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Validity Testing Study for Related Factors and Charateristics of Nursing Diagnosis
Young Hee Choi, Hyang Yeon Lee, Hea Sook Kim, So Sun Kim, Kwang Ok Park, Hyeoun Ae Park, Hyoun Kyoung Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):705-714.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was conducted to test validity of related factors and characteristics of 98 Nursing Diagnosis identified in a previous study by the Korean Nurses Association. Data for this study was collected from 892 nurses in eight teaching hospitals located in Seoul using a cross sectional survey method. Each participating hospital was asked to produce at least 10 cases for every nursing diagnosis. There were 7,422 responses out of a possible 7,840. Out of the 7,422 responses 26 were discarded due to incompleteness. Data were analyzed using SAS. The result of the study shows that most of the related factors and characteristics for each of the 98 nursing diagnosis were ranked at more than 3.5 point out of 5 point Likert scale in terms of significance. Through this study the related factors and characteristics of the 98 nursing diagnosis identificance. Through this study the related factors and characteristics of the 98 nursing diagnosis identified through literature review were validated by experts in nursing diagnosis. These validated related factors and characteristics will be utilized for computerization of the nursing diagnosis process.

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A Survey Study of Nursing Diagnosis Use in Clinical Practice
Young Hee Choi, Hyang Yun Rhee, Hea Sook Kim, So Sun Kim, Kwang Ok Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):930-945.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the degree to which nursing diagnoses accepted by NANDA are used and to identify problems in application of nursing diagnoses in clinical practice. With the expanding potential fur computerization of nursing diagnosis, the survey also included data on the present status of hospital computerization and willingness to use computerized nursing diagnoses. The data collection was done from July 1 to August 3, 1996 using structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were mailed to 1,126 head nurses working in 44 hospitals with on occupacy of over 500 beds located in Korea, of these, 883 were returned from 40 hospitals. Among the 883 questionnaires, 867 were used for the analysis. The results of the analysis are as follows 1. Among 109 nursing diagnoses, pain, constipation, diarrhea, hyperthermia, high risk for infection, sleep pattern disturbance, and anxiety, chronic pain, altered urinary elimination, and altered nutrition: less than body requirements were the ten most frequently used diagnoses. 2. The primary problem in the use of nursing diagnoses was lack of time and personnel. Others were lack of knowledge and motivation, absence of protocols and absence of the appropriate methods to apply nursing diagnoses. 3. Among the 40 hospitals, 27 hospitals used a computerized system and expressed willingness to utilize the computerized system of nursing diagnoses that is planned for the future.

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Application and Effectiveness of a Preceptorship for the Improvement of Clinical Education
Won Hee Lee, So Sun Kim, Shin Hi Han, So Yon Lee, Gi Yon Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(3):581-596.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Clinical practice in nursing education provides an opportunity for students, through the process of applying theoretical knowledge to practice, and to learn nursing skills as well as being socialized into nursing and as such decrease the reality shock of actual nursing practice. Because of a shortage of nursing faculty, the job of achieving the objectives of the clinical practice had been turned over to the head nurses. This resulted in many problems, such as, unclear location of responsibilities and inadequate feedback from head nurses. Therefore this study was done to introduce and evaluate the use of preceptors as a way to minimize the above problems, and to maximize the achievement of the clinical practice objectives. Using an adaptation of Zerbe's (1991) three-tiered team model, clinical practice was done using a preceptor, a head nurse and a clinical instructor, each with different and well defined roles. The subjects of this study were 67 senior students of the College of Nursing of Y University in Seoul whose clinical practice in adult nursing was carried out between May 1, 1994 and December 8, 1994. There were 22 preceptors who had at least two years of clinical experience and who were recommended by their head nurses. They were given additional education on the philosophy and objectives of the College of Nursing, on communication skills, on the theory and practice of education, and on nursing diagnosis and education evaluation. The role of the preceptor was to work one-to-one with students in their practice. The role of the head nurse was to supervise and evaluate the preceptors. The role of the clinical instructor was to provide the education program for the preceptors, to provide advice and suggestions to the preceptors and to maintain lines of communication with the college. With each of these roles in place, it was thought that the effectiveness and efficiency of the clinical practice could be increased significantly. To evaluate the effectiveness of the precep-torship, the three-tiered model, Lowery's Teacher Evaluation Opinion Form translated and adapted to Korea was used to measure student statisfaction. The Clinical Practice Compentency Evaluation Tool developed by Lee et al was also used to measure student competencies. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The satisfaction with clinical practice was higher with the introduction of the perceptors than it was before they were used. (t=-5.96, p=<.005) 2. The clinical practice competencies were higher with the introduction of the preceptors than it was before they were used(t= -5.13, p<.005) 3. In order to analyze areas not measured by the quantitative tools additional analysis of the open questions was done. The results of this analysis showed that: 1) The students felt positive about their sense of security, confidence, handling of responsbility, and being systematic. They also felt positive about improvements in knowledge, opportunities for direct care, and socialization. 2) The students felt negative about the technical part of their role, lack of knowledge by the preceptor, unprofessional attitudes on the part of the preceptor, difficulty in the role of the professional nurse (student). 3) The preceptors felt positive about their responsibility, motivation, and relationship with the college. 4) The preceptors felt negative about their burden. Introduction of the preceptorship model will lead to change and improvement in the negative factors discussed above, solve problems in the present clinical education system, increase continuity in the education of the students, help with socialization of the students and motivation of the preceptors to upgrade their education and increase their confidence. These objectives must be obtained to further the development of professional nursing, and thus, making the preceptorship a reality is our job for the future.

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Factors Influencing Functional Status in People with Chronic Lung Disease
Eui Geum Oh, Cho Ja Kim, Won Hee Lee, So Sun Kim, Bo Eun Kwon, Yeon Soo Chang, Ji Yeon Lee, Young Jin Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(5):643-653.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence the functional status of chronic lung disease patients. METHOD: A descriptive, correlational study design was used. The study was conducted at the outpatient respiratory clinic of the large university hospital in Korea. A convenience sample of 128 chronic lung patients (age = 64.2 yrs; 106 COPD, 17 bronchiectasis, 5 DILD) with mean FEV1 64.4 % predicted. Functional status was measured with SIP. Physical variables (FEV1% predicted, dyspnea, fatigue, pulmonary symptom distress), psychological variables (mood, stress), and situational variable (sleep quality) were examined. Dyspnea was measured by the BDI, fatigue was measured with the MFI. Mood was measured with the modified Korean version of POMS. Sleep quality was measured with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Potential independent variables for the regression were age, gender, years since diagnosis, FEV1% predicted, dyspnea, fatigue, pulmonary symptom distress, stress, and sleep quality. RESULT: In general, functional status was relatively good. In regression analysis, functional status were significantly influenced by dyspnea, mood, age and fatigue. These variables explained 70 % of the variances in functional status. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that psychophysiologic symptom management should be a focus to enhance the functional status in this group.

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Nurse's Adoption on a Planned Organizational Change
Tae Wha Lee, Cho Ja Kim, Jung Sook Park, So Sun Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(2):155-164.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

With the dynamically changing environment of society, managing change is the vital element of organizations's survival and growth. Health care organizations have expended enormous resources to restructure patient care delivery. Despite the growing literature describing these organizational innovations, there is a paucity of credible data that reflects systematic measurement and evaluation of such changes. This study examined the nurses' psychological response toward the work process redesign, newly introduced by the nursing department in a acute care hospital. The aim of the study was to figure out how nurses's general perception of change and perceived attributes of change affected their acceptance of change during the organizational transition. This was descriptive-correlational. The sample for the study included 50 head nurses and 135 staff nurses. Data was analyzed using SPSS PC+, version 10.0. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, the mean score of the perception of change was 71.2 (SD=13.8) with the range of 0-100, which means nurses generally perceived change positively. There were significant differences in perception of change by gender and education level. Head nurses perceived change more positively than staff nurses. The higher education level showed the more positive view of change. Second, among the perceived attributes of change, trialability had the highest mean score, which means nurses perceived the change more positively if it is testable on a limited basis. Relative advantage was perceived the most negatively. Finally, factors influencing the acceptability of the work-process redesign were perceived comparability, complexity, relative advantage, and observability, which accounted for 43.7% of the variance in the acceptability of change.This study evaluated the preliminary effects of the nursing process for reengineering, focusing on nurses' acceptability towards change. The usefulness of this research study was to determine the factors influencing acceptance of organizational members during transitional periods of change and to suggest effective strategies for increasing adoption as well as for decreasing resistance to change.

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Analysis of the Nursing Curricula in Graduate Programs in Korea
Eun Sook Park, Soon Ok Yang, So Sun Kim, Soo Yang, Young Joo Park, Na Sun Ha, Kyung Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):100-113.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to analyze the nursing curricula in graduate programs and suggest the direction of future nursing curricula. Thirty-two nursing curricula for a master's degree and fifteen curricula for a doctoral degree from general graduate programs, fifteen nursing curricula for a master's degree from fifteen educational graduate programs, eight nursing curricula for master degree from eight out of twelve public health graduate programs, three nursing curricula for a master's degree from three administrative graduate programs, and four nursing curricula for a master's degree from four clinical nursing graduate programs, were analyzed. Consequently, It was hard to find a clear difference between the educational goals and objectives, the subjects open in nursing curricula for a master's degree and those for a doctoral degree of graduate programs. The educational graduate programs, public health graduate programs, administrative graduate programs, and clinical nursing graduate programs, each program showed ittle diffrent in each educational goal and objective. However, because the various kinds of subjects open in each program were not based on the core curricula, the quality of the nursing curricula need to be evaluated and develope the curricula to difference are the goal and objective. Accordingly, future studies need to be focused on developing core nursing curricula reflecting the characteristics of each graduate program.

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A Study on the Lived Experiences of Homecare Nurses
Moon Ja Suh, So Sun Kim, Kyung Rim Shin, Hyun Sook Kang, Keum Soon Kim, Ho Ran Park, Hae Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(1):84-97.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

THE NECESSITY AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Recently the number of patients with chronic diseases and the aged patients is increasing steadily. Furthermore, due to the expansion of health insurance system, the number of patients hospitalized in the general hospital is increasing at a surprising speed. However, hospitals urge the early discharge of the patients for the efficiencies of hospital administration, and therefore, the number of patients who must be taken care of in their home is also increasing. Homecare nursing is one of the health care service for the patients at home who require continual attention and care, and now increasing attentions are given to it as one of the professional nursing fields. However, it was almost impossible to find a study on the actual experiences of the homecare nurses written by their own language in Korea, that it also posed a great difficulty in understanding their diverse experience. Considering these situation, this study will help understanding of them, and provide the fundamental data on their experiences for making policies to develop homecare nursing.
OF RESEARCH: Phenomenological research method was employed to analyze the lived experiences of homecare nurses fundamentally. DATA COLLECTION: Data were collected from August 1998 to December 1998 from ten homecare nurses who worked for patients under the homecare nursing setting as model cases designated by Seoul Nurses Association and who agreed to the purpose of this study after listening to and understanding the explanation completely. The in-depth interview was carried at the time which was convenient both for the researcher and participants for one or two hours, and recovered with the approval participants. The first interview covered diverse and broad areas like the situation of homecare nursing, and their feelings and thoughts over it, and in the second and third interviews, more specific questions are asked. DATA ANALYSIS: For the phenomenological analysis, contents analysis was employed. The data collected from the participants were analyzed into the following procedures according to Van Manen 's phenomenological analysis. 1) Reserve the preconception of the researcher by restricting it inside parenthesis. 2) Make a thorough observation of the lived experiences by insight process. 3) Analyze the contents (Find out the repetitive factors) 4) Interpret the essence found. 5) State the meaning of the interpretation.
AND DISCUSSION: 1. Fear and expectation for the first visit. (unfamiliarity, awkwardness, anxiety, shivering) 2. Mingle with the family (feeling friendly with the family, becoming like a family member) 3. Being proud of her own know-how (learning the know-how, organizing alternatives, building up confidence) 4. Pity for the poor. (criticizing the current government, feeling ashamed, feeling anger) 5. Difficulty of constructing cooperative system with physicians (strenuousness, frustration) 6. Helplessness due to the lack of support system (difficulty to get supplies, annoyance, embarrassment by institutional restraints) 7. Anxiousness for heavy traffic and parking (annoyance, hastiness) 8. Ethical conflicts (pity for the patients and family, skepticism about lengthening life maintenance) 9. Burden for the possible accident (pressure, anxiety, conflict, physical exhaustion) 10. Establishment of identity as a professional (fulfillment, worth, joy) 11. Being distressed at other's ignorance

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A Study on the Occurrences and Causes of Accidents I Lower Grade Elementary School Children
So Sun Kim, Eun Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):117-126.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Accidents involving children are an important cause of death and disability. They also have enomorous financial implication. In order to prevent childhood accidents, research and education for safety should be strengthened. The purpose of this study was to determine how often young children have accidents and what factors affect the accident rate. The sample consisted of 771 children who were in the second, third and forth grades of two elementary schools located in Kyung-gi Province. One school had students from middle class families living in apartment complexes and the other, students from lower income families mainly living in single house. The questionnaires included items on the occurrence of accidents and the parents' attitudes regarding accidents during the academic year from March 1997 to February 1998. The questionnaires were distributed to conveniently selected students to be completed by their parents and collected during the period of May 28, to June 6, 1998. The data were analyzed using SAS PC statistical package. The results of the study are as follows : 1. Of 771 student subjects, 393 had 887 accidental injuries during the study period. 2. The month, the day and the time with the highest accident rate were May, Sunday, and between 1 and 4 p.m. each. 3. In the analysis of the location where the injury took place, the most frequent place was on around their homes followed by school and, then, inside the home. 4. Most of the accidents were caused by carelessness on the part of the children and the most frequent type of injury was an abrasion. 5. Children most injured their legs. 6. They were treated at home most often and usually emergency treatment was performed by family members with, disinfection being the main type of first aid. Cost of the treatment ranged from 8,000 to 20,000 won in most cases. 7. House type and parents' education level were statistically significant in chi-square analysis. 8. Parents educate their children about traffic safety most frequently followed by fire safety and, then, prevention of violence. 9. Parents think that prevention of violence should be the most important part of injury prevention education both at school and home. 10. To identify factors related to accident occurrence, multiple logistic regression was performed and the main factors were birth order and house type.

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Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Resuscitation Self-efficacy Scale for Nurses
Young Sook Roh, S. Barry Issenberg, Hyun Soo Chung, So Sun Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(7):1079-1086.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate psychometric properties of the instrument, Resuscitation Self-Efficacy Scale for nurses.


This was a methodological study for instrument development and psychometric testing. The initial item pool derived from literature review and experts resulted in 30 items linked to resuscitation self-efficacy. A convenience sample of 509 Korean nurses from eleven academic teaching hospitals participated in a survey to examine psychometric properties of the scale. To examine construct validity, exploratory factor analysis and known-group comparison were used. Cronbach's coefficient alpha was used to determine the scale's internal consistency reliability.


The final scale included 17 items with four-component structure termed 'Recognition', 'Debriefing and recording', 'Responding and rescuing', and 'Reporting'. These four factors accounted for 57.5% of the variance. Each subscale and the total scale demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency: .82; .88; .87; .83; and .91 respectively. Experienced nurses reported significantly higher self-efficacy mean scores in both total and subscales compared to new graduate nurses.


The Resuscitation Self-Efficacy Scale for nurses yields reliable and valid results in appraising the level of resuscitation self-efficacy for Korean nurses. Further study is needed to test and refine the scale.

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Public Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Antibiotic Use in South Korea
So Sun Kim, Seongmi Moon, Eun Jung Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(6):742-749.   Published online December 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine public level of knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotic use and potential drug resistance.


A cross-sectional face-to-face survey of 1,177 residents aged 18 or over was conducted in Korea. A quota sampling method was used.


Most respondents (70%) did not know that antibiotics are ineffective in treating coughs and colds. Two-thirds of the respondents were unaware of the conditions under which antibiotic resistance occurs, despite understanding the concept of resistance. Lower education level and older age were independently associated with inadequate knowledge. Lower education level, older age, inadequate knowledge and no exposure to the education campaign were independently associated with poor attitude.


The results of this study demonstrate that the general public has misunderstandings and a lack of knowledge with regard to antibiotic use, despite a national educational campaign. However, the campaign may have had an effect on the public's attitudes towards antibiotics.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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