This study is to investigate the influencing factors in the consistent use of contraception methods by comparing consistent and inconsistent users on partner communication, contraceptive control perception, and sexual autonomy among married Korean women.
This study consists of 243 married women living in Korea. A convenient sampling technique was used and data were collected by self report questionnaires from September 14, 2000 to October 20, 2000.
Only 41.6% of women were using contraception methods consistently and the rest of them were using contraception methods inconsistently. Between the two groups, statistical significances were noted in sexual communication(t=-2.5, p=.01), perceived contraceptive control(t=-7.5, p=.00) and sexual autonomy(t=-3.1, p=.00). As for general communication, it was not statistically significant(t=-1.0, p=.31).
Family planning program advisors should recognize that intervention programs for the promotion of consistent contraceptive behavior should focus on the sexual communication, perceived contraceptive control, and sexual autonomy.