A study on public health education in curriculums of 14 universities located in Seoul city was carried out from Oct. 15 1974 to Nov. 15 1974. The data were obtained from 11 universities bulletins & 3 universities administration officers. The contentents of public health were obtained by the interview with the teaching professors on the syllabuses. The results were as follows; 1. General public health topics were taught at 4 universities (28.6%) out of 14 universities & 129 departments (25.3%) out of 509 departments. General public health education were taught at 2 universities (28.6%) out of 7 universities with medical school. Of the colleges of education 2 colleges (18.2%) had the public health education in the curriculums. 2. Academic administration of public health education by universities 2 hrs for 2 credits were allocated at 2 universities (50%), while 4 hrs for 2 credits at the rest universities (50 %). Pubic health education were taught as an essential general education at 4 universities. Public health education were taught in freshman course at 2 universities in senior course at 2 other universities. Text books on public health education were chosen at 2 universities and at other 2 universities, just references were introduced to students. Contents of public health education. In two universities teaching programs of public health were undertaken & in other two universities no particular teaching programs were undertaken. And contents of tuberculosis, V. D. & communicable disease control. pregnancy & delivery, precaution of post partum maternal & child health were taught at 4 universities. Contents of health & college students, alcohol, tobacoo & coffee, chosen of sports were taught at few university. 3. General public health education instructors; The instructors were consisted of 13 men (81.2%) &3 women (18.8%) Physicians were 11 (68.8%), nurses 2 (12.5%) & others 3(18.7%) Full time instructors were 7 (43.7%) part time instructors 9 (56.3%) Position & organization instructors belong to;