As it Provides nursing students the opportunity for correlating principles and practice, clinical practice h s been considered as on of the most important part of nursing education. This study was desinged to measure the level of satisfaction in according with the conten, guidance, environment, hours and the evaluation of clinical pracice, and to investigate the extent of influence of the variables have on the level of satisfaction. Two hundred and fifty-two nursing students from 9 baccalaureat programs in Seoule were randomly sampled. Instrument consists of forty questionaires, developed by the researcher, was used to gather data data from September 7 through 22, 1978. The level of satisfaction was measured by 5 point rating scale(Likert-type), and level of significance were(t-test. F-test & X2-test). Results are as folow; 1. Level of satisfation according to the four variables { class health, academic achievement, motives) revealed no significant difference. (P>.05). Hypothesis 1,2,3,4, are rejected. 2. Level of satisfaction according to the two variables (clinical instructor, interpersonal relationship) revealed significant difference. (p<.01, p<.05). Hypothesis 5,6 are accepted. 3 Level of satisfaction of contents (mean score=3.02) revealed to be high. 4. Level of satisfaction on guidance (mean score=2.37), environment (mean score=2.59), hours (mean score=2.72) and evaluation (mean score=2.50) revealed to be low. 5. Level of satisfaction revealed to be low. (total mean satisfaction score =2.64).
[1] Purpose of the study An ultimate objectives of entrance examination for the selection of students by the nursing school is to evaluate their abilities and readiness for the further study as a competent and professional nurse at the college. As a method to measure the above mentioned achievement Inchon Nursing College conducts personality test in addition to the college made entrance examination. The study aimd to find out the correlation between personality test and academic achievement including clinic nursing practice through analysing the data and affecting factors for the purpose of improvement and desirable entrance examination system. [2] Content and Method of the study Selected experimental groups were 36 students who were admitted to the college in 1973 and 35 senior students who enrolled in the second semister in 1976. Gathered date, personality test achievement academic achievement record in the college and achievement of clinic nursing practice, from the total number of 71 students were analysed for the clarificaiton of their correlation. [3] Findings of the study 1. It was revealed that the correlation between the entrance examination achievement and personality test was meaningful. 2. Found no significant correlation between personality test and academic achievement through 3 years. 3. It was revealed the meaningful correla, n between personality test and clinic nursing practice. 4. The most dominant affecting elements for the academic achievement was the 2 nd year academec achievement showing 91.39%. Approximately 8 % were affecting for the 1 st year and 2 nd year academic achievment by the entrance examination achievement and personality test. 5. Achievement of clinic nursing practice was greatly affected by the 2 nd year clinic nursing practice with 81.26%. Achievement of the 3 rd year clinic nursing practice and personality test were affecting with approximately 15%.
Since nursing has come of age both as a profession and as a scholarly discipline, there has been increasing concern with delineating its theory base. In 1978 Chinn and Jacobs asserted that "the development of theory is the most crucial task facing nursing today." The basic building blocks of theories are concepts. Concept formation begins in infancy, for concepts help us to categorize and organize our environmental stimuli. Concepts help us to identify-how our experiences are similar or equivalent by categorizing all the things that are alike about them. Concepts can be primitive, concrete, or abstract. Concept Analysis is a strategy that examines the attributes or characteristics of a concept. It is a formal, linguistic exercise to determine those defining attributes. It encourages communication. Its basic purpose is to distinguish between the defining and irrelevant attributes of a concept similarities. It is a process of determining the differences between concepts and it is useful for several reasons. It is an excellent way to begin examining information in preparation for research or theory construction and results in an operational definition and a list of defining attributes and antecedents. It provides the scientist with an excellent beginning for a new tool, is an excellent way of evaluating an old one and is useful in evaluating existing instruments. The steps of concept analysis are: 1. Select a concept, 2. Determine the aims or purposes of the analy sis, 3. Identify all uses of the concept that you can discover, 4. Determine the defining attributes, 5. Construct a model case, 6. Construct borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases, 7. Identify antecedents and consequences, 8. Define empirical referents. In this paper, the concept selected for analysis was Love. The concept of love is of great interest to nursing because loving care is considered vital to the nursing care of patients. The aims of the concept analysis of love were to clarify the meaning of love, to develop an operational definition for it and to contribute to existing nursing theory. Love influences the quality of life which is the goal of nursing according to Parse in her Human Becoming Theory. Lived experiences are the entities for study in Parse's Research Methodology. Human caring, human understanding, and human becoming are the most important issues in lived experiences. In this research, dictionaries and literature from nursing philosophy and other human disciplines were used to identify the concept of love. As many different instances of the concept as could be found were examinned. The model case was a real life example of the use of the concept. Next borderline, related, invented, and contrary cases were constructed for the purpose of providing examples of "not the concept" and for promoting further understanding of the concept being discussed. The defining attributes of the concept of love were con cern. responsibility, respect, understanding and dedication. Love was defined as showing concern and understanding, relating with mutual respect and dedicating oneself responsibly to others. Concept analysis is a highly creative activity and may add signficant new information to a given area of interest. It is a strategy for developing a concept based on obervation or other forms of empirical evidence. The purpose of concept analysis is to generate new ideas. It provides a method of examining data for new insights that contribute to theoretical development. This concept analysis suggests that a nurse's love for patients is shown in the process of giving oneself in mutual relationships of responsibility and respect and in continuously providing understanding and quality human care for them.
Han-Thought is a philosophy unique to the native to Korean culture. From the point of view of etymological analysis, the word "Han" means "Large", "High" or "Whole" Ancient Korean people planted their philosophical roots deep in what has come to be know an Han-Thought. The goal of this study was to explore "Han-Thought" for concepts and principles which may contribute to the building of Korean nursing philosophy, ethic, paradigm, theory and eventfully practice. Ontologily, our ancient people attempted to learn what was most essential and meaningful in life Han-Thought embraces the thought of complete harmony with in wholeness. Han encompasses everything in the universe. A characteristic of Han-Thought is that all things relate each other in harmonic balance, not in conflict. The harmonious balance of all things excludes both disruption and confrontation, marking all things into a large oneness. Thus Han-Thought applied to Holism traditionally embraced by nursing philosophy. The principles of Han-Thought emphasize the love of peace. Extreme individualism and egoism are not allowed in Han-Thought. The Han-Thought provide a humanistic and ethical foundation for nursing philosophy. Han-Thought is a valuable philosophy for Korean nurses to explore toward the development of the discipline in Korea.
This second study on the effectiveness of nursing organization was designed to test the relationships between effectiveness of nursing organizations and structural variables that had been significant variables in the first study, the group design variable and the personal characteristic variables that had not been analysed in the first study based on personal resource productivity model. The data were collected through self-reported questionnaires completed by 605 nurses working in hospitals in seoul and 782 patients being hospitalized in 5 tertiary hospitals in Seoul. The results showed that according to the canonical correlation analysis, the managing job design, nursing delivery system. nurse's age career, and formalization were revealed as predicting variables of a nurses' job satisfaction and patients satisfaction among the five hospitals. Hospitals in which the team nursing method was used showed a higher score in nurses' job satisfaction and patient satisfaction than in hospitals which used the functional nursing model.
This study was designed to test relationship between effectiveness of nursing organizations and structural and managerial variables of nursing organizations that are described in the Robbins Organizational theory model. The data were collected through self reported questionnaires from 605 nurses working in, and 782 patients hospitalized in, five tertiary hospitals in seoul. Results showed that according to MANOVA there was a significant difference in nurses job satisfaction and patient satisfaction among the five hospitals. According to cluster analysis of the structural and managerial variables of nursing organizations, the five hospitals were divided into two clusters and there was no significant difference in nurses job satisfaction or patient satisfaction between the two clusters. According to canonical correlation analysis the formalization and centralization of structural variables were shown to be predicting variables for nurses job satisfaction, and the managing job design and managing change of managerial variables were shown to be predicting variables for nurses job satisfaction.
Health promoting behaviors of an individual are affected by various variables. Recently, there has been a growing concern over important health problems of the middle aged women. Physiological changes in the middle aged women and their responsibility for family care can result in physical and psychological burden experienced by middle aged women. This study was designed to test Pender's model and thus purpose a model that explains health promoting behaviors among middle-aged women in Korea. The hypothetical model was developed based on the Pender's health promoting model and the findings from past studies on women's health. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 863 women living in Seoul, between 20th, April and 15th, July 1995. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) modeling process was used to find the best fit model which assumes causal relationships among variables. The results are as follows; 1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was good expect chi -square value (GFI=.96, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04). 2. Paths of the model were modified by considering both its theoretical implication and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the data expect chi-square value (GFI=. 95, AFGI=.92, RMR=.04). 3. Some of modifying factors, especially age, occupation, educational levels and body mass index (BMI) are revealed significant effects on health promoting behaviors. 4. Some of cognitive -perceptual factors, especially internal health locus of control, self-efficacy and perceptive health status are revealed significant effects on health promoting behaviors. 5. All predictive variables of health promoting behaviors, especially age, occupation, educational levels, body mass index(BMI), internal health locus of control, self-efficacy and perceptive health status are explained 20.0% of the total variance in the model.
Human health is an integral part of experience in the process of Human Becoming. Through continual interaction with the environment human beings freely choose experience and develop as responsible beings. The process of the health experience of patient with terminal cancer is a unique. The objective of this study is to understand the lived experience of patients with terminal cancer in order to provide basic information for nursing care in the clinical setting and to develop a theoretical background for clinical practice. This study is to describe and define the lived experience of patients with terminal cancer in order to provide a foundation for nursing research and education. Data collection has been done between December 1993 and November 1994. The subjects included five persons-four females and one male: one who was in her sixties, one in his fifties, two in their forties, and one who was in her thirties. The researcher has met with these patients 35 times, but at eight times the patient was in a stuporous condition and not able to participate, so these were not included in the data analysis. Parse's "Human Becoming Methodology", an existential phenomenological research methodology is used for this study. Data has been collected using the dialogical engagement process of "I and You", the participant researcher and the participant subject. Dialogical engagement was discontinued when the data was theoretically saturated. Data was analyzed using the extraction-synthesis and heuristic interpretation. The criteria of Guba and Lincoln (1985), and Sandelowski(1986): credibility, auditability, fitness and objectivity were used to test the validity and reliability of the data. The following is a description of the structure of the lived experience of patients with terminal cancer as defined by this study: 1. Structure: 1) Suffering through the reminiscence of past experience 2) The appearance of complex emotions related to life and connectedness 3) The increasing importance of significant people and of the Absolute Being 4) The increasing realization of the importance of health and belief 5) Desire for a return to health and a peaceful life or for acceptance of dying and a comfortable death In summary the structure of the lived experience of these patients can be said to be: suffering comes through reminiscence of past experience, and there are complex emotions related to life and connectedness. Significant people and the Absolute Being become increasingly important along with a realization of the importance of health and faith. And finally there is a desire for either a return to health and a peaceful life or for the acceptance of dying and a comfortable death. 2. Heuristic Interpretation: Using Parse's Human Becoming Methodology, the structure of the lived experience of patients with terminal cancer identified in this research is interpreted as: The lived experience of patients with terminal cancer involves the solving of past conflicts, and the experience of the healing and valuing of sorrow and pain. Through the relation of life and health, and the complex emotions that arise, the lived experience of revealing-concealing is of paradoxical emotions. The increasing importance of significant others and of the Absolute Being shows Connecting and Separating an on-going process of nearness and farness. Revision of thoughts about health and faith is interpreted as transforming and desire for restoration to health and a peaceful life or acceptance of dying and a comfortable death, as powering. In summary, it is possible to see, in the lived experience of patients with terminal cancer, the relationship of the five concepts of Parse's theory: valuing, revealing-concealing, connecting-separating, transforming, and powering. From Parse's theory, the results of this study show that meaning is related to valuing, rhythmicity to revealing-concealing and connecting-separating, and cotranscendence to transforming and powering.
PURPOSE: This cross-sectional study was designed to explore the relationship among social support, experienced stressful life events and health behaviors of Korean undergraduate students, and validate the mediator effect of social support. METHOD: One thousand four hundred fifty-three undergraduate students were randomly selected from five universities located in the middle area of Korea. RESULT: The health behaviors of Korean undergraduates tend to have unhealthy patterns. In the case of the students living without family, experiencing more stressful life events and perceiving lower social support, health behaviors are poor. The relationship between perceived social supports, the frequency of the experienced stressful life events and the score of health behavior patterns is statistically significant. After controlling the effect of social support, the correlation coefficient between the frequency of experienced stressful life events and the score of health behavior patterns was slightly lower. The score of health behaviors between the group with an extremely high score of social support and the group with an extremely low score were statistically significantly different. CONCLUSION: Future studies need to be pursued to develop various strategies such as a health education programs and counseling programs for health maintenance and health promotion of undergraduates.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the nursing needs of patients with chronic illness. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 636 patients with chronic illness, 323 general nurses, and 106 public health nurses. The instruments used for this study were questionnaires including perceived functions of nursing from the center for chronic illness, preference to placement, intention to use, needs to receive services from the center for chronic illness, strategies management for nursing, and nursing needs of chronically ill patients. RESULTS: The mean of perceived functions for nursing from the center were 3.1(0.5) in public health nurses, 2.9 (0.59) in general nurses, and 2.4(1.33) in chronically ill patients. Regards of needs to receive on services of the nursing centers were, the regularly physical examination, for health educational services which was perceived highest request amongst chronically ill patients. We found the means of each specific need as 2.2(0.6), for physical health, 2.1(0.7), for psychosocial health, and 1.8(0.6) for spiritual health. CONCLUSION: From the results of this study, it is suggested that establishing a nursing center for chronically ill patients consider physical, psychosocial, for spiritual health needs of chronically ill patients. It is also a consideration that direct care for symptom management and health education in the nursing center be implemented.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 1748 patients with chronic disease in General Hospital from December 1999 to July 2000 in Seoul. The disease of subject were cardiac disease included hypertension peptic ulcer, pulmonary disease included COPD and asthma, DM, and chronic kidney disease. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis.
1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, it was modified by excluding 4 path and including free parameters to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (x2=591.83, p<.0001, GFI=0.97, AGFI= 0.94, NNFI=0.95, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA=0.05). 2. The perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the plan for action were found to have significant direct effect on health promoting behavior of chronic disease. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, social support were found to have indirect effects on health promoting behavior of chronic disease.
The derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested implication in nursing practice.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. A hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review. METHOD: Data was collected by questionnaires from 235 patients with chronic respiratory disease in a General Hospital in Seoul. Data analysis was done using SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and the PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance Structural Analysis. RESULT: The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate. It was modified by excluding 2 path and including free parameters and 3 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data(X2=80.20, P=0.05, GFI=0.95, AGFI=0.88, NNFI=0.95, NFI=0.96, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA =0.06). 2. The perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and a plan of action were found to have significant direct effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. 3. The health perception, self-esteem, and activity related to affect were found to have indirect effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. CONCLUSION: The modified model of this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.
This study was designed to construct a structural model for quality of life of chronic gastric disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model. Data were collected by questionnaires from 459 patients with chronic gastric disease in a General Hospital from July 1999 to August 2000 in Seoul. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis. The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, thus it was modified by excluding 1 path and including free parameters and 2 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (Chi2=934.87, p<.0001, GFI=0.88, AGFI=0.83, NNFI=0.86, RMSR =0.02, RMSEA=0.07). 2. The perceived barrier, health promoting behavior, self-efficacy, and self-esteem were found to have significant direct effects on the quality of life. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, and social support were found to have indirect effects on quality of life of chronic gastric disease. In conclusion, the derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting quality of life of chronic gastric disease. Therefore it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.
This Meta-Analysis of 18 studies was conducted to determine the magnitude of th relationship between health promotion behavior and each of explanatory variables. The studies were measured using Health Promoting Life Style(HPLP) developed by Walker and others based on Pender's definiton of health promoting behavior. The sample was collected by searching for The Journal of Korean Academy Nursing Society, The Journal of Korean Women's Health Nursing Academic Society,The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Adult Nursing, Journal of Korean Community Nursing, The Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing, The Journal of Korean Nursing Administration Academic Society, The Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing, The Journal of Korean Psychiatric Academic Society, the dissertations for mater degree or doctoral dissertations for the period from 1980 to 1998. The explanatory variables measured more than 2 times in studies were self-efficacy, perceived health status, self-esteem, internal, powerful- others and chance dimensions of health locus of control, perceived benefits, hardiness, wellbeing and clinical demensions of health concepts, and quality of life(life satisfaction). Effect sizes were calculated by unweighted mean r, weighted mean r by sample size and weighted mean r by quality index score after homogeneity test. The mean r effect size indicator range of each predictor variable were as follows; quality of life (0.50- 0.52), self-efficacy(0.46-0.47), hardiness (0.42-0.44), self-esteem(0.41-0.43), health locus of control- internal(0.32-0.34), health locus of control- powerful others (0.25-0.31), perceived health status(0.18-0.19) and clinical dimensions of health concepts (0.16-0.17).
Every year the number of the elderly increases in Korea thanks to the improvement of social and economical levels and the development of medicine. However, many problems such as insufficent care and the isolation of the elderly have been commonplace. This trend exists not only because of increased lifespan but also the changing social structure of the nuclear family. Accordingly, inspite of the development of medicine, geriatric diseases including circulatory diseases are increasing in proportion of elderly population, as well as the severity. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that health care programs provide the best possible health care and functional capacities in terms of healthy elderly lifestyles. Especially, the phenomena of aging and geriatric diseases taking place with the elderly naturally are affected by lifestyle and the drastic changes in exercise patterns. This study aims to improve geriatric health by introducing a rhythmic movement program for the elderly to estabilish a health-promoting self-care system and by developing quality of life, perceived health status, their physical and physiological functions and emotional state. The theoretical framework used in this dissertation is derived from the Health-Promoting Self-Care System Model (Simmons, 1990), which integrates the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (Orem, 1985), the interaction model of Client Health Behavior (Cox, 1982) and the Health Promotion Model (Pender, 1987). As a quasi-experimental design, the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design is utilized for this study. The subjects of this study consist of 64 people, over 65 years old who live in 2 nursing homes for the aged located in S city , Kyong-gi province and volunteered for this study from July, 12, 1999 to September, 17, 1999. They are divided into two groups: 33 in the experimental group and 31 in the control group. The experimental group particpated in the Rhythmic Movement Program at the nursing home, which was comprised of 45 minutes a session, 5 sessions a week during 9 weeks. In order to measure the results of the Rhythmic Movement Program, aspects of perceived health status, balance, flexibility, grip strength, leg strength, heart rate, blood pressure, depression, anxiety and the quality of life were measured before and after participating in the Rhythimic Movement Program for the experimental group after 9 weeks, as well as the control group. The collected data were processed by SPSS PC+ and analyzed by the X2 test, t-test, ANCOVA and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The perceived health status conditions in the experimental group show statistically significant improvement when compared to the control group (F=17.51, p=.000). 2. The physical and physiological functions, that is, balance (F=17.51, p=.000), flexibility (F=8.01, p=.006), grip strength (F=3.21, p=.018) and leg strength (F=25.78, p=.000) in the experimental group are higher than the control group. The vital signs, that is, the number of heart rate (F=.022, p=.884), systolic pressure (F=1.73 p=.193), and diastolic pressure (F=2.74, p=.103) in the experimental group compared to the control group decreased, but doesn't show statistically significant differences. Immune responses (F=5.13, p=.003) showed statistically significant increases in the experimental group when compared to the control group. 3. The emotional state are improved, that is, degree of depression (F=11.56, p=.001) and degree of anxiety (F=9.14, p=.004) in the experimental group showed statistically significant decreases. 4. The quality of life in the experimental group (F=3.03, p=.037) showed statistically significant differences compared to the control group. 5. The observations of the relationships among the perceived health status, emotional state , the quality of life, the relationships between the perceived health status, the degree of depression (r=-.653, p=.000) and the degree of anxiety (r=-.786, p=.000) were in contrary propotions, while the relationships between the perceived health status and the quality of life (r=.234, p=.008) were in direct propotion. In conclusion, the Rhythmic Movement Program used in this study for geriatric nursing care is simple and safe for application to the elderly and shows significant effects by implementing 5 sessions a week for 9 weeks. The Rhythmic Movement Program improves the quality of life, maintains as well as improves the physical and physiological fuctions and emotional state, therefore this program is strongly recommended for positive applications for independant geriatric nursing health care.
The purpose of this study was to identify causal relationships among variables of transtheoretical model for exercise in the elderly. A predictivel model explaining the stage of change was constructed based on a transtheoretical model. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected from 198 old adults over 60 years old in a community setting in Seoul, Korea in April and May,1999. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling (LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationship of variables. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was X2=132.85. (df=22, p=.000). GFI=.88, NNFI=.35, NFI=.77, AGFI=.59 which was not favorable but the fit of modified model to the data was X2=46.90. (df=27, p=.01).GFI= .95, NNFI=.91, NFI=.92, AGFI=.87) which was more than moderate. The predictable variables of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly were helping relationship, self cognitive determination, conversion of negative condition in process of change and efficacy for exercise . These variables explained 68% of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly.
Purpose: This study was performed to identify the factors that change exercise behave. This study will also classify and identify the characteristics of excercise stages to which the elderly belong Also, to identify the processes of change which influence on the changes in exercise performed by the elderly.
Convenient samples of 198 subjects over the age 60 in Seoul Korea(mean age=70) were selected from elderly communities and were all mentally conpetant older adults. The data were collected from April 1,1999 to May 30, 1999. The research instruments were measured the change in exercise (Marcus et al., 1992b), such as Stage of Change measure(Marcus et al,1992a).
The data were analyzed by SAS Program.
1. According to the measure of change without missing data, 191 subjects were distributed each stage of change for exercise: 50 subjects (26.1%), 7 subjects (3.6%), 52 subjects (27.2%), 4 subjects (2%), and 78 (40.8%) belonged to the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage, the preparation stage, the action stage and the maintenace stage.
2. According to the factor analysis, 6 factors of change were identified as appropriate processes of change and were named by the researchers. The names were; 'Supportive helping relationship', 'Self cognitive determination', 'Environmental reinforcement', Consciousness raising', Reinforcement of negative condition and 'Conversion of negative condition'.
3. According to the stage of change, there were significant mean differences in the 'Supportive helping relationship(F=22.04, p=.0001)', 'Self cognitive determination (F=50.87, p=.0001)', 'Reinforcement of negative condition(F=7.84,p=.0006)'.
4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that Self cognitive determination is the most influential variable as one of the processes of change which can discrimiate the three stages of change (precontemplation, preparation, and maintenance). Also the next significant variable was Reinforcement of negative condition.
The process of the dey change is one of concepts of The transtheoretical model known as strategies and the techniques people use as they go through the different stages of change. Even though this study is cross- sectional not longitudinal study, the finding of this study gives useful information for exercise intervention, by using this strategy of exercise for elderly in different stages of change in exercise.
This study was conducted to identify the attributes constituting Korean social support and to validate the results of the previous study 'Search for the meaning of social support in Korean Society.' The informants were 41 Korean middle-aged women in three cities : Seoul, Dagjun and Daeku. The data were collected through indepth interviews using the interview guide from Jun. 1994 to Jun. 1995. The interview guide was developed in the simulated situations of 'Stroke attack' which expected to be in need of social support. The women were asked to answer what they felt and the appropriated terms representing the situations. Data analysis were conducted by content analysis. consequently, the Koran social support pyramid was modified as follows ; Support is the apex of the pyramid. The four sides of the pyramid are made up of 'Jung'(Bound by ties of affection, regard or shared common experience, Connectedness), Do-oom(both emotional and material help), Mi-dum(Faith or belief in) and Sa-Rang(Love). The base of the pyramid is 'yun'(the basic network of relationships in Korean culture) that connote the meaning of Eunhae(Benevolence), Euimu(duty, responsibility) and Dori(obligation).
Nurses are at the forefront of providing hands-on care to patients infected with HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Therefore, appropriate and sensible infection control precaution should be taken at all times. The purpose of this study is to find out nurse's learning needs about HIV/AIDS ; and nurse's willingness to perform nursing care to HIV/AIDS patients ; and the degree of following universal precautions in nursing care ; and the degree of knowledge of HIV/AIDS to provide information on the guide for the further continuing education. The respondents of this study were 280 nurses in a university hospital in Kwang-Ju city. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed by using percentages, means, Pearson's correlation, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan's grouping. The findings were as follows ; 1. The mean age of the nurses was 28.9 years, and the mean duration of their clinical experience was 6.8 years. Majority of the nurses(83.9%) had no experience in taking care of the AIDS patients. 2. The contents nurse's need to learn were showed in order such as clinical manifestations, infection control, patient care, and the mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS. 3. Even though the nurses had quite low knowledge about HIV/AIDS(mean score was 12.2 from the total of 26), they are willing to take care of the AIDS patients (mean score was 39.5 from the total of 60), and the degree of following universal precaution was also not so bad (mean score was 40.8 from the total of 50). 4. Nurses who are over 35 years old and had informal education regarding HIV/AIDS better following universal precautions. Nurses who had over 12 years of clinical experiences have more willingness to perform nursing care to the AIDS patients. Nurses who had experiences in taking care of the AIDS patients were more knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS. These findings suggest that some strategies should be develope to increase the willingness to perform the nursing care to the AIDS patients. And also continuing education program should be develope and run for the clinical nurses so that they can provide effective and appropriate nursing care to the AIDS patients.
This study was designed to construct a model that predicts the health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 254 Korean elderly in seoul, from June 1 to July 15, 1998. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling(LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationships of variables. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate[X2=249.83(df=83, p=.00), RMR=.07, GFI=.90, NNFI=.92, NFI=.91]. The predictable variables of health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly were social activity, social support, self-integrity and helplessness except the perceived health status. These variables explained 17.1% of health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly.
For producing large numbers of professional nurses who could manage 21th century's human health, it is necessary to review the direction of registered nursed' national examination which evaluates the nursing education and is granted a licence. For adapting to social expectation of the nurse, we have to nurture the nurses' problem solving capability in clinical setting. Seven divisions of Korean Academy of Nursing suggested clinical competency according to their categories. This paper was presented in the workshop for setting up direction of registered nurses' national examination. We expect that this paper would be more refine and confirm through reviewing subdivisions' learning objectives and discussing clinical minimum level of competence contents with clinical leaders.
This study was designed to construct a model that predicts the quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. The hypothetical model wad developed based on the findings from past studies on quality of life and on the family with a chronically ill patients. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 200 family caregivers in Seoul and Kyung Gi-Do, from May 1 to July 21, 1997. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The Linear Structural Relationship(LISREL) modeling process was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationships among variables. The results are as follows: 1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate [X2=31.54(df=23, p=.11), GFI=.96, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04]. 2. Paths of the model were modified by considering both its theoretical implication and the statistical significance of the parameter estimates. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the data expect chi-square value(GFI=.95, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04). 3. Some of predictive factors, especially economic status, physical ability to perform daily-life activity, period after disease-onset, social support and fatigue revealed indirect effect on the quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. 4. The factors, burden and role satisfaction revealed significant direct effects on the quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. 5. All predictive variables of quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient, especially economic status, physical ability to perform daily-life activity, period after disease-onset, social support, fatigue, burden and role satisfaction explained 38.0% of the total variance in the model. In conclusion, the derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. Therefore it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggests direction in nursing practice.
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among quality of life, family coherence, family hardiness, and family resources of the family care-giver caring for a cancer patient.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 137 families with a cancer patient at a General Hospital and Government Cancer Hospital. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.
The score of quality of life showed a significant positive correlation with the score of the level of family sense of coherence, family hardiness, and family resources. The most powerful predictor of quality of life was sense of coherence and the variance was 30%. A combination of sense of coherence and family resources account for 34 % of the variance in quality of life of the family care-giver caring for a cancer patient.
The results showed that family sense of coherence, hardiness, and family resources were significant influencing factors on the quality of life of the family care-giver caring for a cancer patient.
A structural equation model was analysed to explore the determinants of health behaviors of university students in Korea.
Nine hundred sixty nine university students were selected by random cluster sampling from five universities located in the central area of Korea.
The data was collected by questionnaires about demographic characteristics, stressful life events, perceived social support, perceived health status and health behaviors.
1. Gender showed indirect effect on health behaviors. 2. Living together with(out) family had a direct effecton health behaviors: students living with family showed more positive health behaviors. 3. Stressful life events had an indirect effect on health behaviors via perceived health status;a higher score of stressful life events was the predictor for negative health behaviors. 4. A higher score of perceived health status predicted positive health behaviors.
Each university should be encouraged to develop a health behavior control program and health promotion program for their own university students. It would be more effective to develop health programs separately according to the demographic or social characteristics of the students. It is also necessary for the Ministry of Education to reform the School Health Act and school health policy to strengthen a health promotion program for university students. In conclusion, following studies should identify and promote the validity and reliability of perceived health status and health behaviors measurements.
The aim of this study was to develop and measure the effect of a movie-based-nursing intervention program designed to enhance motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression levels in stroke patients.
The study used a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group and a pretest-posttest design. The 60 research subjects were assigned to the experimental (n=30) or control group (n=30). The movie-based nursing intervention program was provided for the experimental group during 60-minute sessions held once per week for 10 weeks. The program consisted of patient education to strengthen motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression, watching movies to identify role models, and group discussion to facilitate therapeutic interaction.
After 10 weeks of participation in the movie-based nursing intervention program, the experimental group's rehabilitation motivation score was significantly higher, F=1161.54 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1),
The movie-based nursing intervention program could be used for stroke patients experiencing psychological difficulties including reduced motivation for rehabilitation and increased depression during the rehabilitation process.
The purpose of this study was to construct and test a structural equation model for pressure ulcer prevention action by clinical nurses. The Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior were used as the basis for the study.
A structured questionnaire was completed by 251 clinical nurses to analyze the relationships between concepts of perceived benefits, perceived barriers, attitude, subjective norm, perceived control, intention to perform action and behavior. SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 programs were used to analyze the efficiency of the hypothesized model and calculate the direct and indirect effects of factors affecting pressure ulcer prevention action among clinical nurses.
The model fitness statistics of the hypothetical model fitted to the recommended levels. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived control on pressure ulcer prevention action explained 64.2% for intention to perform prevention action.
The major findings of this study indicate that it is essential to recognize improvement in positive attitude for pressure ulcer prevention action and a need for systematic education programs to increase perceived control for prevention action.
This study was done to assess the bone mineral density (BMD), biochemical bone turnover markers (BTMs), and factors associated with bone health in young Korean women.
Participants were 1,298 women, ages 18-29, recruited in Korea. Measurements were BMD by calcaneus quantitative ultrasound, BTMs for Calcium, Phosphorus, Osteocalcin, and C-telopeptide cross-links (CTX), body composition by physical measurements, nutrients by food frequency questionnaire and psychosocial factors associated with bone health by self-report.
The mean BMD (Z-score) was -0.94. 8.7% women had lower BMD (Z-score≤-2) and 14.3% women had higher BMD (Z-score≥0) than women of same age. BTMs were not significantly different between high-BMD (Z-score≥0) and low-BMD (Z-score<0) women. However, Osteocalcin and CTX were higher in women preferring caffeine intake, sedentary lifestyle and alcoholic drinks. Body composition and Calcium intake were significantly higher in high-BMD. Low-BMD women reported significantly higher susceptibility and barriers to exercise in health beliefs, lower bone health self-efficacy and promoting behaviors.
Results of this study indicate that bone health of young Korean women is not good. Development of diverse strategies to intervene in factors such as exercise, nutrients, self-efficacy, health beliefs and behaviors, shown to be important, are needed to improve bone health.
The purpose of this study was to explore the health-illness transition of patients with Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease (YOPD).
From June to November 2011, 17 patients with YOPD who visited a neurologic clinic in a tertiary hospital participated in the study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using the grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin.
The core category of the participants' health-illness transition emerged as 'reshaping identity following uncontrollable changes'. The participants' health-illness transition process consisted of six phases in sequence: ego withdrawal, loss of role, frustration, change of thought, modification of life tract, and second life. Although most participants proceeded through the six phases chronologically, some returned to the frustration phase and then took up the remaining phases.
The study results provide an in-depth understanding of health-illness transition experiences in the participants. These findings suggest a need to develop appropriate nursing intervention strategies according to the different phases in the health-illness transition of patients with YOPD.
The present study was done to discover the structure of universal actual experiences ‘Considering tomorrow’ of health and quality of life among North Korean refugees in terms of the socio-cultural context of South Korea.
The research question was ‘what is the structure of the actual experience of ‘Considering tomorrow?’, which was examined based on the Parse's human becoming research method. Five North Korean adult refugees were recruited from a National Reconciliation Committee in Seoul/Incheon. The data was gathered from dialogues and collected from February, 2006 to November, 2006.
The structures found in this study were: ‘hope for future life by taking responsibility and having harmony with South Koreans, by forming an integrated identification; having a chance for positive engagement, by attaining human freedom and hope; feeling respected, by assimilating self to the new world; getting freedom back, by facing a new challenge and preparing self for a new social role; overcoming cultural differences with fortified hardiness for survival, by making a decision for a life course with individual growth. In addition, conceptual integration was that ‘Considering tomorrow is transforming the enabling-limiting values’.
Health professionals need to know North Korean refugees' psychological difficulties, expectations of treatment, help seeking behavior, and expectations from mainstream culture. Additionally, understanding North Korean refugees' needs for reality, health education and a multi-disciplinary team approach are necessary to improve their health.
This study was aimed at understanding the nature of the suffering of families with patients in mental health nursing homes and hoped to contribute to the rehabilitation process of those with a chronic mental disorder.
Research methodology was based upon Parse's human becoming research methodology.
a) Despite the despair the family feels by the violence caused by their now-institutionalized relative, they also realize anew the importance of their role as protectors b) Although they fear social stigmatization they also try to be supportive, out of guilt feelings; c) They regret their severe rearing style and wish to be more sympathetic, d) They find courage and hope through family therapy, which leads to a better understanding of the illness, e) With hopes of rehabilitation, the family members feel happy and go through an emotional release, by sharing the pain with each other.
Families of nursing home residents share a focus on the process of human-health-universe. This is a positive, ‘human-becoming’ process with which, based on past feelings of despair, fear, resignation, and pain, one can render meaning into his or her experiences in the present in the pursuit of love, conquest, hope, liberty and success.