This study investigated the relationship between the nurse's followership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The sample consisted of 173 nurses of 2 private university hospitals. The instruments used in this study were the followership scale (Kelly, 1994), the job satisfaction scale (Slavitts et al., 1978), the organizational commitment questionnaire (Mowday et al., 1979) and the demographic questionnaire. SPSS/WIN program was used for descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis of data. The results were as follows: 1) The styles of followership were classified as pragmatist followers (73.4%), exemplary followers (19.7%), passive followers (4.6%), and alienated followers (2.3%). 2) The mean of independent/ critical thinking was 3.32 (M=3.0), and active involvement was 3.04 (M=3.0). As a whole, the mean of followership was 3.18 (M=3.0), job satisfaction was 2.82 (M=2.5), and organizational commitment was 3.97 (M=3.5). 3) Significant differences were found in the degree of clinical nurses' perception of followership according to the demographic characteristics such as age, education, position, and career. 4) Significant differences were found in the degree of clinical nurses' perception of followership according to followership styles. 5) The followership was significantly related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In conclusion, the nurse's followership is considered as an important concept and this suggested that the concept could be used as a major variable in measuring effectiveness of nursing organization.
Recently the concept of 'empowerment' not only attracts attention in the area of management but also is considered as an useful concept in the areas of nursing theory, practice, education, and research. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the meaning of the concept 'empowerment'. More concretely, it is to find the concept that can be applied appropriately to the area of nursing management. This study uses Walker and Avant's(1983) process of concept analysis. The attributes of empowerment based on the concept can be defined concisely as follows: 1. a dynamic and interaction process. 2. a partnership which values self and others : power shaving. 3. mutual decision-making using resources, opportunities, and authority 4. accept autonomy and responsibility Antecedents of empowerment consist of 1) mutual trust and respect, 2) education and support, 3) participation and commitment. In regard to the consequences of empowerment, it is expected to 1) positive self-esteem, 2) ability to sex and reach goals, 3) the promotion of organization's effectiveness and productivity, 4) provide effective and high quality health-care, 5) a sense of hope for the future. The concept of empowerment is certainly believed that it will help future nurses since they needs an integrated technique that can treat acute and chronic patients' nursing, individuals, families, and communities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the instrument including the defining attributes identified in this study. Also, it is need follow up study of this concept.