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The Effect of Circumvaginal Muscle Exercise on Sexual Function in Married Women
Young Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):148-164.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The effect of circumvaginal muscle (CVM) exercises to improve sexual function in married women has not been investigated by currently acceptable research methods, nor have appropriate instruments and techniques to carry out such investigation been available. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of CVM exercise on sexual function, and of measuring CVM function after CVM exercises. The research tools used were a modified Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory questionnare and a pressure sensitive intravaginal balloon device. This research was conducted in Kwangju-city and Chonnam province, Korea from July, 1994 to July, 1995. The research used a non-equivalent control pre-post test quasi-experimental design. Forty-five healthy married female volunteers, aged 30?8, and were randomly assigned by age using the matching fixed-length blocks to two groups. The experimental group consisted of 21 women who were assigned a 25 -minute per day CVM home exercise program for six weeks. The control group of 24 women did not do the CVM home exercises. The CVM home exercise was developed by Dougherty (1989a) and adopted to Korea by Lee (1993). Data were analyzed by x2-test, Paired t-test, Spearman product-moment correlation using SAS/PC+. The results are summarized as follows: 1. There were no significant differences in the characteristics of the subjects between the exper imental and control groups before the CVM home exercises. 2. Hypothesis 1 that married women who participated in CVM home exercises would have higher mean scores on the sexual function (SF) than in those who did not participate in home exercise was supported. 3. Hypothesis 2 that married women who participated in CVM home exercises would have higher vaginal pressure on SF than in those who did not participate in home exercises was supported (mean maximum pressure, t= -7.338, P<.0001, peak maximum pressure, t=-11.164, P<.0001). 4. Hypothesis 3 that the more often (number of days) and the more frequent (numbers of times per day) that married women do CVM home exercise, the higher their mean scores on SF and vaginal pressures was supported (r =0.233, P<.01; r=0.352, P<.05). A six week CVM home exercise program using a tape recording showed that SF can be improved. Results of this study showed that married women who exercise on a regular basis for six weeks improve their sexual function and increase the mean vaginal pressure and peak maximum pressure (tested by electronic monitor). In conclusion, CVM exercise is effective in increasing SF.

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Effects of Electric Stimulation and Biofeedback for Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise in Women with Vaginal Rejuvenation Women
Jung Bok Lee, So Young Choi
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(5):713-722.   Published online October 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of pelvic floor muscle exercise using electric stimulation and biofeedback on maximum pressure of vaginal contraction, vaginal contraction duration and sexual function in women who have had vaginal rejuvenation.


The research design was a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design study. Participants in this study were women who had vaginal rejuvenation at C obstetrics and gynecology hospital. The 15 participants in the experimental group were given pelvic floor muscle exercise using electric stimulation and biofeedback and the 15 participants in the control group received self pelvic floor muscle exercise.


For maximum pressure of vaginal contraction, the experimental group showed a statistically significant increase compared to than the control group (t=5.96, p<.001). For vaginal contraction duration, the experimental group also showed a statistically significant increase compared to the control group (t=3.23, p=.003). For women's sexual function, the experimental group showed a significant increase when compared to the control group in total sexual function scores (t=3.41, p=.002).


The results indicate that pelvic floor muscle exercise with electric stimulation and biofeedback after vaginal rejuvenation is effective in strengthening vaginal contraction pressure, vaginal contraction and that it also positively functions to increase women's sexual function.

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A Structural Equation Model on Sexual Function in Women with Gynecologic Cancer
Nami Chun
J Korean Acad Nurs 2008;38(5):639-648.   Published online October 30, 2008
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This study was designed to construct and test a structural equation model on sexual function in women with gynecologic cancer.


The model was constructed and tested under the hypotheses that women's physical changes in sexual function after gynecologic cancer treatment did not automatically lead to sexual dysfunctions. Women's psychosocial factors were considered to be mediating variables. Two hundred twelve women with cervical, ovarian, and endometrial cancer were recruited and asked to complete a survey on their physical factors, psychosocial factors and sexual function. Data was analyzed using SPSS WIN 12.0 and Amos WIN 5.0.


Predictors of sexual function in the final model were sexual attitude affected by physical distress and couple's age, sexual information affected by physical distress and couple's age, depression affected by physical distress, and marital intimacy affected by physical distress. Tumor stage and time since last treatment directly affected women's sexual function without any mediating psychosocial variables. However, body image did not affect women's sexual function.


Nursing professionals should develop a tailored educational program integrating both physical and psychosocial aspects, and apply it to women and their spouses in order to promote sexual function in women with gynecologic cancer.

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Health Perception, Body Image, Sexual Function and Depression in Menopausal Women according to Menopausal Stages
Jung Hee Kim, Hyun Sook Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(3):449-456.   Published online June 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of health perception, body image and sexual function on depression according to the menopausal stage in Korean middle aged women.


Subjects were 182 perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who had not received hormonal replacement therapy. A five-item General HealthShort Form (SF-36) Health Survey Questionnaire (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992) was used to measure health perception. Body image was measured Semantic Differential scale, CES-D was used to measure the level of depression, and sexual function was measured by FSFI.


The subjects rated their health as ‘moderate’, their body image as ‘moderate, and level of depression as ‘high’. However, there were no significant differences in health perception, body image, and depression between perimenopasual and postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women experienced lower levels of sexual function than perimenopausal women in sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain. In stepwise regression analysis, 21.7% of variance in depression was shown to be perceived health and body image in postmenopausal women. However, in perimenopausal women, perceived health and sexual function explained 34.5% of variance in depression.


These findings indicate that nurses must consider the menopasusal stage when counseling their patients.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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