The prime object of the study is to evaluate how much all the students of the Nursing Schools throughout the nation are in comprehension toward the application of nursing process to clinical experience as means of systematic solution of nursing problems. An effort has been made to find out the actual state whether they are in practice of clinical experience in accordance with application of nursing process, over the period of four weeks managing from December 1st to 28th, 1980 and centering on 36 nursing schools, and meanwhile and evaluation, employing the assessment tool used by Bertucci etal, has been made on the nursing process notes recorded by 200 senions out of 21 nursing schools where application of nursing process to clinical experience being in practice. The assessment tool is composed of 5 different criteria in view of patient nursing and authors made an attempt to find out the result of clinical experience on application students in accordance with 5 different scoring criteria and further evaluating all the findings thereof. The findings were disposed of accordance with practice duration and criteria of the specific students subject to this finding as to verify the scoring difference in significance and of which the results are as follows; 1) as of now, in 21 (58.2%) out of 36 nursing Schools nursing process in being appliced in clinical experience. 2) Schools that started the application of nursing process to clinical experience amount to - for more than 4 yrs - 6 (28.6%) - for 2 to 3 yrs-11s (52.4%) - for 1 yr - 4 (19.0%) 3) As for the response upon application of nursing process. To clinical experience, the largest voice (61.9%) heard was that it is rather difficult beyond the lecturing thereof, to practically apply it outs patients and the second voice (19.1%) turned out to be that it is hard to put in practice owing to uninformed nurses of the process serving in the clinical field. 4) The response. Of the processors assigned to instruction as to the most difficult problem in criteria of nursing process, the largest voice (38.2%) centered on the problem assessment while the second voice (17.7%) on the indirect nursing activity and the objective data respectively and considered to be the easiest was the indirect nursing activity (11.7%). 5) In order for a satisfactory application of nursing process to clinical experience henceforth, it has been pointed out that sufficient number of nurses should be supplemented in clinical field (44.1%) and at the same time supplementory education (35.3%) centered around professors be necessary. 6) Of the criteria that record result of nursing process, a significant difference in comprehension of subjective and objective data has been revealed according to the degree of the practice duration of application to clinical experience. For instance, while although poor it may seen, only 74.9% in subjective data and 71.1% in objective data represent the student group in practice for more than 4 years and only 56.3% in subjective data and 66.8% in objective data represent the student group in practice for 2 to 3 years but they still surpass in comprehension over the student group in practice for 1 year attaning only 19.6% in subjective data and 16.8% in objective data (P < 0.005). 7) As for problem assessment, the student group who started application of nursing process for 4 years stand for 37.7% the group for 2 to 3 years started for 25.3% and the group for 1 year started for 5.4%, revealing no significant difference according to duration (P < 0.5) and as poor as to indicate only 22.8% on an overage is in comprehension. 8) On direct and indirect nursing activity, the student group of for more than 4 years in appling nursing process (representing 49.5% in direct nursing activity, 21.4% in indirect nursing activity). Know more about it than the student group of for 2 to 3 years (representing 36.3% in direct nursing activity, 20.8% in indirect nursing activity) but revealed no significant difference. (P < 0.5) 9) The student group applying nursing process for more than 4 years subjective data (74.9%) comprehend were more than objective data (71.1%) but shown no significant difference (P< 0.5). 10) However, the student group applying nursing process for 2 to 3 years comprehend objective data (66.8%) well over subjective data (55.5%) indicating that 40.9% in average is in comprehension, thereby revealing a significant difference (P < 0.005). 11) On the other hand, the student group applying nursing process to clinical experience for 1 year had revealed themselves as poorly as to comprehend only 11.7% are an average of it, revealing no significant difference (P < 0.5). In consequence of the fore going, 1 the conductor of the present study, hereby suggest the following points: 1) Application of nursing process to clinical experience be practiced in all the Nursing Schools all over the nation at the earliest possible date in order that scientific nursing be prevailed (as of now only 58.0%). 2) In teaching nursing process, it is desirable to teach specific method of applying to practical clinical situations. 3) In order to meet the end of satisfactory application of nursing process to clinical experience, sufgecient nursing man power be sysplemented in clinical field and at the save time supplementary education by professors is necessary. 4) Sinces the students whose application duration of nursing process to clinical experience is longer comprehend more about it, it is reguired that the schools not yet in practice of the application be promptlyurged to follow. 5) Of the criteria recording nursing process, since it is comparatively hard to comprehend "assessment" and "Direct and indirect nursing activity", a concentrated instruction is desirable. 6) The students whose duration of application of nursing process to clinical experience falls short of 1 year be put in a concentrated guidance program on individual criterion.
This is descriptive study conducted to identify educational needs of mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients and the degree of nurses' educational performances perceived by mothers who look after mainly nephrotic syndrome patients. The study subjects were composed of 74 mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients whose children were hospitalized in 2 Pediatric wards of University Hospital in Seoul and 1 in Pusan from Jure in 1996 to January in 1997. A questionnaire for this study was item Kikert type 5 point scale, developed on the basis of previous literature and researcher's clinical experience and the reliability of the used instruments was q=.97. The data analysis was done by SAS. t-test, and ANOVA were done to determine the effect of general characteristics of subjects on their educational needs. Pearson correlation was done to measure relations between general characteristics of subjects and their educational needs and Stepwise Multiple Regression was done to test a variable affecting educational needs. The results were as follows. 1. Mean score of educational needs of subjects was 137.06(Maximum 176). The score of the educational needs of home care was the highest, but the question numbers(of that category) are smaller than others. So, the educational need of the diagnosis and treatment was regarded as the highest in contents. 2. The mean score of nurses' educational performances was very low, 74.91(Maximum 176). Nurse's educational performances score in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease ranked as the highest Burt that score in the care during hoapitalization was the highest in contents as the educational needs was. 3. The number of children excepting the patient(r2=.215289, P=.006)and the age of patient(r2=.23770, P=.001) were emerged as important variables affecting the degree of mother's educational need.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the supportive nursing intervention program on Burden and Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Nephrotic Sybdrome. The data were collected from a group of 67 mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients(34 in the intervention group, 33 in the control group) from July 1, 1998 to Dec, 30, 1988, Measurements were burden and quality of life from both groups at pre and post intervention. The supportive nursing educational program consists of individual lectures and discussion at the individual level. Listed are the summarized result: 1. The intervention group had a lower level of burden (p<0.05) than the control group intervention. 2. The level of quality of life was not significant during the intervention. According to this study a developed supportive musing intervention program is effective for reduction of the burden. For future research, it is necessary that experiments concerning quality of life in mothers of children with nephrotic syndrome, be conducted.
This study was performed to analyse the tendency of the self-care studies, to investigate the variables related to self-care, which could be applied for the data establishing the theory of self-care. to accomplish the objectives of this study, the researchers analyzed 83 studies, available that contained the area of self-care, which was published in local and foreign areas between 1981 and Feb. 1997. The findings of this study are as follows: 1) Studies published in Korea were about twice more than foreign studies. According to the statistics, the number of studies in this study tended to increase year by year. Between 1991 and 1995 were most. Analysis on the subject of this studies showed, that they were most dealt with chronic diseases an adults. 2) The theoretical definition of self-care were most referred to Orem's self-care. For the main concept of studies, self care performance was the most. 3) The correlational study was most often used design and experimental study is tended to increase. The questionnaires were the most often used data collection method. There was lots of different variable measuring technique to evaluate main concepts. 4) In the results of analysis on the propositions related to the self-care performance, a client's education, social support, self-efficacy, and level of knowledge as a causal variable were found. Also, the physiological index improved and quality of life were fond to be significant effective variables.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among variables of body image, self-esteem and depression in college female students according to the normal and overweight.
The subjects of this study consisted of 245 college female students. The data was collected through personal interviews using questionnaires from May to June of 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test and the pearson correlation coefficient.
Demographics provided a significant difference in grade, household income, weight control experience. There was a perceived health status difference, according to the normal and overweight subjects. There was a significant difference in body image, self-esteem and depression between the two groups. There was a significant positive correlation between body image and self-esteem, and negative correlation between body image and depression, and self-esteem and depression in college female students.
The Findings of this study give useful information to construct further studies in intervention program relating overweight control for college female students.