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Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of the Couple Satisfaction Index
Kim, Suk-Sun , Gil, Minji , Kim, Daeun , Kim, Sunhai , Heo, Dayeon , Moon, Nan Young
J Korean Acad Nurs 2022;52(2):228-227.   Published online April 30, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDF
The study aimed to translate the Couple Satisfaction Index (CSI 32) into Korean, to evaluate the reliability and validity of CSI 32 and short-form (CSI 16, 4) in the Korean context, and to determine a cut-off score for Korean couples.
Korean Versions of the Couple Satisfaction Index (K-CSI) 32 was translated, back-translated, and reviewed by five bilingual experts. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted with data from a sample of 218 couples (N = 436) to test construct validity. Validity and reliability were evaluated. The receiver’s operating characteristics curve analysis was used to obtain the cut-off score.
The construct validities of K-CSI 32, 16, and 4 were verified using one-factor structures. The results of CFA showed a slightly better fit for K-CSI 16 and 4 than for K-CSI 32. Convergent validity was supported by significant positive correlations of K-CSI with Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and Family Relationship Assessment Scale. Moreover, the significant differences in K-CSI between normal and depressive group demonstrated known-group validity. Cut-off scores of 105.5 on K-CSI 32, 50.25 on K-CSI 16, and 13.25 on K-CSI 4 were validated to identify distressed couple relationships.
For clinical practice, the reliable and valid K-CSI 32 has the potential to measure changes in couple satisfaction after couple therapy or interventions. Applying K-CSI 32 may facilitate research on couple and family relationships in nursing and contribute to the discussion on the role of couple satisfaction in mental health.
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Development and Evaluation of Health Empowerment Scale for North Korean Women Defectors
Lim, Semi , Kang, Younhee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2022;52(1):80-91.   Published online February 28, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study developed an instrument to evaluate the health empowerment of North Korean women refugees and examined its validity and reliability.
Through literature review and focused group interviews, 66 preliminary items with three constructs, including perceived control, perceived competence, and goal internalization were selected based on Menon’s psychological health empowerment model. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 239 North Korean women refugees in the community from August 31 to September 4, 2020. Content, construct, convergent, and discriminative validity were evaluated. Cronbach’s α was used to evaluate the reli-ability of scale.
The final instrument consisted of 31 items with three factors that were identified through confirmatory factor analysis. The convergent validity showed that the correlation coefficient was .52 (p < .001), which confirmed the validity of the developed measurement tool. Cronbach’s α for all the items was .94, and Cronbach's α for the factors was .76~.91.
This health empowerment scale has been developed to include aspects of health empowerment, provide a conceptual framework, and offer objective indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of a health education program.
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An Evaluation of the Validity and Reliability of the Face Mask Use Scale’s Korean Version among Community-Dwelling Adults
Lee, Kyungmi , Shin, Nayeon , Kang, Younhee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2021;51(5):549-560.   Published online October 31, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study evaluated the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Face Mask Use Scale (K-FMUS) among community-dwelling adults.
The participants of the study were community-dwelling adults in Korea using face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. The English FMUS was translated into Korean using forward and backward translation procedures. The construct validity and reliability of the K-FMUS were evaluated using the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and the internal consistency reliability test.
The K-FMUS comprised 6 items divided into 2 factors. The variance of the factors was approximately 79.1%, which suggested that the scale indicated the effectiveness of face mask usage. The two factors were labeled as face mask use in society (4 items) and face mask use at home (2 items). Cronbach’s α value for the overall scale was .88.
The K-FMUS is a valid and reliable scale that can be used to measure face mask usage among community-dwelling adults in Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the COVID Stress Scale
Meltem, Demirgöz Bal , Melike, Dişsiz , Fadime, Bayri Bingöl
J Korean Acad Nurs 2021;51(5):525-536.   Published online October 31, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study was to assess the Turkish adaptation of the COVID Stress Scale (CSS) on the basis of determining the stress caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, and to test its validity and reliability.
The English CSS was translated into Turkish using forward and backward translation. Data were collected online from 360 participants. Construct validity was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and content validity. Pearson product-moment correlation, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient, and test-retest methods were used to evaluate reliability.
The Turkish version of the CSS has 36 items consistent with the original scale and has five factors: COVID danger and contamination, socioeconomic consequences of COVID, COVID xenophobia, traumatic stress due to COVID, and compulsive checking for COVID. The construct validity of the Turkish version of the CSS was verified by the adjusted goodness of fit index > .85, and comparative fit index > .95. The content validity index of each item was 91%. The corrected item-total correlations of the scale ranged from .51 to .89. Internal consistency was reliable, with a Cronbach’s α of .93.
The Turkish version of the CSS is valid and reliable. It can be used as a measurement tool for the assessment of COVID-related stress.
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The Reliability and Validity of Korean Version of Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (K-WLEIS)
Jeong, Harim , Choi, Heejung , Park, Myungsook
J Korean Acad Nurs 2020;50(4):611-620.   Published online August 31, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (K-WLEIS). Methods: Data were collected from 360 nursing students using a self reported questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test construct validity. Convergence validity was identified by correlation with communication competency. Item convergent and discriminant validity were also analyzed. Reliability was evaluated internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Results: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the eigen values ranged from 1.34 to 5.86 and 73.2% of the total explained variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate model fit indices (χ 2 /df 1.89, RMSEA .07, GFI .89, CFI .95, and TLI .93) and standardized factor loadings (.48 to .87). The average extracted variances (.71 to .79) and composite reliability (.80 to .87) validated convergence and discriminant validity of the items. Test-retest reliability of intra-class correlation coefficient was .90 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .88. Conclusion: The K-WLEIS is an appropriate scale for measuring the emotional intelligence of Korean nursing students. Therefore, it is expected that the K-WLEIS will be used for nursing education programs to improve nursing students’ emotional intelligence.
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Development and Validation of the New Version of Spirituality Assessment Scale
Il-Sun Ko, Soyoung Choi, Jin Sook Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2020;50(1):132-146.   Published online January 31, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose:

The purpose of this study was to develop a new version of Spirituality Assessment Scale (N-SAS) and verify its reliability and validity.


The total of 59 preliminary items for the N-SAS were selected through a literature review, two rounds of experts’ content validation, cognitive interviews, and pre-tests. Verification of its reliability and validity was divided into two phases. In Phase I, questionnaires were collected from 219 adults. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha, validity with item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. In Phase II, questionnaires developed based on the results of Phase I were collected from 225 adults. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha, validity with confirmatory factor analysis, and criterion validity.


The final version of the N-SAS comprised two dimensions (vertical and horizontal), four domains (relationship with God; meaning of life and self-integration; self-transcendence; and relationship with others, neighborhoods, and nature), and 44 items were identified. Total Cronbach’s α was .97; those of each subscale ranged from .79 to .98. N-SAS scores were positively correlated with the scores of Howden’s Spiritual Assessment Scale (r=.81, p<.001).


Findings suggest that the N-SAS can be used to measure spirituality in adults. The use of N-SAS is expected to facilitate perceiving patient’s spiritual needs and providing spiritual care.

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Development of the Patient-Centered Nursing Culture Scale for Hospitals
Esther Shin, Sook-Hee Yoon
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(5):613-630.   Published online January 15, 2019
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Abstract Purpose

This study aimed to develop a scale measuring the Patient-Centered Nursing Culture (PCNC) and provide a basic tool to improve PCNC in Korea.


A conceptual framework and construct factors were extracted through extensive literature review and in-depth interviews with nursing professionals. In total, 59 items were derived based on the pilot survey. Data were collected from 357 nurses working at general hospitals and analyzed for verifying the reliability and validity of the scale.


Nine factors containing 54 items were extracted from the exploratory factor analysis to verify the construct validity. The nine factors were top management leadership, policy and procedure, education and training, middle management leadership, supportive teamwork, nursing workplace environment, professional competence, patient-centered nursing activity, and nurses’ values. These items were verified by convergent, discriminant, and concurrent validity testing. The internal consistency reliability was acceptable (Cronbach's α=.96).


The developed PCNC scale is expected to be used as the tool for the development of theory and improvement of PCNC, the empirical testing for cause and effect of PCNC, the development of interventions, education and training programs for improving PCNC, and indicators for evaluation or accreditation of hospital service quality.

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Validity and Reliability of the Clinical Teaching Behavior Inventory (CTBI) for Nurse Preceptors in Korea
Myun Sook Jung, Eun Gyung Kim, Se Young Kim, Jong Kyung Kim, Sun Ju You
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(5):526-537.   Published online January 15, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Clinical Teaching Behavior Inventory (CTBI).


The English CTBI-23 was translated into Korean with forward and backward translation. Survey data were collected from 280 nurses’ preceptors at five acute-care hospitals in Korea. Content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity were evaluated. Cronbach's α was used to assess reliability. SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 22.0 software was used for data analysis.


The CTBI Korean version consists of 22 items in six domains, including being committed to teaching, building a learning atmosphere, using appropriate teaching strategies, guiding inter-professional communication, providing feedback and evaluation, and showing concern and support. One of the items in the CTBI was excluded with a standardized factor loading of less than .05. The confirmatory factor analysis supported good fit and reliable scores for the Korean version of the CTBI model. A six-factor structure was validated (χ 2=366.30, p<.001, CMIN/df=2.0, RMSEA=.06, RMR=.03, SRMR=.05, GFI=.90, IFI=.94, TLI=.92, CFI=.94). The criterion validity of the core competency evaluation tool for preceptors was .77 (p<.001). The Cronbach's α for the overall scale was .93, and the six subscales ranged from .72 to .85.


The Korean version CTBI-22 is a valid and reliable instrument for identifying the clinical teaching behaviors of preceptors in Korea. The CTBI-22 also could be used as a guide for the effective teaching behavior of preceptors, which can help new nurses adapt to the practicalities of nursing.

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Reliability and Validity of Korean Version of Nursing Students’ Anxiety and Self-Confidence with Clinical Decision Making Scale
Mi Yu, Young Eun, KA White, KyungJa Kang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(4):411-422.   Published online January 15, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The purpose of this study was to adapt, modify, and validate the Nursing Anxiety and Self-Confidence with Clinical Decision-Making Scale (NASC-CDM©) for Korean nursing students.


Participants were 183 nursing students with clinical practice experience in two nursing colleges. The construct validity and reliability of the final Korean version of the NASC-CDM© were examined using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and testing of internal consistency reliability. For adaptation and modification, the instrument was translated from English to Korean. Expert review and a cross-sectional survey were used to test the instrument's validity.


The Korean version of the NASC-CDM© (KNASC-CDM) was composed of 23 items divided into four dimensions: (i) Listening fully and using resources to gather information; (ii) Using information to see the big picture; (iii) Knowing and acting; and (iv) Seeking information from clinical instructors. The instrument explained 60.1% of the total variance for self-confidence and 63.1% of the variance for anxiety; Cronbach's α was .93 for self-confidence and .95 for anxiety.


The KNASC-CDM can be used to identify anxiety and self-confidence in nursing students’ clinical decision-making in Korea. However, further research should be done to test this instrument, as it is classified differently from the original NASC-CDM© version.

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Validity and Reliability of a Korean Version of Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children (YFAS-C)
Jung Ho Kim, Ji Hyun Song, Ran Kim, Mi Young Jang, Hyon Joo Hong, Hyun Ji Kim, Sung Hee Shin
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(1):59-68.   Published online January 15, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Korean version of Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children (YFAS-C).


Participants were 419 young adolescent students (11~15 years old). The content validity of the expert group was calculated as the content validity index (CVI) after the translation and reverse translation process of the 25 items of the YFAS-C. The multitrait-multimethod matrix (MTMM) method was used to verify the construct validity; the generalized linear model (GLM) was used to evaluate the concurrent and incremental validity. Reliability was calculated as Kuder-Richardson-20 (KR-20) and Spearman-Brown coefficients.


The CVI of the 25 items was greater than the item-level CVI .80 and the scale-level CVI .90. The Korean version of YFAS-C had verified convergent validity in emotional eating and external eating and discriminant validity in restrained eating. In addition, it had verified concurrent validity in emotional eating and external eating. Finally the incremental validity of the Korean version of YFAS-C was statistically significant on BMI. Reliability was KR-20 a=.69 and the Spearman-Brown coefficient was .64.


The Korean version of YFAS-C is a valid and reliable scale for measuring the severity of food addiction; it can be a useful scale for preventing obesity by predicting food addiction early.

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Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version Scale of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher Evaluation Scale (CLES+T)
Sun-Hee Kim, So Yeon Yoo, Yae Young Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(1):70-84.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study was conducted to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teacher evaluation scale (CLES+T) that measures the clinical learning environment and the conditions associated with supervision and nurse teachers.


The English CLES+T was translated into Korean with forward and back translation. Survey data were collected from 434 nursing students who had more than four days of clinical practice in Korean hospitals. Internal consistency reliability and construct validity using confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis were conducted. SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 22.0 programs were used for data analysis.


The exploratory factor analysis revealed seven factors for the thirty three-item scale. Confirmatory factor analysis supported good convergent and discriminant validities. The Cronbach's alpha for the overall scale was .94 and for the seven subscales ranged from .78 to .94.


The findings suggest that the 33-items Korean CLES+T is an appropriate instrument to measure Korean nursing students'clinical learning environment with good validity and reliability.

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Korean Version of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale: Reliability and Validity Test
Ok Soo Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):871-879.   Published online March 30, 2017
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No abstract available.

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A Study on the Verification of the Profile of Seo's Elderly Stress Scale (SESS)
Hyun Mi Seo, Su Jeong Yu, Yang Sook Hah
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(1):94-106.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to verify the use of Seo's Elderly Stress Scale (SESS), which was developed in 1996. Through the modified tool, it is possible to examine the stress of Korean elders and to contribute to the welfare of them. The subjects were 350 elders over 65 years old who live in Seoul, Kwang-Ju, Yang-Ju Gun Kyung-ki Do, Ui-Jong Bu, and Young-Am Kun, Jeun-Ra Nam Do. the data of 331 elders (94%) were analyzed. Data were collected between January and March in 1996 and analyzed using the SPSS Win 8.0. The result are as follows: 1. Items with low correlation with the total items were removed. So 27 items were removed and 37 items remained. This 37 items were death in the family and/or close friends, family member's behavior not meeting expectations, marriage of daughter, marriage of son, friction with daughter- in-law, argument among children, children refuse to live with parent, children leaving home, sex injury or accident, in frequest visits from children and grandchildren, providing care for your daughter or daughter-in-law post-partum, decrease in decision making and authority in home, Lunar new year and the harvest featival, house sitting, working in the house, performing a sacrificial rite, missed birthday, not living with the eldest son, decreased eyesight, decreased strength, decreased memory, sleep pattern changes, thoughts about death, loneliness, decreased hearing, change of dental condition, change in your diet or eating style, difficulty in self care, moving because of disease or aging, argument with friend or neighbour, travel, dealing with the procedure of heritage, loss of money or property, not enough pocket money, hearing on elderly neglect in television or radio, hope of going home and ignorant from others. 2. Overlapped items were discussed by colleagues and were modified. 'marriage of daughter' and 'marriage of son' were modified in 'marriage of children'. 'self injury or accidents' and 'family accidents' were modified in to self or family accidents. 3. Factor analysis was done in order to identify validity and three factors were obtained from the result. The first factor familial relation area, included 17 items. The second factor, physical area, included 9 items. The third factor, psycho-socio-economic area, included 9 items. Cronbach coefficient alpha for the 35 items was .923. 4. Pearson's correlation was .704 between SESS and SOS (Symptoms of Stress) in order to confirm construct validity. Based on the result, the following is suggested; 1. The modified SESS needs to be reverified with elder. 2. Korean elder's health promotion can be made by development of stress intervention which was accurately measured with SESS.

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Measuring Patient's Perception of the Meaning of Suffering: Instrument Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version
Kyoung Ah Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(7):1689-1696.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

When people have experienced a personally life-threatening event, individuals try to find the meaning of suffering. In order to provide nurses with information about how meaning is individually experienced, nurses should assess the degree of suffering and the patient's perceptions of the meaning of suffering. The purpose of this study is to assess the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the MIST (the Meaning of Suffering Test) instrument originally developed by Starck (1983). The MIST consists of PART I and II. In this study, the validity and reliability of MIST I is tested except MIST II consisting of 17 open questions. The translation involved four steps: translation into Korean, checking agreement, translation into English, and arriving at a consensus. Then the Korean version of the MIST, PART I was tested with a sample of 160 patients with cancer who have experienced suffering. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency was .92 for the total 20 items and .91, .89, and .88 for the three dimensions in that order. As a result of the factor analysis using principal component analysis and varimax rotation, three factors with eigenvalue of more than 1.0 were extracted and these factors explained 93.6 percent of the total variance. The items clustered together in this study were almost identical with initial scale and subscales reported by Starck. The instrument for accessing patients' perceptions of the meaning of suffering was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. In this sense, this tool can be effectively utilized for assessment in caring for patients with cancer.

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Reliability, Validity, and Cultural Relevancy of the Korean Version of the POMS
Hae Ok Lee, Katherin Lee, Ginger C V Kohlman
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1147-1154.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Profile of Mood States (POMS) is the most widely used self-report instrument for the measurement of affect or mood in clinical and nonclinical populations. This paper reports on the translation and testing of a Korean version of the POMS. The translation involved three steps: translation, checking agreement, and panel discussions to arrive at consensus. Then, the Korean version of the POMS was tested with a sample of 47 healthy Koreans who lived in the U.S.: they completed the instrument in the morning, at the beginning of work and in the evening, at the end of work. Internal consistencies for the total scale and subscales were high(alphas= .93 and .94). Face and content validity and the cultural relevance of the Korean version of the POMS were tested through review by five bilingual Korean nursing scholars who were familiar with Korean version of the POMS was then compared with Haeok Fatigue Behavior Check-list and demonstrating significant concurrent validity (r= .87, p<.001). Construct validity was established by demonstrating significant differences between the scores on the scores on the Fatigue and Vigor subscales (p< .001) at the beginning work and at the end of work.

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The Reliability and Validity Test of psychosocial Well-being Index(PWI)
Jeong Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):304-313.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to test the reliability and validity test of PWI to utility of PWI, this newly developed by Sejin Jang which measures stress. The subject were 186 workers in service area. Cronbach's alpha and Guttman split-half coefficient is used to test the reliability of PWI. Factor analysis and the correlation of the GHQ-60, GHQ-30, GHQ-28, GHQ-20, and GHQ-12 with the PWI is used to convergent validity and discriminant validity. The important results of this study are as follows : Cronbach's alpha coefficient of data was 0.894 and Guttman split-half coefficient was 0.7097. The PWI was classified as 13 principle component(eigenvalue>1.0). After exploring 4 factor structure according to previous study result, 4 factors was explained 40.5% out of the total variance. The factor 1 was explained 15.9% and then the rest three factor was 24.6%. Factor 2 and 4 showed good agreement but factor 1 and 3 did not. Depression-related items were classified two factors. Anxiety and depression-related items were loaded unifactor. It was not clear that the PWI was consist of 4 concepts(factors). The correlation of the GHQ-60, GHQ-30, GHQ-28, GHQ-20, and GHQ-12 with the PWI were 0.744~0.905. According to findings of this study, the PWI showed a high degree of validity and reliability. Thus it is recommended to use the PWI in general setting for screening for stress. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the concept of depression and anxiety. In the further study, it may be considered to the factor structure of PWI and studied to two or unidimensional factor structure.

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Reliability and Validity of the Measurement for Assessing Resourcefulness
Soon Rim Suh, Eun Ok Lee, Won Gi Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(2):244-255.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to verify the reliability and validity of the Rosenbaum self-control schedule(SCS) for assessing resourcefulness in Korea and to explore the simplified scale. The study subjects consisted of 787 adults in a community. The data was collected during the period from Oct. to Dec., 1995 and analyzed as Cronbach alpha item correlation with total, Perarson correlation and factor analysis with varimax rotation using SAS. Results were as follows : The mean SCS score for this sample was 17.2 and there were statistical differences for gender(men, 13.1 ; women, 20.0) on the SCS scores. The cronbach alpha of SCS with 36 items was .74 and when simplified with 30 items, it's coefficient alpha was .78. The translated content of the SCS was validated by two nursing faculty members and one professor of psychology. Factor analysis revealed the most parsimonious structure was obtained when six factors were extracted and subsequently rotated via the varimax criterion. There was 40.2% of total communality variance in the SCS with 36 items. The total communality variance was slightly increased to 43.4% with 30 items of the SCS. In order to reduce from 36 items to 30 items, the process excepted 6 items having low item correlation with total and low MSA(means of sampling adequacy) of factor analysis. According to factor analysis, there are six factors such as emotion control, impulse control, self-efficacy, coping with problems, pain control and satisfaction control. The SCS was found to have low, but statistically significant, correlations with social desirability and helplessness. From the above results, it can be concluded that the reliability of the SCS(inherent and simplified) was a acceptable level and its validity was reasonable when comparing it with other validity studies. To determine the usefulness the simplified scale, further study is necessary to simultaneously compare and analyze both scales for stability.

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Reliability and Validity of an Instrument for Adolescents Meaning in Life Scale(AMIL)
Kyung Ah Kang, Shin Jeong Kim, Mi Kyung Song, Songyong Sim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):625-634.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of an MIL instrument for adolescents.


The research design was a three-phase, methodological study. 1) The original 46 items of the Meaning in Life (MIL) Scale were reviewed and corrected partially by 20 adolescents. 2) The content was validated by an expert panel (n=15) and adolescents (n=5). 3) The instrument was validated by survey (n=468). Finally, 33 items were chosen for the adolescents meaning in life(AMIL) scale.


Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the 33 items was .92, confirming the high internal consistency of the instrument. 2) Eight factors were extracted through factor analysis: ‘experience of love’, ‘making efforts for goal’, ‘awareness of essential being’, ‘awareness of self limitation’, ‘feeling of satisfaction’, ‘relation experience’, ‘positive thinking’, and ‘hope’. These factors explained 58.26% of the total variance.


AMIL Scale was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. The tool can therefore be effectively utilized to assess the degree of meaning of life in caring areas for adolescents. Studies on AMIL of different adolescent subjects are needed for further verification.

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Development of a Tool in Measuring Yangsaeng
Ae Jung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(5):729-738.   Published online March 28, 2017
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‘Yangsaeng’ is a traditional healthcare regimen for the promotion of health and prevention of illnesses by means of specific principles and methods for the purpose of living a long and healthy life. The purpose of this paper was to develop a tool in measuring Yangsaeng and to verify its reliability and validity.


Content validity was conducted three times by 8 experts. Factor analysis was conducted to test its construct validity.


Thirty-one items were selected in 8 factors; Morality Yangsaeng, Mind Yangsaeng, Diet Yangsaeng, Activity & rest Yangsaeng, Exercise Yangsaeng, Seasonal Yangsaeng, Sleep Yangsaeng and Sex life Yangsaeng. The explanatory variance is 61.76%. Cronbach's alpha of the final tool is .89 and that of each factor is .68~.82. The analysis of the items shows that the item-total correlation is .40 or higher. Criterion-related validity was verified with the CMCHS V1.0 and the KoHSME V1.0.


Since the tool developed in this study was verified in terms of its reliability and validity, it could be utilized as a tool for evaluating the extent of Yangsaeng.

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Development of the Meaning in Life Scale for Older Adults
Si Eun Lee, Gwi-Ryung Son Hong
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(1):86-96.   Published online February 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of the newly developed instrument, Meaning in Life, for elderly Korean people.


Ten older adults participated in the qualitative research used to develop the initial items. Participants for the psychometric testing were 371 community-dwelling older adults. Validity and reliability analyses included content, construct, and criterion-related validities, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability.


The Meaning in Life Scale consisted of 12 items with three distinct factors; value of life, source of life, and will to live, which explained 86.7% of the total variance. A three-factor structure was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. Criterion-related validity was supported by comparison with the Purpose in Life Test (r=.74). Reliabilities were secured with test-retest reliability of Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) .85 and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient .90.


The results of this study indicate that this instrument is useful to measure meaning in life in Korean elders.

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Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Cancer Stigma Scale
Hyang Sook So, Myeong Jeong Chae, Hye Young Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(1):121-132.   Published online February 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

In this study the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Cancer Stigma Scale (KCSS) was evaluated.


The KCSS was formed through translation and modification of Cataldo Lung Cancer Stigma Scale. The KCSS, Psychological Symptom Inventory (PSI), and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire - Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) were administered to 247 men and women diagnosed with one of the five major cancers. Construct validity, item convergent and discriminant validity, concurrent validity, known-group validity, and internal consistency reliability of the KCSS were evaluated.


Exploratory factor analysis supported the construct validity with a six-factor solution; that explained 65.7% of the total variance. The six-factor model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (Q (χ2/df)= 2.28, GFI=.84, AGFI=.81, NFI=.80, TLI=.86, RMR=.03, and RMSEA=.07). Concurrent validity was demonstrated with the QLQ-C30 (global: r=-.44; functional: r=-.19; symptom: r=.42). The KCSS had known-group validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the 24 items was .89.


The results of this study suggest that the 24-item KCSS has relatively acceptable reliability and validity and can be used in clinical research to assess cancer stigma and its impacts on health-related quality of life in Korean cancer patients.

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Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Spiritual Care Competence Scale
Mi Ja Chung, Youngrye Park, Young Eun
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(6):871-880.   Published online December 30, 2016
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The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Korean Version of the Spiritual Care Competence Scale (K-SCCS).


A cross-sectional study design was used. The K-SCCS consisted of 26 questions to measure spiritual care competence of nurses. Participants, 228 nurses who had more than 3 years'experience as a nurse, completed the survey. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the construct validity and correlations of K-SCCS and spiritual well-being (SWB) were used to examine the criterion validity of K-SCCS. Cronbach's alpha was used to test internal consistency.


The construct and the criterion-related validity of K-SCCS were supported as measures of spiritual care competence. Cronbach's alpha was .95. Factor loadings of the 26 questions ranged from .60 to .96. Construct validity of K-SCCS was verified by confirmatory factor analysis (RMSEA=.08, CFI=.90, NFI=.85). Criterion validity compared to the SWB showed significant correlation (r=.44, p<.001).


The findings suggest that K-SCCS serves as an appropriate measure of spiritual care competence with validity and reliability. However, further study is needed to retest the verification of the factor analysis related to factor 2 (professionalisation and improving the quality of spiritual care) and factor 3 (personal support and patient counseling). Therefore, we recommend using the total score without distinguishing subscales.

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Development of a Psychological Insulin Resistance Scale for Korean Patients with Diabetes
Youngshin Song, Younghee Jeon, Jeonghwa Cho, Bohyun Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(6):813-823.   Published online December 30, 2016
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This study was done to develop and validate a measure to evaluate the Korean version of psychological insulin resistance (K-PIR) in patients with diabetes in Korea.


Items were initially generated from literature reviews and interviews with 19 patients with diabetes. The content validity of the items was evaluated by experts. Participants were 424 patients with diabetes recruited through convenience sampling. A cross-sectional survey was designed for item-analysis, exploratory factor analysis with principal axis factoring, and confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to measure the internal consistency.


For the 24 items of the Korean version of psychological insulin resistance, six items were eliminated because of low correlation with the other items. Exploratory factor analysis with 18-item showed that two factors (psycho-cognitive factor and supportive factor) explained 41.8% of the variance, and the factor structure of K-PIR model had a good fit. Internal consistency of K-PIR with 18 items revealed good reliability.


The findings show that the K-PIR is reliable for measuring the psychological resistance to insulin therapy for Korean patients with diabetes. However, further study is needed to evaluate the validation because the proportion of variation of K-PIR was low in this study.

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Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Transcultural Self-efficacy Scale for Nurses
Won-Oak Oh, Eun Sook Park, Min Hyun Suk, Yeo Jin Im
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):293-304.   Published online April 29, 2016
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This methodological study was conducted to develop and psychometrically test the Transcultural Self-efficacy scale (TCSEscale) for nurses.


Initial 41 items for the TCSE-scale were generated based on extensive literature reviews and in-depth interviews with 18 nurses who had experience in caring for foreign patients. Cultural Competence and Confidence model was used as a conceptual framework. Content validity was evaluated by an expert panel. Psychometric testing was performed with a convenience sample of 242 nurses recruited from four general hospitals in the Seoul metropolitan area and Gyeonggi-do province of South Korea. To evaluate the reliability of TCSE-scale, a test-retest reliability and an internal consistency reliability were analyzed. Construct validity, concurrent validity, criterion validity, convergent validity and discriminative validity were used to evaluate the validity.


The 25-item TCSE-scale was found to have three subscales-Cognitive, Practical, and Affective domain-explaining 91.5% of the total variance. TCSE-scale also demonstrated a concurrent validity with the Cultural Competence Scale. Criterion-related validity was supported by known-group comparison. Reliability analysis showed an acceptable-to-high Cronbach's alpha-.88 in total, and subscales ranged from .76 to .87. The ICC was .90, indicating that the TCSE-scale has internal consistency and stability of reliability.


This preliminary evaluation of the psychometric scale properties demonstrated an acceptable validity and reliability. The TCSE-scale is able to contribute to building up empirical and evidence based on data collection regarding the transcultural self-efficacy of clinical nurses. We suggest further testing of the applicability of TCSE-scale in different settings and community contexts.

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A Validation Study of the Korean Version of the Jefferson Empathy Scale for Health Professionals for Korean Nurses
Hye-Ran Ryu, Kyung-Sook Bang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):207-214.   Published online April 29, 2016
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To validate the Korean Version of the Jefferson Empathy Scale for Health professionals (K-JSE-HP) in a sample of Korean nurses.


Internal consistency reliability, construct and criterion validity were calculated using SPSS (22.0) and AMOS (22.0). Data were collected from 253 nurses (230 women, 23 men) working at one university hospital in Seoul, South Korea.


The Korean version of JSE-HP showed reliable internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha for the total scale of .89, and .74~.84 for subscales. The model of three subscales for the K-JSE-HP was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (χ2=864.60, Q=6.55, p<.001, CFI=.94, NNFI=.92). Criterion validity compared to the Interpersonal Reaction Index (IRI) showed significant correlation.


The findings of this study demonstrate that the Korean JSE-HP shows satisfactory construct and criterion validity and reliability. It is a useful tool to measure Korean nurses' empathy.

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Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire
Yu Kyung Park, Hyeon Ok Ju, Hunjoo Na
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(1):29-38.   Published online February 29, 2016
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The Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PPQ) was designed to measure post-traumatic symptoms related to childbirth and symptoms during postnatal period. The purpose of this study was to develop a translated Korean version of the PPQ and to evaluate reliability and validity of the Korean PPQ.


Participants were 196 mothers at one to 18 months after giving childbirth and data were collected through e-mails. The PPQ was translated into Korean using translation guideline from World Health Organization. For this study Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability were used to evaluate the reliability of the PPQ. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and known-group validity were conducted to examine construct validity. Correlations of the PPQ with Impact of Event Scale (IES), Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to test a criterion validity of the PPQ.


Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown split-half correlation coefficient were 0.91 and 0.77, respectively. EFA identified a 3-factor solution including arousal, avoidance, and intrusion factors and CFA revealed the strongest support for the 3-factor model. The correlations of the PPQ with IES, BDI-II, and BAI were .99, .60, and .72, respectively, pointing to criterion validity of a high level.


The Korean version PPQ is a useful tool for screening and assessing mothers' experiencing emotional distress related to child birth and during the postnatal period. The PPQ also reflects Post Traumatic Stress Disorder's diagnostic standards well.

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Development of Korean Intensive Care Delirium Screening Tool (KICDST)
Ae-Ri-Na Nam, Jee-Won Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(1):149-158.   Published online February 29, 2016
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This study was done to develop of the Korean intensive care delirium screening tool (KICDST).


The KICDST was developed in 5 steps: Configuration of conceptual frame, development of preliminary tool, pilot study, reliability and validity test, development of final KICDST. Reliability tests were done using degree of agreement between evaluators and internal consistency. For validity tests, CVI (Content Validity Index), ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) analysis, known group technique and factor analysis were used.


In the reliability test, the degree of agreement between evaluators showed .80~1.00 and the internal consistency was KR-20=.84. The CVI was .83~1.00. In ROC analysis, the AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve) was .98. Assessment score was 4 points. The values for sensitivity, specificity, correct classification rate, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were found to be 95.0%, 93.7%, 94.4%, 95.0% and 93.7%, respectively. In the known group technique, the average delirium screening tool score of the non-delirium group was 1.25±0.99 while that of delirium group was 5.07±1.89 (t= - 16.33, p <.001). The factors were classified into 3 factors (cognitive change, symptom fluctuation, psychomotor retardation), which explained 67.4% of total variance.


Findings show that the KICDST has high sensitivity and specificity. Therefore, this screening tool is recommended for early identification of delirium in intensive care patients.

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Validity and Reliability of ARQ-K (Korean Version of the Assault Response Questionnaire) for Emergency Department Nurses in Korea
Moon Jung Jang, Eun Nam Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(4):544-553.   Published online August 31, 2015
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To investigate the validity and reliability of the Korean Version of the Assault Response Questionnaire (ARQ-K) measuring the intensity of reaction to victimization of emergency nurses in Korea.


An internal consistency reliability and construct validity using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted using SPSS WIN (20.0) and AMOS (20.0). Survey data were collected from 321 nurses who worked in 3 levels - wide regional emergency centers, regional emergency centers, appointed emergency centers - of emergency care facilities in Busan, Korea.


The Cronbach's alpha values regarding internal consistency were .77~.93 for the subscales of ARQ-K. Factor loadings of the 26 items on the four subscales ranged from .59 to .84. The four-subscale model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (χ2/df=3.85, p < .001, RMR=.06, GFI=.80, NFI=.81, TLI=.83, CFI=.85, RMSEA=.09).


This study shows that the Korean Version of the Assault Response Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument to assess nurses' reaction to victimization of emergency nurses in Korea.

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Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the HIV Self-Management Scale in Patients with HIV
Gwang Suk Kim, Sang Hui Chu, Yunhee Park, Jun Yong Choi, Jeong In Lee, Chang Gi Park, Linda L. McCreary
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(3):439-448.   Published online June 30, 2015
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The purpose of this study was to examine validity and reliability of Webel and colleagues' HIV Self-Management Scale when used with a Korean sample.


The original 20-item HIV Self-Management Scale was translated into Korean using translation and back-translation. Nine HIV nurse experts tested content validity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of data from 203 patients was used to test construct validity. Concurrent validity was evaluated using correlation with patients' self-rating as a "smart patient" measured using a visual analogue scale. Internal consistency was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficients.


All items were rated as having satisfactory content validity. Based on PCA and consideration of conceptual meaning, a three-factor solution was selected, explaining 48.76% of the variance. CFA demonstrated the adequacy of the three-domain structure of the construct HIV self-management: daily self-management health practices, social support and HIV self-management, and chronic nature of HIV self-management. Goodness-of-fit indices showed an acceptable fit overall with the full model (χ2/ df(164)=1.66, RMSEA=0.06, SRMR=0.05, TLI=0.91, and CFI=0.92). The Korean version of the HIV Self-Management Scale (KHSMS) was significantly correlated with patients' self-rated smart patient (r=.41). The subscale Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from .78 to .81; alpha for the total scale was .89.


The KHSMS provides a valid and reliable measure of self-management in Korean patients with HIV. Continued psychometric testing is recommended to provide further evidence of validity with this population.

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Validity and Reliability of the Person-centered Care Assessment Tool in Long-term Care Facilities in Korea
Young Ran Tak, Hae Young Woo, Sun Young You, Ji Hye Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(3):412-419.   Published online June 30, 2015
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Person-centered Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT).


The English P-CAT was translated into Korean with forward and backward translation. Survey data were collected from 458 staff in 17 long-term care facilities in Korea. Construct validity and criterion related validity were evaluated. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess reliability.


The Korean version of P-CAT was shown to be valid homogeneously by factor, item and content analysis. Internal consistency reliability was satisfactory in which the values of factor 1, factor 2 and the total scale were .84, .77 and .86 respectively. Exploratory factor analysis supported the construct validity with a two-factor solution. Factor loadings of the 13 items ranged in .34~.80. Criterion validity to the Person-centered Climate Questionnaire-staff (PCQ-S) was .74 (p<.001).


The Korean version of the P-CAT was found to be an applicable instrument with satisfactory reliability and validity for further use in measuring successful person-centered care in long-term care facilities for older persons.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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