In order to prepare for the coming twenty first Century and to meet changing societal dedmands and health needs, it is necessary to develop a new conceptual framework for curriculum the colleges of nursing. The specific objectives of this project were to; 1) address the problem areas of the existing curriculum which were identified in the first phase of this study; 2) develop a conceptual framework which will meet faculty, student and societal needs; and 3) identify the content of the curriculum. In order to accomplish the objectives, the curriculum committee held 30 weekly meetings during the period of October, 1992 and December, 1993, There also were two workshops with college of nursing faculty members. The Philosophy and objectives of education were revised on the basis of the essential concepts of nursing; human being, nursing, environment, and health. From these basic concepts, six essential components were identified for the conceptual framework. These were nuring process, communication, professional roles, client, and nursing. These six components are interrelated in the curriculum. The complex interrelationship among the six components were presented on horizontal and vertical axes. Concepts related to steady improvement were put on a vertical axis. For example, concepts of client, health, and nursing are included in all levels of nursing curriculum and students are expected to retain and accumulate more complex contents as they progress in curriculum. Concepts on the horizontal axis are nursing process, communication, and professional roles. These concepts are unique to nursing and are common to any level of curriculum. Students are expected to study these concepts through all levels of the curriculum. It is expected that the objectives of the college of nursing will be accomplished when the courses and content of the curriculum are based on this conceptual fremework.
This study was designed to investigate the situation of adolescent drug use in Seoul, and to compare this with the 1991 survey in order to better understand the present situation. The subject for this study were 1000 students in High School and Middle School. The data were collected during the period from September 1,1992 to December 30, 1992. The guestionnaire developed by Kim So Ya Ja (1991) to survey adolescent drug use was used. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA with the SPSS program. The results of this study can be summarized as follows 1. Prevalence of Substance use: Antihistamines were used by 0.3% of adolescent, Sedatives 0.6%, Stimulants 8.1%, Hallucinogens 0.9%, Inhalants 3.2%, Narcotics 1.7%. and Analgetics 154.3%. 2. Trend in substance use compared to the 1991 surbey: Alcohol use increased from 52.8% to 63.7% and narcotics from 0.6% to 1.7%, while Smoking, Analgetics, Antihistamines, Sedatives, and Inhalants showed a decrease. 3. Smoking and Alcohol use: Twenty five percent of school adolescent had experienced cigarette smoking and 63.7% of school adolescent had experienced alcohol use. 4. Motives for drug use: The highest was avoidence of sleep at 49.4% and the next highest was adventure seeking at 27.7%. As to feeling after drug use, 34.3% felt apathy, 22.8% had feelings of sleepiness and uncon sciousness. 5. Places were dreg were purchased: The most frequent was the drug store(78.3%) and 84.4% of the respondents answered that drug purchase was easy and 86.7% that drug use was mainly at home. 6. Related Variables: There was a statistically significent high score for drug and alcohol use by adolescents whose fathers used drugs. (PC. 05) In conclusion, adolescents in Seoul showed in de crease in the tendency to use drugs compared to the 1991 survey, however drugs which are habit-forming and lead to dependency are still being abused. Therefore, counter-plans and preventive stratiges are important.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of music therapy on anxiety in neurotic patients. The subjects of the study were 41 patients that had been diagnosed as having anxiety disorder, neurotic depression, or somatization disorder and were admitted to one general hospital in Seoul. The 41 research subjects were assigned to an experimental (22 clients) and a control (19clients) group. Data were gathered from September. 25, 1995 to December. 15, 1995 using a questionnaire and physiological measurement tool. Data were analyzed with the SAS package using frequency, t-test, paired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The results of this study are as follows; 1. There were significant differences between two groups on systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate after treatment. In the experimental group, Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate decreased significantly after Music Therapy. 2. There were no significant differences between the two groups on the pre and post psychological anxiety score. But, after music therapy, experimental group had a lower psychological anxiety score than the control group. From these results, it is concluded that the music therapy can be effective in decreasing anxiety in neurotic patients.