial burden score. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that a support group intervention can be utilized as an effective nursing program to reduce the burden of primary family caregivers of stroke patients.

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The Effects of Swallowing with Oropharyngeal Sensory Stimulation in Nasogastric Tube Insertion in Stroke Patients
Myung Hee Kim, Mi Young Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(4):558-567.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was to identify the effects of oropharyngeal sensory stimulation on a functional oral intake scale, oro-pharyngeal swallowing functions, and aspiration pneumonia symptoms with nasogastric tube insertion in stroke patients.


This study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The subjects of the study were 32 patients who were hospitalized in Kosin Gaspel hospital. The experimental subjects were stimulated for 10~20 minutes, 1 time per day. The intervention was implemented for 2 weeks.


Participants in the experimental group significantly received a higher score in oro-pharyngeal swallowing function than those in the control group. However the participants in the experimental group only got a high score in the function oralintake scale which doesn't imply a statistical significance. In addition, they didn't geta remarkably higher score in aspiration pneumonia symptoms than those in the control group.


This study demonstrates that oropharyngeal sensory stimulation is effective in promoting recovery oro-pharyngeal swallowing function of nasogastric tube insertions in stroke patients.

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Decision-tree Model of Treatment-seeking Behaviors after Detecting Symptoms by Korean Stroke Patients
Hyo Sook Oh, Hyeoun Ae Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):662-670.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was performed to develop and test a decision-tree model of treatment-seeking behaviors about when Korean patients visit a doctor after experiencing stroke symptoms.


The study used methodological triangulation. The model was developed based on qualitative data collected from in-depth interviews with 18 stroke patients. The model was tested using quantitative data collected from interviews and a structured questionnaire involving 150 stroke patients. The predictability of the decision-tree model was quantified as the proportion of participants who followed the pathway predicted by the model.


Decision outcomes of the model were categorized into immediate and delayed treatment-seeking behavior. The model was influenced by lowered consciousness, social-group influences, perceived seriousness of symptoms, past history of hypertension or stroke, and barriers to hospital visits. The predictability of the model was found to be 90.7%.


The results from this study can help healthcare personnel understand the education needs of stroke patients regarding treatment-seeking behaviors, and hence aid in the development of educational strategies for stroke patients.

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A Study on the Related Factors of the Wellbeing of Family Caregivers in Elderly with Stroke
Yeon Hwan Park, Su Jeong Yu, Shin Mi Kim, Yun Jung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):373-380.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors related to the wellbeing of the family caregivers of the elderly with a stroke.


The subjects of this study were 199 elderly treated in four oriental hospitals in Korea, and their primary family caregivers. The data was collected by interviewsand a self reported questionnaire, during the period from October, 2003 to April, 2004.


The results of this study were as follows. The mean score of wellbeing of family caregivers was 60.6412.63. The factors related to wellbeing of family caregivers were sex, age, education, depression, illness severity, ADL, paralysis, and speech disability in elderly characteristics. Among family caregivers characteristics, education, relation, and burden were significantly related. In situational variables, family income and the previous relationship between the elderly and family caregivers were related to wellbeing. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of wellbeing was the burden of family caregivers. A combination of the depression of elderly and age of family caregivers accounted for 50.3% of the variance of wellbeing.


On developing the nursing intervention for improving wellbeing of family caregivers, many factors should be considered, especially caregiver burden, and elderly depression.

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Effect of East-West Self-help Group Program for Rehabilitation of Post Stroke Clients
Hyun sook Kang, Won ock Kim, Jeong wha Kim, Myoung ja Wang, Joung hee Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(7):1351-1361.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an East-West Self-help program for Rehabilitation of post-stroke patients.


A quasi-experimental design was used. The subjects were 75 post stroke clients(Exp. group : 38, Cont. group:37). The subjects of the experimental group participated in the Self-help group program of six sessions, twice a week, during 6 weeks. The program consisted of health education of stroke, exercise, oriental nursing interventions, and therapeutic recreation. The obtained data were analyzed by using the repeated measure ANOVA of SPSS.


1) The score of rehabilitation self-efficacy increased significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group. 2) The score of BADL, IADL, amount of use & quality of movement of the affected U/E, and grip power increased significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group. 3)The level of blood cholesterol decreased significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group.


Considering these research results, the program is effective in improving functional abilities and self-management ability. Therefore this program could be implemented as a community based self-help group program for post stroke clients.

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The Effects of the Day Care Service Program for the Elderly and Family with the Stroke: Compared with the Elderly and Family in Home
Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(7):990-998.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the day care service for the elderly and family with the stroke.


Data were collected from September 2002 to March 2003 by self report questionnaires and interview. 50 elderlies and families(Gr I) who used day care center were compared with 51 elderlies and families (Gr II) who didn't used. The data were analyzed using independent sample t test and chi square test.


The general characteristics, stressors, and situational variables related to outcome variables were homogeneous between two groups. The caregiver burden(t=-2.287, p=.024) score in the Gr I was significantly lower than in the Gr II. However there was no evidence of an effect day care center attendance on the depression of the elderly, the relationship between elderly and caregiver, and the family functioning.


Findings indicate that day care service was effective in reducing the caregiver burden of the elderly, however more day care service programs(elderly health management, rehabilitation...)will be added.

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The Effects of Stage Based Exercise Program on the Physical and Psychological Variables in Stroke Survivors
Nam Sook Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(7):954-964.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop the exercise program based on the Transtheoretical Model, and to identify it's effects on physical and psychological variables in stroke survivors.


The subjects of this study were 42 stroke survivors in the preparation and action stages. The stage based exercise program was conducted in the experimental group 8 times for 8 weeks. For data collection, physical conditioning and psychological state were measured and decisional balance and exercise specific self-efficacy were compared within groups.


For the physical conditioning, there were significant improvements in shoulder's range of motion and walking speed. For the psychological state, the mean score of self esteem for the experimental group significantly increased in both stages. The pros of decisional balance increased in the preparation stage and the cons of decisional balance increased in the action stage, but the exercise specific self-efficacy scores were not significantly changed in both stages.


The stage based exercise program using the Transtheoretical Model influenced on the physical and psychological variables positively for the stroke survivors. It was demonstrated that subjects became more active during the intervention.

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The Effects of the Taping Therapy on Range of Motion, Pain and Depression in Stroke Patient
Seon Suk Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(5):651-658.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to test the effect of Taping therapy on Range of Motion, pain, and depression in stroke patients in the home without complete recovery as a means of nursing intervention.


Twenty seven subjects out of fifty four people who were attending in the stroke self-help group in one community health center in S city were asked to participate in this Quai-experimental study. The Taping therapy was a method that stick to the illness area and the point of pressure pain, the elastic and cross tape without medicine treatment with domestic products. Nursing intervention was independently completed by researcher once a week over two period of 12 weeks from September 2001 to March 2002 year. Data were analyzed using the SPSS win. The homogeneity between the experimental group and control grouup was test by x2 and t-test. The difference of experimental before and after were tested by the unpaired t-test.


The shoulder joint flexion and abduction, the elbow joint flexion and extension, the hip joint flexion, and the flexion of knee joint in the ROM of the experimental group were significantly improved over those of the control group. In difference of pain, rest and painful movement, the experimental group were significantly decreased over those of the control group. The difference of depression in experimental before and after was significantly decreased in the experimental group over those of the control group.


The Taping therapy intervention proved effect pain relief and depression decrease as well as promote of range of motion.

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Effects of a Cognitive Training Program on Cognitive Function and Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Eun Young Oh, Mi Sook Jung
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(1):1-13.   Published online February 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a cognitive training program on neurocognitive task performance and activities of daily living (ADL) in patients who had a stroke.


The research design for this study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. Patients were assigned to the experimental (n=21) or control group (n=21). The experimental group received a 4-week cognitive training program and usual care (i.e., rehabilitation service), while the control was received usual care only. Cognitive function was measured with a standardized neurocognitive test battery and ADL was assessed at baseline and one and two months after completion of the intervention. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine changes in cognitive function and ADL over 2 months.


The interaction of group and time was significant indicating that the experimental group showed improvement in attention, visuospatial function, verbal memory, and executive function compared to the control group which had a sustained or gradual decrease in test performance. A significant group by time interaction in instrumental ADL was also found between the experimental group with gradual improvement and the control group showing no noticeable change.


Findings show that the cognitive training program developed in this study is beneficial in restoring cognitive function and improving ADL in patients following a stroke. Further study is needed to investigate the long-term relationship between cognitive training participation and cognitive improvement and effective functioning in daily living.

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The Effect of a Movie-Based Nursing Intervention Program on Rehabilitation Motivation and Depression in Stroke Patients
Hye Kyung Kwon, Sook Ja Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(3):345-356.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The aim of this study was to develop and measure the effect of a movie-based-nursing intervention program designed to enhance motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression levels in stroke patients.


The study used a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group and a pretest-posttest design. The 60 research subjects were assigned to the experimental (n=30) or control group (n=30). The movie-based nursing intervention program was provided for the experimental group during 60-minute sessions held once per week for 10 weeks. The program consisted of patient education to strengthen motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression, watching movies to identify role models, and group discussion to facilitate therapeutic interaction.


After 10 weeks of participation in the movie-based nursing intervention program, the experimental group's rehabilitation motivation score was significantly higher, F=1161.54 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1), p<.001, relative to that observed in the control group. In addition, the experimental group's depression score was significantly lower relative to that observed in the control group, F=258.97 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1), p<.001.


The movie-based nursing intervention program could be used for stroke patients experiencing psychological difficulties including reduced motivation for rehabilitation and increased depression during the rehabilitation process.

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Effects of Special Mouth Care with an Aroma Solution on Oral Status and Oral Cavity Microorganism Growth in Elderly Stroke Patients
Eun-Hye Lee, Hyojung Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(1):46-53.   Published online February 27, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine the effect of oral care with an aroma solution on oral status and oral cavity microorganism growth in elderly patients with stroke.


A non-equivalent control group, with a pretest-posttest design was used in this study. The participants were assigned to the experimental group (n=30) that received oral care with an aroma solution or the control group (n=31) that received 0.9% saline solution. To identify the effect of the experimental treatments, objective/subjective assessments of oral status and oral cavity microorganism growth were performed using the oral assessment guide, oral perception guide, and oral swab culture. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and t-test with the SPSS version 21.0 program.


The objective oral status was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group (t= -3.64, p<.001). There was no significant difference between the subjective oral status of the experimental group and control groups (t= -1.24, p=.109). Oral microorganism growth was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group (t= -7.39, p<.001).


These findings indicate that special mouth care using an aroma solution could be an effective oral health nursing intervention for elderly patients with stroke.

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Effectiveness of a Self-management Program using Goal Setting based on a G-AP for Patients after a Stroke
Min Gyeong Park, Yeongmi Ha
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(5):581-591.   Published online October 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop a self-management program using goal setting for patients after a stroke. The program was based on a theory-based Goal setting and Action Planning framework (G-AP), and the effectiveness of the program was examined.


A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The experimental group (n=30) received the self-management program using goal setting based on the G-AP over 7 weeks. The education was delivered individually with a specifically designed stroke workbook. The control group (n=30) received only patient information leaflets about stroke.


There were significant differences between the two groups. Stroke knowledge, self-efficacy, and health behavior compliance were significantly higher (all p<.001), and hospital anxiety (p<.001) and depression (p<.001) were significantly lower in the experimental group compared to the control group.


This self-management program using goal setting based on a G-AP was found to be useful and beneficial for patients in stroke rehabilitation settings.

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Development and Evaluation of an Enteral Nutrition Protocol for Dysphagia in Patients with Acute Stroke
Sung-Hee Yoo, So-Sun Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(3):280-293.   Published online June 30, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study was done to develop an evidence-based enteral nutrition (EN) protocol for effective nutritional support for dysphagia in patients with acute stroke, and to evaluate effects of this protocol on clinical outcomes.


A methodological study was used to develop the EN protocol and a quasi-experimental study to verify the effectiveness of the protocol. The preliminary EN protocol was drawn by selecting recommendations from previous well-designed EN guidelines, and then developing additional recommendations based on high-quality evidence. Content validation was assessed by an expert group, and clinical applicability by care providers and patients. The scale-level content validity index of the final EN protocol was 0.99. Assessment was done of differences in percentage of caloric goals achieved and presence of undernutrition, aspiration pneumonia, and gastrointestinal (GI) complications after application of the EN protocol.


In the EN protocol group, the percentage of caloric goals achieved (R2=.24, p=.001) and the reduction of GI complications (p=.045) were significantly improved, but the presence of undernutrition (p=.296) and aspiration pneumonia (p=.601) did not differ from the usual care group.


Results indicate that the new EN protocol for dysphagia in patients with acute stroke significantly increased their nutritional intake and reduced GI complications.

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Identification of Subgroups with Lower Level of Stroke Knowledge Using Decision-tree Analysis
Hyun Kyung Kim, Seok Hee Jeong, Hyun Cheol Kang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(1):97-107.   Published online February 28, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to explore levels of stroke knowledge and identify subgroups with lower levels of stroke knowledge among adults in Korea.


A cross-sectional survey was used and data were collected in 2012. A national sample of 990 Koreans aged 20 to 74 years participated in this study. Knowledge of risk factors, warning signs, and first action for stroke were surveyed using face-to-face interviews. Descriptive statistics and decision tree analysis were performed using SPSS WIN 20.0 and Answer Tree 3.1.


Mean score for stroke risk factor knowledge was 7.7 out of 10. The least recognized risk factor was diabetes and four subgroups with lower levels of knowledge were identified. Score for knowledge of stroke warning signs was 3.6 out of 6. The least recognized warning sign was sudden severe headache and six subgroups with lower levels of knowledge were identified. The first action for stroke was recognized by 65.7 percent of participants and four subgroups with lower levels of knowledge were identified.


Multi-faceted education should be designed to improve stroke knowledge among Korean adults, particularly focusing on subgroups with lower levels of knowledge and less recognition of items in this study.

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The Lifestyle Modification Coaching Program for Secondary Stroke Prevention
Heejeong Kim, Oksoo Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(3):331-340.   Published online June 28, 2013
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the lifestyle modification coaching program on self efficacy, lifestyle and physiologic indexes related to the recurrence of stroke in patients with stroke.


Sixty-one patients with stroke registered with a stroke center participated in this study. Of the participants, 32 were assigned to the experimental group and 29 to the control group. Self efficacy, alcohol drinking, smoking, physical activity, BMI (body mass index), WHR (waist-hip ratio), blood lipid level, and blood pressure were measured both for the baseline, as well as after intervention. The lifestyle modification coaching program consisted of an 8-week telecoaching session following face-to-face education. The control group received only the face-to-face education.


There were significant differences in physical activities, WHR, blood pressure within and between groups after intervention. The lifestyle modification coaching program had significant influences on blood pressure even after gender, age, and physical activity had been adjusted.


The results of the study indicate that lifestyle modification coaching program is effective for physical activity, abdominal obesity and blood pressure. Therefore it can be used by nurses in hospitals and communities as one of the secondary stroke prevention programs for patients with stroke.

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