The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument of task performance evaluation for clinical nurses, thus testing the validity and the reliability of the scale.
Data was collected from 84 Head Nurses and 255 General Nurses. A conceptual framework, composed of 4 factors of meaning in task performance evaluation, was identified through review of the relevant literature. A total of 78 items were developed and were used on a five-point likert scale. Through factor analysis, items whose factor loading was below 0.50 were deleted, thus 35 items remained. To test the validity and reliability of the instrument, the SPSS 11.0 windows program was used.
The results of the factor analysis indicated that 4 factors were classified and the cumulative percent of variance was 67.54%. The results of the reliability test indicated that Cronbach's coefficient of the total 35 items was over 0.9176. The results of the factor analysis indicated that factor loadings of all items was over 0.50. Conclusively, the validity and the reliability of the scale were proven.
This study was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity.
The purpose of this research was to provide basic data in the control of depression found in patients with fibromyalgia by analysing the main factors that affect them.
The subjects were 207 out-patients in three university medical centers diagnosed with fibromyalgia according to the conditions by American College of Rheumatology (1990). Depression was measured by the CES-D Scale. Dependant variables, such as stress and anxiety were measured by the VAS Scale and physical activity was measured using 10(4-point-scale) questions developed by the researcher. The number of tender points was converted to scores based on the criteria of the ACR(1990) and of Yunus. Self-efficacy was measured by the Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Lorig et al.(1989) for arthritis patients.
The main factors that affect depression of patients with fibromyalgia were self-efficacy, anxiety, physical activity, tender points fatigue, and family support, which explained 49% of the depression.
It has been confirmed that the regression equation model of this research may serve as a predictor of depression in patients with fibromyalgia.