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A Study on the Postpartum Depression Experience: Q-Methodological Approach
Hye Sook Jang, Su Jin Kim, Jeong Sun Kim, Hung Kyu Kim, Euy Soon Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):917-929.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to explore types of postpartum depression and to understand the nature and structure of the postpartum depression by using Q-methodological approach. As a way of research, 55 statements concerning postpartum depression were selected through individual interviews with postpartum mothers and literature review. 30 women were chosen as a subject group for the study, with opinions shown in 55 statements divided into 9 scales by forced distribution. PC QUANL Program was used for analysis and Q-factors were analyzed by using principal component analysis. As a result, postpartum depression experience was classified into 5 types. There are "Role -Strain Type", "Unattributional Depression Type", "Psychosomatic Symptoms Type", "Self-Compassion Type", and "Role-Crisis Type". Type I was named "Role-Strain Type", referring to the strain generally experienced by mothers with regard to the new role as a mother and as a social member. Type II was named "Unattributional Depression Type", referring to the symptom experienced by people who were in a state of vanity and a sense of loss. They often break into tears for no specific reasons. In case of Type III, people in a state of "Psychosomatic Symptoms Type" develop physical symptoms after suffering from inherent emotional conflict. Type IV was named "Self-Compassion Type" refers to the symptom shown by those who feel pity for their children and for themselves. And they show inability to cope with the reality properly. Type V was named "Role-Crisis Type", which is experienced by people who have a burden and a severe fear of their own job and their children in their mind, also showing serious conflict with maternal role. Futhermore, it was carried out to examine structure of postpartum depression in terms of degree of depression and adjustment ability. Type I showed mild degree of depression and relatively good adjustment ability. Type II showed broad range of degree in depression and moderate adjustment ability. Type III showed moderate depression and relatively low adjustment ability. Type IV revealed relatively serious degree of depression and the lowest adjustment ability. Type V revealed very serious degree of depression and the lowest adjustment ability. As a result, considering the structure of postpartum depression, Type I is considered to be a normal depression sympton which most mothers generally experience, followed by Type II, Type III, Type IV and Type V, each of which show increasingly worse degree of depression and lower adjustment ability. In conclusion, it seems to be it is necessary to understand distinct symptoms of postpartum depression and to examine the characteristics and structure of those types, so that it could lead to more individual nursing approach.

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Subjectivity of the Delivery Experience: A Q methodology Approach
Hye Sook Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):307-318.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The researcher would like to suggest that the delivery experience varies depending on the personal situation and the childbirth experiences of the mother. The goals of this study are : 1. To find out the subjectivity structure on delivery experience. 2. To describe the differences in delivery experience depending on the delivery methods. 3. To suggest effective nursing intervention for each type. Q-methodology was used for the research design. One of the main reasons to use this Q methodology. Because each individual's delivery experience can be different. The result of this study shows that the subjectivity related to the delivery experience of mother has at least four distinctive types. Type I mothers can be named as "Motherhood Identity Recognition Type". Type I subjects accept delivery experience very positively, show interest in the health of the baby, and identify their motherliness with responsibility. Type II mothers can be named "Leaping to Maturity Type". It can be explained as a state that mothers experience pain, but by understanding and enduring the pain, the pain is changed to maturity. Type III mothers can be named as "Pride Experience Type". Type III feels vaginal delivery as a process to become a real mothers, and have great pride in making this type of significant emotiange delivery. Therefore, they think the labor pain is worth the value and believes that there are other differences between vaginal delivery and cesarean section. Mothers of Type III take the delivery experience to be meaningful. Type IV mothers can be named as "Lack of Motherhood Transition Type". This type does not seem to feel sorry for their babies for going through a cesarean section delivery. The also do not have the satisfaction of delivery and motherliness identity is low. In addition, they especially do not feel affection towards their babies. Also, because they delivered babies in a state of anesthetics, they do not seem to feel much different, but show negative reactions toward themselves.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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