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A Study on Taegyo Types of the Pregnant Women: Q-methodological Approach
Soon Yi Kim, Chill Sun Ryu
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):740-752.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify structural patterns in the subjectivity of Taegyo in pregnant woman and to provide a basis for nursing interventions. Thirty pregnant women were the subjects of this study. They were in the gestation period of pregnancy between 12 weeks to five days post partum and they lived in the city of Taejon. The research method employed Q-methodology which is based on self-psychology and abductive logics. The results revealed three different types of the Taegyo : 1) Peaceful mind type, listening to music and appreciation of art for quietness of mind and also the support concern of husband. 2) Self control type, recognizes herself as a pregnant woman and trys to do her works spontaneously and also adapt herself to changing of circumstances. 3) Dependent oriented type. needs absolute help from the surroundings under the specific condition of pregnancy. This results show that investigating the specific experience, characteristics and structure of the Taegyo of a pregnant women can be used as a part of the nursing assessment and also provides useful basic data of nursing interventions during pregnancy.

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Development of Health Behavior Assessment Tool of the Korean Elders
Young Hee Choi, Soon Yi Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):601-613.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This project was conducted using a survey method and through interviewing with four persons aged 60 years and over. An interview with an open-ended questionnaire was also used for elderly persons, families, oriental medicine doctor and nurses. topic-related literature review was also done. In total, 382 statements were derived. For content validity, nursing professionals were involved in this study. From that 48 items are developed. The subjects were 340 elderly persons over 60 years old. Data were collected during February and March 1997 and analyzed using the SPSS package The result are as follows. 1. Items with low Cronbach Coefficient alpha which means low correlation with total items were removed. 2. Factor analysis was done in order to confirm construct validity and eight factors were obtained from the results. The first factor, 'positive cognition of the aging process', the second factor, 'relationship network' the third factor, 'maintenance of physical functioning, the fourth factor', 'maintenance of peaceful mind' the fifth factor, 'keeping up with daily tasks' the sixth factor, 'continuous adequate body movement' the seventh factor, 'involvement of religion in the elderly person's life and the eight factor', 'appropriate resting'. Cronbach Coefficient alpha for the 33 items was .9127 Based on the result, the following is suggested 1. It is anticipated that the fundamental health of elderly person could be promoted by assessing healthy behaviors of elderly person with this assessment tool. 2. Further studies could be derived from this research. 3. Validity of this assessment tool should be further tested with and a larger sample of elderly person including in-patient elderly persons as well as nursing home residents.

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Review on Advance Directives
Shin Mi Kim, Soon Yi Kim, Mee Ae Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(2):279-291.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Rapid progress in modern medical technology has made it possible to sustain life and/or delay death using 'heroic' treatments. The availability of life-sustaining treatment brings several issues in end-of-life care such as 'dying with dignity' and an radical increase in health care costs. The use of Advance Directives(AD) have been widely heralded by health care providers, gerontologists, and advocacy groups as means of protecting patients' right to accept or refuse life-sustaining treatment in end-of-life care. The use of AD can not only improve patients' autonomy and quality of life but also bring efficiency in distributing health care resources. The proportion of older persons in Korean population has been increasing. Those 65 years of age or over were about 7 percent of the population. Death and dying is not limited to older persons, but it is more prevalent among them. In conjunction with an aging population and the increasing prevalence of death, the issues of death and dying will become crucial in near future in terms of 'dying with dignity', 'autonomy', and 'self-control'. This paper attempts to explode and establish the concept of advance directives (AD) based on literature review. Data sources are computer searches with the MEDLINE database. Due to the lack of prior study on AD for a Korean cases, studies abroad are reviewed. This paper suggests the need for future study on the possibility of the use of AD in Korea.

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A Study on the Patterns of Alternative Therapy Experienced by the Aged
Kang Yi Lee, Soon Yi Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):336-345.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study looks at the various alternative therapy methods used in day to day life by elderly, over 60 years of age. The elderly have come to know and practice these methods for the following reasons : it is good for the health ; it is the method used in the olden days when there wesn't modern medicine ; it has been passed down from generations ; it can be done at home without having the need to go to the hospital ; acupuncture or poulticing can be used ; it can be done at home, which was an important factor in rural areas where hospitals are few and far between ; and [herbal] medicine could be prepared at home at no cast ; it derives from experience ; it is impossible to ignore tradition passed down through the generations. Diet control and plants(herbs) are methods most often used, as they are easy to find and can be readily used in critical situations. Other methods include oriental medicine practices of moxibustion with moxa cone, negative therapy, hand and finger acupunture, finger press method, ordinary acupunture, finger press method, ordinary acupunture, manual healing methods of massage, diaphoretic therapy and meditation to reach a state of calm, and qigong dirigation. The reasons for its use are as follows : it has been used before ; it is effective ; there is some improvement after the treatment ; it is not harmful to the body ; medicine cannot be obtained and it is the only thing available ; it is not good for an old person to go to the hospital everyday, the symptoms are not serious enough to go to a hospital ; and acupuncture is for these things. The means that the elderly have come to practice these methods are ; it has been used since the past ; it has been told by the elders ; they have been told by friends ; it was part of their knowledge ; and they have come to know by watching their mother. Further, to regain vitality lost through old age, the elderly have relied on hot soup, a hearty meal, brewed honey water, pumpkin, or ginseng. Humans, by instinct, would rub or massage the areas that caused pain. These actions, combined with a breathing technique have been recognized in Tong-Eui-Bo-Gam(the essential of eastern medicine), the complete work of early modern medicine, are a useful means to revive chi. This knowledge is thought to have greatly affected our healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, though the demand for medical services would increase with age, the elderly have not always been able to tend to their needs at the hospital for reasons economic or other. Hence, these alternative therapy methods seem to have been practiced as a temporary means of relief. The excellence of our traditional therapeutic custom has not received full recognition due to the argument relating to its scientific merits. As a result, it has become vital to prove their effectiveness through scientific and other experimental means. The potency of moxibustion with moxa cone and hand and finger acupunture have been proven scientifically, but diet and herbal methods appear to be practiced as a result of customs passed down from generations. In addition, it is submitted that the effectiveness of the traditional methods of disease control and our heathy lifestyle that are easily found in the nursing field must be verified.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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