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Predictors of Intention to Quit Smoking among Patient with Coronary Heart Disease
Eun Kyung Kim, Mae Ja Kim, Mi Ryung Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(3):355-363.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the level of intention to quit smoking and to identify factors influencing intention to quit among patients with coronary heart disease. Method: The subjects consisted of 80 male patients with coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction) at three hospitals in Seoul. The data were collected with self reporting in a structured questionnaire. Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify predictors of intention to quit. Included variables were attitudes toward smoking cessation, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, usefulness of smoking cessation, and previous attempts to quit. RESULT: 1. The mean score for intention to quit was 11.1(+/-6.1) which was lower than median score of the scale. 2. There were significant correlations between the all predictive variables and the intention to quit(r=.24-.48, p<.05). 3. usefulness of smoking cessation, perceived behavioral control, and previous attempts to quit explained 34.6% of the variance for intention to quit. CONCLUSION: usefulness of smoking cessation, perceived behavioral control, and previous attempts to quit were identified as important variables in explaining the intention to quit smoking among patients with coronary heart disease. Thus, it is necessary to try to enhance this factors for increasing intention to quit among patients with coronary heart disease.

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A Study for Investigating Predictors of AIDS and Patients Care Intention Among Nursing Students
Jong Kyung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(2):292-303.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to find out the level of knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, social interaction, and behavioral intention of nursing students regarding AIDS. It also identified factors that predict behavioral intentions and to provide care for patients with AIDS using Theory of Reasoned Action. The subjects consisted of 117 nursing students at three universities. Data was collected with self reporting in a questionnaire of with 67 items. Data was analyzed by an SPSS pc+ program. The results were as follows; 1. The mean age of the subjects was 20.98 years. The mean score for HIV/AIDS knowledge was 24.444 out of 32. Mostly Korean students were quite knowle- dgeable about the basic facts and symptoms of AIDS but confused about the made of transmission such as public toilets, preven- tion methods, and especially infection control. 2. This study found that social interaction, attitudes and subjective norms of Korean nursing students explained the intention to care for AIDS patients. The students who had a more positive attitude toward caring for AIDS patients and those who perceived more support from their significant others for caring the AIDS patients reported a more positive intention to care for AIDS patients. 3. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, 47.58% of the variance in AIDS patient care intention was accounted for by social interaction (33.41%), attitude (9.1%), and subjective norm (5.0 %). According to the finding of this study, and social interaction are the most significant predictors of intentions. Therefore it can be suggested that a HIV/AIDS prevention program should focus on transmission modes and prevention methods, especially in infection control. AIDS education efforts aimed at nursing students should place greater emphasis on correcting these kinds of misconceptions. Nursing intenvention for reducing fear of contagion, improving perception of social interaction, fostering positive attitudes and increasing intention to care for AIDS patients should be provided for nursing students. They also recommended that nursing students be adequately prepared to care for AIDS patients because of the increasing probability that they will encounter AIDS patients. Therefore it is important that education about HIV/AIDS should be incorporated within current undergraduate curriculum.

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Comparisons of the Prognostic Predictors of Traumatic Brain Injury According to Admission Glasgow Coma Scale Scores-Based on 1- and 6-month Assessments
Hyun Soo Oh, Wha Sook Seo, Seul Lee, Hosook Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):621-629.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the clinical variables that predict functional and cognitive recovery at 1- and 6-month in both severe and moderate/mild traumatic brain injury patients.


The subjects of this study were 82 traumatically brain-injured patients who were admitted to a Neurological Intensive Care Unit at a university hospital. Potential prognostic factors included were age, motor and pupillary response, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, and the presence of intracranial hematoma at admission.


The significant predictors of functional disability in severe traumatic brain injury subjects were, age, systolic blood pressure, the presence of intracranial hematoma, motor response, and heart rate at admission. In moderate/mild traumatic brain injury patients, motor response, abnormal pupil reflex, and heart rate at admission were identified as significant predictors of functional disability. On the other hand, the significant predictors of cognitive ability for severe traumatic brain injury patients were motor response and the presence of intracranial hematoma at admission, whereas those for moderate/mild patients were motor response, pupil reflex, systolic blood pressure at admission, and age.


The results of the present study indicate that the significant predictors of TBI differ according to TBI severity on admission, outcome type, and outcome measurement time. This can be meaningful to critical care nurses for a better understanding on the prediction of brain injury patients. On the other hand, the model used in the present study appeared to produce relatively low explicabilities for functional and cognitive recovery although a direct comparison of our results with those of others is difficult due to differences in outcome definition and validation METHODS: This implies that other clinical variables should be added to the model used in the present study to increase its predicting power for determining functional and cognitive outcomes.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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