The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational needs of a mother when nurturing children from neonates to the schoolage. A total of 657 subjects responded to the survey about the level of educational needs when nurturing children. The subjects of the study constituted of 401 mothers who visited the health center for immunization and 256 mothers who visited the pediatric outpatient department or whose children were hospitalized in pediatrics. This instrument had 64 items about nurturing children from neonates to the schoolage and one item had a score range of one to four. In data analysis, SPSSWIN 9.0 program was utilized for descriptive statistics. The results were as follows. 1) Mothers who had the neonates represented the highest educational needs about parental-neonates attachments with 3.47 of mean score compared to neonatal convulsion(3.44), management of common colds(3.44), nutrition(3.44), fever control (3.42). 2) Mothers who had infancy represented the highest educational needs about management of common colds with 3.34 of mean score compared to psychosocial developments (3.23), management of foreign bodies (3.22), feeding the food(3.19), playing with the infant(3.16). 3) Mothers who had toddlers represented the highest educational needs about psychosocial developments with 3.35 of mean score compared to discipline for children(3.34), management of teeth (3.29), management of common colds (3.21), management of accidents(3.20). 4) Mothers who had the a child in preschool represented the highest educational needs about psychosocial developments with 3.53 of mean score compared to management of accidents(3.23), discipline for children (3.00). 5) Mothers who had the child in secondary school represented the highest educational needs about psychosocial developments with 3.42 of mean score compared to management of teeth(3.13), management of accidents (3.05).