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Original Article
Verification of Validity of MPM II for Neurological Patients in Intensive Care Units
Heejeong Kim, Kyunghee Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(1):92-100.   Published online February 28, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

Mortality Provability Model (MPM) II is a model for predicting mortality probability of patients admitted to ICU. This study was done to test the validity of MPM II for critically ill neurological patients and to determine applicability of MPM II in predicting mortality of neurological ICU patients.


Data were collected from medical records of 187 neurological patients over 18 yr of age who were admitted to the ICU of C University Hospital during the period from January 2008 to May 2009. Collected data were analyzed through χ2 test, t-test, Mann-Whiteny test, goodness of fit test, and ROC curve.


As to mortality according to patients' general and clinically related characteristics, mortality was statistically significantly different for ICU stay, hospital stay, APACHE III score, APACHE predicted death rate, GCS, endotracheal intubation, and central venous catheter. Results of Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test were MPM II02=0.02, p=.989), MPM II242=0.99 p=.805), MPM II482=0.91, p=.822), and MPM II722=1.57, p=.457), and results of the discrimination test using the ROC curve were MPM II0, .726 (p<.001), MPM II24, .764 (p<.001), MPM II48, .762 (p<.001), and MPM II72, .809 (p<.001).


MPM II was found to be a valid mortality prediction model for neurological ICU patients.


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