The purpose of this study is to develop self-efficacy promotion program and to test its effects on self-efficacy, self-care, physiologic index of hemodialysis patients after applying this program to them. Preliminary study was carried out to identify the levels and types of self-care, self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients. To develop self-efficacy promoting program, several discussions with nursing professors and nurse specialists on hemodialysis patients were made after in-depth literature review on the area. Through these processes, the self-efficacy promoting program including 20 minutes long videotape and other counciling documents were completed. This videotape consisted of specific self-care techniques for hemodialysis patients including management of fistula, measurement of blood presure and body weight, special diets, medications, exercise and rest, management of physical problems and social adjustment. Two group equivalent pre and post test quasai-experimental research design was used in this study. The total subjects were 34 hemodialysis patients who received hemodialysis three time per week at 1 university hospital. Seventeen experimental group subjects were matched with control group subjects in sex and age. Data were analysed with the SPSS window program. Homogeniety between experimental and control group pretest data was tested by 2 and t-test. There were no significanct differences in general characteristics, illness history, specific self-efficacy and self-care between the two groups. The differences of general self-efficacy of two groups were tested with the Repeated Measure ANCOVA because of significant differences of pretest data of general self efficacy between two groups. The differences of self-efficacy and self-care of two groups were tested with Repeated Measure ANOVA and the differences of physiologic indecies including blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level and interdialytic weight gain were tested by t-test. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in general self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and no interaction by groups and by time. 2. There was significant difference in specific self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 3. There was significant difference in self-care between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 4. There were no significant differences of blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level, but there was significant difference of interdialytic weight gain between the two groups. From the results above, it can be concluded that the self-efficacy promotion program for hemodialysis patients was effective to improve degree of specific self-efficacy and self-care and to decrease interdialytic weight gain. Considering results, the followings are recommended: 1) Repeated studies are needed for another hemodialysis patients. 2) This program can be used for improving degree of self-efficacy and self-care of hemodialysis patients by nurse practitioner and nurse educator.