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Expertise in ICU Nursing: A Qualitative Approach
Myung Sun Yi, Eun Ok Lee, Myoung Ae Choi, Keum Soon Kim, Mooon Hee Ko, Min Jeong Kim, Hyun Sook Kim, Jung Tae Son, Mi Ran Eom, Sang Eun Oh, Kyung Sook Lee, Eun Hee Jang, Gyeol Ja Cho, Jeong Sook Choe
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(5):1230-1242.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to uncover the expertise of ICU nursing in Korea, and to describe nurses' practice based on the degree of skill acquisition. A total of 18 ICU nurses participated in the study. The data was collected through individual in-depth interviews and it was managed using the NUDIST 4.0 software program. The data was analyzed using interpretive phenomenology suggested by Benner. Four properties of expertise of ICU nursing were identified. These are 1) concern and love toward patients; 2) knowledge; 3) skill, and 4) abilities in interpersonal relationships. And the characterisitcs of four levels of skill acquisition, that is advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert, were described with exemplars. The results of this study might help nurse researchers clarify and elaborate on the concept of expertise in ICU nursing, and enable them to understand how the process of skill acquisition occurs in the ICU setting. They might also help nurse managers establish educational goals for ICU nursing for student or novice nurses.

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An Inquiry into Subjectivity of Fundamental Nursing Practice Attitude
Kyoung Soon Han, Eun Hee Park, Ju Yeon Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):682-693.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The study was designed to identify the attitude of nursing students to fundamental nursing practice through Q-methodology. A Q sample was developed through a review of the literature and interviews. Forty statements made up the finalized Q-sample. The P sample consisted of 25 nursing students in S College. Q statements were written on separate cards and were given to the 25 subjects to sort according to degree of agreement or disagreement. The Q-sort by each subject was coded and analyzed with QUANL PC Program. The analysis discovered three major attitudes, namely "type 1: passive demand", "type 2: active self-confidence", "type 3: practical application". The correlation was .213 between type 1 and 2, .409 between type 1 and 3, .379 between t ype 2 and 3. The results revealed three different types of fundamental nursing practice attitude; 1) Passive demand type: they were not satisfied with fundamental nursing practice time, the number of persons, practice machines. They presented anxiety and worry through fundamental nursing practice. Therefore, they will presenta passive attitude of clinical practice experience. 2) Active self-confidence type: they experienced pride as a nursing student and fascination as a nurse was an acquired recognition. 3) Practical application type: they practiced that fundamental nursing skill was applied their family and oneself. Therefore they had tension through initial fundamental nursing practice but they gained self-confidence and interest through practical study. In conclusion, the researchers suggest that the education program would be more effective if it was planned considering to each types of attitude of nursing students for fundamental nursing practice.

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An Analysis of Requisite Knowledge Body of Physiology for Clinical Nursing Practices
Wha Sook Seo, Young Whee Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):711-720.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to define the content of physiological knowledge needed for clinical nursing practices. Subjects of physiology were classified into 15 areas, and each area was further classified into subareas, resulting in a total of 194 subareas. The degree of importance of each subarea was measured with a 4-point scale. The subjects of this study were 179 nurses of two university hospitals located in Seoul and Inchon. The results were as follows: 1. The areas of physiology necessary for clinical nursing practice as a basic knowledge in the order of importance were : blood, respiratory system and renal physiology , function of the immune system, body fluid and cardiovascular system, body temperature, endocrine physiology and gastrointestinal physiology. However, the degree of importance for reproductive physiology, neurophysiology, energy and metabolism, cell and cell membrane physiology, muscular physiology and special sense was relatively low. 2. The most important content of physiology for all clinical areas in nursing was blood physiology. However, the degree of importance for each physiology area was different depending on clinical areas. 3. Subareas of physiology as a basic knowledge for clinical practice and education in nursing were blood transfusion, blood type, function of red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet, characteristics and function of hemoglobin, composition and function of hemoglobin, composition and function of plasma protein, and mechanism and function of plasma protein, and mechanism of blood coagulation and anticoagulation. In conclusion, areas of physiology necessary for clinical nursing practice were blood, respiratory system and renal physiology, function of immune, body fluid and cardiovascular system, body temperature, endocrine physiology and gastrointestinal physiology. However, the degree of importance for each physiology area was different depending on clinical areas in nursing.

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A Study on the Experience of Fundamental Nursing Practice
Kyoung Soon Han, Ju Yeon Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):293-303.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to understand and to explain how were nursing students experienced and accepted the fundemental nursing practice. In addition to, the results of this study are attempted to contribute for offer of basic data in projecting and accomplishing to promote quality practice education. The participants were 790 freshmen of S College of Nursing in kyungi-do. They presented record of feeling and thinking on their the foundemental nursing practice experience. The data were collected from 29, June to 10, July in 1998. Collected data was analyzed by means of Van Kaam's phenomenological method. The results of this study was founded 423 descriptive expression and they were grouped under 42 common factors and they were grouped under 9 categories. By means of the frequency on the categories, the higher category is Anxiety, next Solemn, Flutter, Pride, Usefulness, Recognition of reality in nursing-system, Lack of practice environment, Self-accusation, Comprehension of nursing spirit were founded. 5 common factors, Tension, Difficulty, Dread, Apprehension, Burden were grouped under Anxiety. 7 common factors, Pledge, Memory, importance of practice, Sincerity, Restriction of dress, Acceptance, Active attitude were grouped under Solemn. 5 common factors, Interest, Strange, Beanimated, Waiting, Curiosity were grouped under Flutter. 5 common factors, Conceit, Self-confidence, Skilled, Worth, Accomplishment were grouped under Pride. 6 common factors, acknowledge of nursing affairs, Expectation of future, Fascination of nursing, Acquirement of disposition of nurse, Association of injection, Actual Feeling of dept. of nursing were grouped under Recognition of reality in nursing-system. 4 common factors, Lack of practice time, Many persons of practice, Lack of practice instrument, Lack of reality were grouped under Lack of practice environment. 5 common factors, Inconvenient, Reflection, Loss of pride, Shyness, Feeling sorry were grouped under Self-accusation. 3 common factors, utility, Connection of practice and theory, Various experience were grouped under Usefulness. 2 common factors, Comprehension on the dignity of human, Comprehension on a point of view of patient were grouped under Comprehension of nursing spirit. In conclusion, the following recommendation should be necessary a supplementary study to approach on the type of students that has a firm view and care about client prior to clinical nursing practice.

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Factors Influencing Vitality among Nurses
Ji Soon Lee, Won Oak Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):676-683.   Published online March 28, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was conducted to understand the degree of vitality, meaning in life and self-efficacy and to elucidate the factors influencing this vitality in the nurses of Korea. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of nurses from 4 hospitals was conducted by convenience sampling. Data collection was conducted through the use of questionnaires which were constructed to include a Vitality Self Test, Purpose in Life Test and Self-efficacy Scale. RESULTS: The degree of vitality in nurses was in the middle range. The nurses of this study had few goals towards meaning in life, and an existential vacuum state. A positive relationship was found between vitality and the research variables. The significant predictors influencing vitality in nurses were meaning in life, self-efficacy, and clinical career, and these variables accounted for 28.7% of the variance in vitality. CONCLUSIONS: This results support that vitality is an important link with meaning in life and self-efficacy. There should be a comprehensive study in the future for in-depth understanding of the vitality of nurses.

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Nurses' Research Activities and Barriers of Research Utilization
Eui Geum Oh, Hyun Ju Oh, Yoon Jung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(5):838-848.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to describe nurses' research activities, perceptions and performances of evidence-based practice and barriers to the use of research evidence in nursing practice in Korea.


A cross-sectional survey design was used. A questionnaire, except for Barriers Scale, was developed for the study. Data was collected from a convenient sample of 437 registered nurses working at research and education oriented university hospitals.


Nurses' research-related activities were relatively low compared to previous studies. Also perceptions and performances of evidence based nursing practice were low. Preferred informational resources for clinical decision making were identified as ward manuals/clinical guidelines, manager/senior nurses, and literature/research. The major barriers to research utilization were a lack of implication for practice along with inadequate facilitation to implement research evidence and difficulty understanding research written in English. Priorities of barriers factor were Administrator, Communication, Adopter, and Research.


The findings provide directions for future training, education, and managerial policy to achieve successful evidence based nursing practice.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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