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A Study for Development of a Tool Measuring Organizational Characteristics in Nursing
Sung Ae Park, Soon Nyoung Yun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(3):31-37.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to develop a ratio scale measuring organizational charateristics in nursing. 599 staff nurses working at 10 educational hospitals in Seoul were participated during the period from July 1 to July 31, 1985. Subjects were instructed to rate at one to five points likert type scale according to the level of positive characteristics affecting the nursing organizational effectiveness. As a result of factor analysis given to 50 items with varimax rotation and rearrangement on the asis of factor loading 0.3, there are 4 factors consisted of 33 items presented; factor 1: leadership of head nurses and interac-tion(11 items) factor 2 : leadership of supervisors and top man-agers(Il items) factor 3 : interaction with supervisors(5 items) factor 4 : organizational climate(6 items) Reliability of the factors were tested by Cronb-ach's Alpha, and the result was alpha=0.67~0.84 Further studies are needed to identify the relationship between this tool and the effectiveness of various organization in nursing.

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A Survey on Home Health Care Needs in Youn-Cheon County in Korea
Kyung Ja Han, Sung Ae Park, Yang Sook Hah, Soon Nyoung Yun, Mi Soon Song
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(3):484-498.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the home care needs in a rural county as a basic study to develop a Korean home care model. A stratified cluster sampling method was used to select 1,352 household which accounted for 8.8% of Youn Cheon County population. A Standard criterias for home care subject were delineated by five nursing professors representing five different areas of nursing specialty. The developed criteria for home care subjects were as below; 1) Patients who had been discharged from hospital during the previous week. 2) Patients with special medical devices 3) Newborns and the mothers. 4) The chronically ill with poor recovery or control of disease. 5) Subjects with poor health care behavior or ability 6) Subjects with poor social support and/or family resources. 7) Subjects with health related educational needs. Three types of questionnaires were developed to screen home care subjects, one for adults, one for infants and one for the elderly. Also different questionnaire items were developed to evaluate the contol and self care ability of chronically ill subjects. After training in interview methods for 2 days, 39 interviewers visited individual households for interviews. As the results of the study showed that 14.1% of adult subjects and 76.5% of infants and child were judged as having at least one criterion related to home care need, 15.69% of adults and 53% of elderly had at least one chronic illness. The most prevalent chronic illnesses were hypertension, skeletal ?neurological disease and diabetes. The prevalence of subjects with home care needs were, those with poor health care behavior (8.89%), with health-related educational needs (8.71%), with poor recovery or control of disease (3.52%), and with poor social support and inadequate family resources (3.19%). There were only 0.3%, 0.37%, 0.11% who were discharged patients, patients with medical devices, or newborns respectively. Thus, the largest home care client group were those who need direct health care and health education. Seventy five percent of the subjects responded that they were willing to use and pay for home care service if it is offered in the future. It is suggested that recently discharged patients and patients with special medical devices can be cared for by hospital based home care nurses, but other home care clients can be cared for by community based home care nurses.

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Measurement of Job Satisfaction of Nurses and Health Workers in Health Centers
Sung Ae Park, Soon Nyoung Yun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(3):316-324.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop a ratio scale to measure job satisfaction of nurses and health workers in health centers. Of the 224 health centers in Korea, 105 were drawn as the sample using disproportional stratified random sampling. The data collection period was from May 1 to June 30, 1990 and 771 nurses and health workers working at 75 health centers participated. Subjects were instructed to rate, according to the level of satisfaction, from one to four points, 42 items revised from the tool made by Stamps et. al. (1978). The internal consistency reliability of the tool was measured by Cronbach alpha and the corrected item-total correlation coefficient. As a result of the item analysis, one item was excluded since the item had negative correlation with total items. As a result of factor analysis on the 41 items with varimax or above. Labeling and numbering of 6 factors were as follows ; factor 1 (8 items) ; professional status of job factor 2 (6 items) ; Interaction factor 3 (8 items) ; Autonomy factor 4 (8 items) ; Administration factor 5 (7 items) ; Pay factor 6 (4 items) ; Job(Task) Further studies are needed to identify the relationship between this tool and the effectiveness of the health center and more research is needed for generalization.

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A Study on Leadership and Subordination of Nurses at a Hospital in Seoul
Sung Ae Park, Soon Nyoung Yun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1987;17(1):44-51.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to identify the leadership and subordination of hospital nurses; to determine the leadership and subordination by nurses' characteristics, which are age, educational background, carter, and position of nurses. 279 staff nurses, 13 charge nurses, 32 head nurses and 16 nurse supervisors were participated in this study during the period from Dec. 5 to Dec. 20, 1986. Subjects were instructed to rate at one of five points likert type scale on the 26 items of leadership and subordination. The reliability of the items (Cronbach's a) were 0.63~0.84. Among the total 26 items, 8 items on authority, 4 items on human relation, 9 items on committment of position and 5items on committment of job were summed to cummulative scores in each category. As a result of data analysis nurses who perceive positive on authority are 68.6% and positive on human relation are 67.9%. The perception of authority is different by age, Career and position of nurses. (P<0.05). And nurses who perceive positive on committment of position are 84.7% and positive on committment of job are 62.1%. The perception of committment for position is different by age, career and position of nurses (P <0.05), and committment of job is different by age and position. (P<0.05)

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A Content Analysis of the test of the National Examination for Registration Nurses in Korea over 3 years
Moon Ja Suh, Soon Nyoung Yun, Ji Soo Yoo, Ji Ho Song, Kyung Sook Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):73-93.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study aimed to analyse the test contents of the national examination for the registered nurses (NERN) over 3 years from 1991 to 1993 in Korea. In recent years in Korea, the MCQ(multiple choice question) has been showing to be a highly recognized method for assessing the qualification of registered nurses. Unfortunately, nursing faculties have found NERN had some bad MCQs through having evaluation workshop for Some MCQs often provide so many unwriting clues which become a bias of the results, and some items fell into the category of the lower level of educational taxonomy such as isolated recall a fact or data. Frequently the stems of the questions are ambigous, unclear, disputable, esoterical or trivial. Considering those fallacies of the national examination, it is very critical to review the test items to see whether it is of high quality, is more fair, reliable and objective in depth. Therefore, this study was done to provide data for the improvement of the test contents as well as the teachers's assessment skill. For this study, the ad hoc committe was composed of 16 members, including 5 education board members of Korean Academic Nurses Association and 11 nursing faculty members. This committe had one day panal discussion and filled the checklist for this study. The porcess of analysing data was held over 10 times during 1992-1994. The analysis focussed on educational taxonomy such as cognitive domain(kowledge), psychmotor domain (skill), affective domain(attitude) and the level of learning such as recall, understanding, problems solving, and learning area of theory and practice, and the learning content categorised by nursing process and disease process. The test analysed using difficulty index and the structure of the test items was analysed. The conclusions and suggestion as follows: 1. In learning area, the average ratio of the theory and practice was 1: 1.1 which was less than 1: 2 suggested by Korean National Health Institute, and the ratio was differnt by the 8 learing sujects of nursing. 2. In category of the educational taxonomy, the knowledge domain was emphasized mostly(79. 7%), the skill domain was 14.9%, and the attitude domain was 5.4% only. 3. In the level of learning, generally, the test items of the level of recall(45.5%) and the understanding (46.3%) were covered almost and the problem solving was 8.1%. 4. In the learning contents, generally, the test items related to nursing process was 67.2% and that of disease process was 32.8%. However, this proportion was different by the 8 leaning subjects. Even though the nursing diagnosis has been emphasized in nursing curricula recently, the test items of this was identified very few. 5. In the structure of the test item, some were not clear, incorrect grammar, unclear description and some have clues to answer. 6. In the item analysis, the non-acceptable level of the difficulty indes(means too easy) was 65.7%, and the acceptable level was 33.9%. Considering the reseults we would like to suggest the followings, 1. Since the test items of knowledge domain was dominant, the test items of the practice domain and attitude domain should be emphasized more. 2. The regular review and analysis of NERN should be arranged in order to improve the quality of the test items which will give influence to the nursing education positively.

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Development and Analysis of Community Based Independent Home Care Nursing Service
Jung Ho Park, Mae Ja Kim, Kyung Ja Hong, Kyung Ja Han, Sung Ae Park, Soon Nyoung Yun, In Sook Lee, Hyun Cho, Kyung Sook Bang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1455-1466.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop the framework of community-based home care nursing delivery system, and to demonstrate and evaluate the efficiency of it. The study was carned out over a period of 3years from September 1996 to August 1999. The researchers developed Standards for operations, this was all aimed toward a home care recording system, and an assessment intervention algorithm for various diseases quality control and standardization. In the center, 185 patients enrolled, and of the enrollments cerebrovascular disorder and cancer were the most prevailment diseases. Also, a home care nursing activity classification was developed in six domains. Those domains were assessment, medication, treatment, education and consultation, emotional care, and referral or follow-up care. Ten sub-domains were divided according to the systematic needs. Among these nursing activities, treatment, assessment, and education and consultation were frequently performed. In sub-domain classification, skin integrity, respiration, circulation, and immobility related care were provided most frequently. The cost of home care nursing per visit was also suggested. The cost include direct and indirect nursing care, management, and transportation cost. Also, the researchers tried to overcome the limitations of hospital-based home care to provide more accessible, efficient, safe, and stable home care nursing. Therefore, clients were referred from other patients, families, public health care centers, industries, and even hospitals. As a result of this study, several limitations of operation were found. First, it was difficult to manage and communicate with doctor in the emergency situations. Second, there was too much time spent for transportation. This was because they are only five nurses, who cover all of the areas of Seoul and nearby cities. Third, preparation for special care of home care nurses was lacking. Fourth, criteria for the termination of care and the frequency of home visits were ambiguous. Finally, interconnection with home care machinery company was so yely needed. New paragraphs' strategies for solving these problems were suggested. This study will be the basis of community-based home care nursing, and the computerized information delivery system for home care nursing in Korea.

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Analysis of the Nursing Interventions Performed by Public Health Nurses in Health Centers Using the NIC
Souk Young Kim, Young Ran Chin, Vock Chang Oh, Eun Jun Park, Soon Nyoung Yun, In Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):217-226.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify nursing interventions performed by public health nurses in health centers.


Data was collected by the taxonomy of Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC 3rd: 486 nursing interventions) from 131 public health nurses in health centers and analyzed using descriptive statistics.


As its result, more than 50% of public health nurses performed 137 nursing interventions at least monthly. The most frequently used intervention class was ‘ activity and exercise management’, followed by ‘ physical comfort promotion’, ‘ community health promotion’, ‘ life span care’, ‘ coping assistance’, ‘ Self care facilitation’, ‘ information management’, ‘ nutrition support’, ‘ community risk management’ and ‘ patient education’. One hundred twenty nursing interventions were rarely performed by 90% or more of the nurses. Most of them were the physical complex domain.


In conclusion, 137 interventions were performed by public health nurses at least monthly. NIC is helpful to build a standardized language for public health nursing.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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