In Seoul, Korea, 70% of all adult males are reported to be smokers, and guidelines to smoking cessation generally include ways to help smokers avoid situations of smoking temptation. However the phenomenon of smoking temptation has been scarcely studied. Therefore, it is critical to acquire a better understanding of smoking temptation for more effective nursing practice.
This study intends to analyze the subjectivity of smoking temptation.
Q-methodology, which applies a scientific method to subjectivity, was utilized.
Five distinct smoking temptation modalities, on Q-types, emerged from the Q-sort: 1) Urge to facilitate interpersonal relation; 2) Psychological desire for tranquility; 3) Habituation in social life; 4) Habituation in daily life; and, 5) Nicotine craving combined with daily routine.
It is hoped that analysis of the five types of smoking temptation identified in this study will contribute to the body of knowledge and a better understanding of why smokers are addicted to smoking.