PURPOSE: This study aims to find the sources of nurses' conflicts and to find ways to
eliminate them for improved nursing care.
METHOD: This study is based on a phenomenological approach. All participants were
woking at K-hospital, located in Seoul. The research was performed from September
2000 to February 2001. Data was collected through interviews and observations while
participants were working. Interviews lasted a duration of one and half hours and data
collection accured five to six times per participant. The data were analysed by Giorgi
and the results are as follows:
Essential themes in the professional conflict of clinical nurses emerged
(1) The discords of human relationships ; (2) Dissatisfaction with working conditions;
(3) Lack of self-respect in one's professional expertise ; (4) Dissatisfaction with one's
work ; (5) Depression accurring due to one's ability as a professional.
CONCLUSION: The foregoing arguments suggest that nurses perform stressful environments
in a hospital originating from the relationship among peer group, working conditions, and
lack of self-respect as a nurses. Therefore, hospital authorities should strangly consider
working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions in order to
promote self-respect of the nurses hospitals.