Recently, the hospitals in Korea has positively changed one way or another. Therefore hospital managers must focus on the nurses' role in terms of consumers' perception of overall image of hospitals and the degree of satisfaction of the consumers To achieve the purposes, the questionnaire was developed and distributed to 280 people who had a direct experience with nursing services subjected hospitals in Seoul at the time of screening. among them, 229 responses were turned out to be useful and used for final analysis. The measurement instrument for hospital nursing service quality evaluation was modified from the SERVQUAL model originated from Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry(1988). For data analysis, SPSS/ PC and PC-MDS program were used. The results were as follows : 1) The perception map showed that the seven subjected hospitals were divided into three groups. It could be interpreted that the hospitals in the same group had a strong competitive relationships. Because the nursing services' scores of hospitals C and E were higher than those of other hospitals, they could be served as a benchmark for the other hospitals. 2) The marketing place of hospital nursing services was divided by four. Since service generally had a strong point in nearby service market segment, Aiming an nearby hospital nursing services market segment by the hospital nursing services department was regarded as a good repositioning strategy. 3) When consumers evaluated the quality of hospital nursing services, they were greatly affected by the hospitals' overall image or other characteristics. Therefore, for improving hospital's nursing services, hospital nursing services department requires a great deal of labor to improve hospitals' overall image or other characteristics.