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8 "Problem solving"
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Body Weight, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Self-Efficacy of Diabetic Control among Obese Type II Diabetic Patients
Hae Jung Lee, Kyung Yeon Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(5):787-797.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of problem solving nursing counseling and walking exerciseon weight loss, cardiovascular risk factors, and self-efficacy of diabetic control among obese diabetic patients. The Polar heart rate monitor was used for walking exercise to utilize the Biofeedback mechanism.


Fifty nine diabetic patients were conveniently placed into experimental (n=35) and control groups (n=24). The experimental group participated inweekly nursing counseling for 12 weeks and was encouraged to do walking exercise using a Polar monitor. The control group remained in the same treatment as before. The data wascollected from November 2003 to August 2004 and analyzed using t-tests and ANCOVAs.


After 12 weeks, the participants in the experimental group reported significantly decreased body weight (p=.004) and total scores on theParma scale (p=.001). While the participants in the control group reported significantly increased levels of blood triglyceride (p=.046) and HDL (p=.018).


Based on the findings, we concluded that problem focused nursing counseling with intensified walking exercise could reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications and body weight among obese diabetic patients. Future research to explore the long-term effects of nursing counseling on diabetic complications is warranted.

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The Effect of Problem Solving Group Counseling on the Index of Obesity and Health Habits of Obese Children
Mee Young Cho, Hae Jung Lee, Hwa Ja Lee, Hyoung Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(7):1224-1233.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to investigate the effects of problem solving group counseling on the index of obesity and health habits for obese children.


Forty seven obese children participated in the study(Exp.=22, Cont.=25). Children were recruited from the forth and fifth grade withhigher than 20% of the obesity degree. The problem solving counseling lasted for 10 weeks. In order to evaluate the effects of counseling, physical characteristics and health habits were measured three times; pretest, posttest, and at 10 weeks follow-up. The obtained data was analyzed by χ2-squared-test, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA, using the SPSS WIN 10.0program.


Problem solving group counseling was effective on the physical characteristics(BMI, obesity degree, body fat ratio, waist measurement) and health habits over time. Children in the experimental group controlled their body weight better and reported lower scores in the index of obesity than children in the control group at 10 weeks follow-up.


This counseling program helped obese children modify their health habits so that they could decrease their scores in the obesity index. It can be concluded that problem-solving counseling enhanced problem-solving abilities of obese children, which could help modify their ordinary health habits.

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The Effects of PBL(Problem-Based Learning) on the Metacognition, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving Process of Nursing Students
Heejung Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(5):712-721.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This investigation examined the effect of PBL on the meta-cognition, critical thinking, and problem solving process.


The research design was pre-posttest with a nonequivalent control group design. Scenarios for PBL sessions were developed on the basis of textbooks and patients' charts and tested for content validity. Seventy six nursing students who took a ‘Nursing Process’ course from two nursing schools participated in the experimental group and control group. The experimental group performed PBL during the semester. Meta-cognition and problem solving processes were assessed by questionnaires which were developed using pedagogics. Critical thinking was measured by the CCTST(California Critical Thinking Skill Test) Form 2000. The data was analyzed by repeated measure (pretest-posttest) MANOVA, and correlation analysis.


PBL improved the participants' meta-cognition and problem solving process but not critical thinking. The relationship between meta-cognition and the problem solving process was supported but the relationship between critical thinking and problem solving was not supported.


These results suggest that PBL has a positive effect on nursing students' educational outcomes. To improve the problem solving ability of nursing students, PBL should be applied to more subjects in the nursing curriculum.

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Effects on Stress, Problem Solving Ability and Quality of Life of as a Stress Management Program for Hospitalized Schizophrenic Patients: Based on the Stress, Appraisal-Coping Model of Lazarus & Folkman
Sun Ah Park, Kyung Mi Sung
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(4):583-597.   Published online August 31, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study was done to evaluate the effects a Stress Management Program (SMP) on stress, problem solving skills, and quality of life for hospitalized patients with Schizophrenia.


A mixed method design was used: a combination of a repeated-measure design with a non-equivalent control group and qualitative data collection. The participants were 40 patients with schizophrenia admitted in three psychiatric hospitals. The experimental group (n=20) received the SMP twice a week for a total of 8 weeks.


Study results revealed that the SMP was effective for stress (F=321.02, p<.001), problem solving ability (F=246.28, p<.001), and quality of life (F=63.35,p<.001) for hospitalized persons with schizophrenia.


The results suggest that a SMP can be an effective strategy to reduce patients' hospitalization stress, and improve problem solving skills and quality of life. Therefore, it is recommended that mental health nurses use this stress management program in clinical practice to assist adaptation to hospitalization for persons with schizophrenia.

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Factors Influencing Depression among Middle-School Girls
Haejung Lee, Hee Young Jung, Eunyoung Yun, Hwa-Yun Um, Young-Ju Jee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(4):550-557.   Published online August 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of depression among school girls in Korea and identify factors influencing the tendency to depression.


A self-report survey was conducted with South Korean middle schoolgirls who were in the 8th and 9th grades. Four hundred and one schoolgirls were included in the study. The instruments utilized in this study were the Center for Epidemiologic Studies - Depression Scale and Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and multiple logistic regression with SPSS WIN 14.0 program.


The average depression score of the participants was 20.68, which indicates moderate levels of depression. About 35% of the schoolgirls in this study reported a tendency to depression. Significant predictors for depression were 'decreased problem-solving abilities', 'no family members with whom they can discuss their concern', 'decreased satisfaction in relationship with friends', and 'increased negative self-perception of body-image'.


The study findings suggest that schoolgirls require special concern regarding the risk of developing depression. Regular depression screening could be beneficial for early detection of depression in schoolgirls and enhancing problem-solving ability could be considered as an effective strategy to reduce the risk of depression among schoolgirls.

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Effect of a Simulation-based Education on Cardio-pulmonary Emergency Care Knowledge, Clinical Performance Ability and Problem Solving Process in New Nurses
Yun Hee Kim, Keum Seong Jang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(2):245-255.   Published online April 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine the effects of simulation-based education regarding care in a cardio-pulmonary emergency care as related to knowledge, clinical performance ability, and problem solving process in new nurses.


An equivalent control group pre-post test experimental design was used. Fifty new nurses were recruited, 26 nurses for the experimental group and 24 nurses for the control group. The simulation-based cardio-pulmonary emergency care education included lecture, skill training, team-based practice, and debriefing, and it was implemented with the experimental group for a week in May, 2009. Data were analyzed using frequency, ratio, chi-square, Fisher's exact probability and t-test with the SPSS program.


The experimental group who had the simulation-based education showed significantly higher know-ledge (t=5.76, p<.001) and clinical performance ability (t=5.86, p<.001) for cardio-pulmonary emergency care compared with the control group who had traditional education but problem solving process was not included (t=1.11, p=.138).


The results indicate that a simulation-based education is an effective teaching method to improve knowledge and clinical performance ability in new nurses learning cardio-pulmonary emergency care. Further study is needed to identify the effect of a simulation-based team discussion on cognitive outcome of clinical nurses such as problem solving skills.

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The Effects of Case-Based Learning Using Video on Clinical Decision Making and Learning Motivation in Undergraduate Nursing Students
Moon-Sook Yoo, Jin-Hee Park, Si-Ra Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(6):863-871.   Published online December 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of case-base learning (CBL) using video on clinical decision-making and learning motivation.


This research was conducted between June 2009 and April 2010 as a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The study population was 44 third year nursing students who enrolled in a college of nursing, A University in Korea. The nursing students were divided into the CBL and the control group. The intervention was the CBL with three cases using video. The controls attended a traditional live lecture on the same topics. With questionnaires objective clinical decision-making, subjective clinical decision-making, and learning motivation were measured before the intervention, and 10 weeks after the intervention.


Significant group differences were observed in clinical decision-making and learning motivation. The post-test scores of clinical decision-making in the CBL group were statistically higher than the control group. Learning motivation was also significantly higher in the CBL group than in the control group.


These results indicate that CBL using video is effective in enhancing clinical decision-making and motivating students to learn by encouraging self-directed learning and creating more interest and curiosity in learning.

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Effects of Teaching Method using Standardized Patients on Nursing Competence in Subcutaneous Injection, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability
Mi-Ran Eom, Hyun-Sook Kim, Eun-Kyung Kim, Kayeon Seong
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(2):151-160.   Published online April 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of teaching method using Standardized Patients (SPs) on nursing competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving ability-focusing on subcutaneous insulin injection.


This research was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized post-test design. The subjects consisted of 62 junior nursing students at E University. Scenarios to train SPs and checklists to evaluate the students' competence were developed by our research team. The experimental group (n=31) participated in the teaching class using SPs. The control group (n=31) received traditional practice education. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, χ2/Fisher's exact test, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Cronbach's α using SPSS WIN 14.0 Program.


The mean scores of competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving were significantly higher in the experimental group than the control group.


As confirmed by this research findings, the teaching method using SPs was more effective than the traditional method to improve junior nursing students' competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving. Therefore, It is necessary to develop a various of scenarios and to testify their effectiveness.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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