The purpose of the study was to test the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Task Self-Efficacy Scale for activities of daily living(ADL). The Task Self-Efficacy Scale was developed by Roberts(1996) for low-intensity exercise study with older people to predict their performance of ADL. The scale was translated and back translated by bilingual persons, and then was modified to resolve variations in the translations. The Korean version of Self-efficacy Scale of ADL was then administered to 193 elderly people including 95 hospitalized patients and 98 outpatients or healthy people. Face to face interview was used to fill out the structured questionnaire, and each interview took approximately 30 minutes. The subjects for the study were 80 women and 112 men with an age range of 65 to 95 years(M=71 years) of whom 82.6% classified themselves as moderate or quite active. Most subjects(80.2%) had an education level of elementary school or less. The Self-Efficacy Scale for ADL is measured on a 0 to 10 VAS, assessing three areas of ADL : self care activities, household tasks, and motor tasks. The higher the score is the higher person's confidence in performing ADL. Psychometric testing revealed that the scale was found to be internally consistent, showing a Cronbach's alpha of .97. The scale was significantly correlated with subjects' level of activity and subjective assessment of their health status. Moderate correlation with health-related hardiness scale also supported the validity. Factor analysis was performed to confirm whether the scale represents the three sub-areas as suggested in the literature. The results of the factor analysis led to a three factor solution according to Kaiser's criterion, but the items were not strongly and cleanly loaded for the third factor. This can be explained in that, among the three sub-ADL ares of the self-efficacy scale, the areas of self care activities and household tasks seem to have similar levels of difficulty in performance with not enough differences for the self-efficacy scale to distinguish between the two areas. Therefore, one factor solution was suggested since ADL can be seen a unit of activities as similar level of difficulty in performance. One factor solution explained 68.1% of variance of the 19-item scale and all items all correlated over .6 with the factor, showing that the selected factor solution fits the model. The results indicated that the Korean version of Task Self-Efficacy Scale for ADL was reliable and valid in producing useful information to evaluate the effects of various interventions toward promoting health and quality of life for elderly people.
The purpose of this study was to develop a job stress scale for hospital-based home care nurses in Korea. The process was construction of the conceptual framework, development of the preliminary items, verification of the content validity, item analysis and test of the reliability.
The preliminary items were based on literature review and in-depth interviews with home care nurses. As a result, eight categories and sixty items were selected. These were reviewed by seven specialists for content validity and finally fifty one items were chosen. Data was collected from 180 home care nurses who were engaged in 87 hospitals from August to September 2003.
The result of item analysis one was excepted. The final item count was 50. Categories were as follows: overload work(8 items), lack of specialized knowledge and technique(5 items), ethical dilemma(4 items), role conflict(5 items), interpersonal relationships(6 items), visiting home environment(9 items), driving conditions(4 items) and lack of administrative support(9 items), The reliability of the scale by Cronbach's alpha was .948 and the domain's reliability ranged from .649 to .841.
The result of this study could be used to measure the job stress of home care nurses. However, for further validity and reliability, repeated studies will be necessary.
This methodological study was conducted to develop and test a cultural competence scale for nursing students.
Based on the five constructs of cultural competency identified in the conceptual analysis of Suh, 76 items for the tool were derived initially. These items were reduced to 58 items after content validity tests (two times) by 6 multicultural experts. Data collected from 526 nursing students were utilized to test the validity and reliability of the preliminary tool. Item analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, and Cronbach's alpha were used for the analysis.
Twenty-seven items were selected for the final scale, and categorized into 5 factors explaining 62.1% of the total variance. Cronbach's alpha was .91 and the reliability of the subscales ranged from .76 to .91. Criterion validity between the developed tool and empathy (r=.26,
The results show that this scale can provide scientific and empirical data when evaluating the effectiveness of school curriculums or multicultural empowerment programs regarding cultural competence of nursing students.