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2 "Spatial Regression"
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Exploring Spatial Variations and Factors associated with Walking Practice in Korea: An Empirical Study based on Geographically Weighted Regression
Kim, Eunjoo , Lee, Yeongseo , Yoon, Ju Young
J Korean Acad Nurs 2023;53(4):426-438.   Published online August 31, 2023
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Walking practice is a representative indicator of the level of physical activity of local residents. Although the world health organization addressed reduction in prevalence of insufficient physical activity as a global target, the rate of walking practice in Korea has not improved and there are large regional disparities. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the spatial variations of walking practice and its associated factors in Korea.
A secondary analysis was conducted using Community Health Outcome and Health Determinants Database 1.3 from Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 229 districts was included in the analysis. We compared the ordinary least squares (OLS) and the geographically weighted regression (GWR) to explore the associated factors of walking practice. MGWR 2.2.1 software was used to explore the spatial distribution of walking practice and modeling the GWR.
Walking practice had spatial variations across the country. The results showed that the GWR model had better accommodation of spatial autocorrelation than the OLS model. The GWR results indicated that different predictors of walking practice across regions of Korea.
The findings of this study may provide insight to nursing researchers, health professionals, and policy makers in planning health programs to promote walking practices in their respective communities.
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Determinants of Problem Drinking by Regional Variation among Adult Males in Single-Person Households: Geographically Weighted Regression Model Analysis
Ahn, Junggeun , Choi, Heeseung , Kim, Jiu
J Korean Acad Nurs 2023;53(1):101-114.   Published online February 28, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to identify regional differences in problem drinking among adult males in single-person households and predict the determinants.
This study used data from the 2019 Community Health Survey. Geographically weighted regression analysis was performed on 8,625 adult males in single-person households who had been consuming alcohol for the past year. The Si-Gun-Gu was selected as the spatial unit.
The top 10 regions for problem drinking among adult males in single-person households were located in the Jeju-do and Jeollanam-do areas near the southern coast, whereas the bottom 10 regions were located in the Incheon and northern Gyeonggi-do areas. Smoking, economic activity, and educational level were common factors affecting problem drinking among this population. Among the determinants of regional disparities in problem drinking among adult males in single-person households, personal factors included age, smoking, depression level, economic activity, educational level, and leisure activity, while regional factors included population and karaoke venue ratio.
Problem drinking among adult males in single-person households varies by region, and the variables affecting each particular area differ. Therefore, it is necessary to develop interventions tailored to individuals and regions that reflect the characteristics of each region by prioritizing smoking, economic activity, and educational level as the common factors.
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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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