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Factors Discriminating Nurses' Depression among Personal and Environmental Characteristics
Hae Jung Lee, Yong Sook Eo, Nam Hee Park, Gil Za Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):867-877.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of depression experienced by Korean hospital nurses (N=198) and to identify discriminating factors of their depression experience among personal and environmental characteristics. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey design was used to answer the research questions. A sample consisted of 198 hospital nurses in Korea. The data were collected from May 1999 to March 2000. Descriptive and discriminant analyses were utilized. RESULT: Korean nurses experienced low levels of depression. Twenty nine percent of nurses in the study experienced depression based on the cut-point suggested by Radloff. Role ambiguity, working in the tertiary hospital, work satisfaction in autonomy, professional status and interaction within nurses were significant discriminating factors for nurses' depression. These factors correctly discriminated 71% of the sample (Hit ratio= .71). CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of this study, developing managemental intervention programs and examining the effects of the program for nurses to reduce their depression experience are suggested.

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Effects of the Weight Management Program Based Self-Efficacy for Body Composition, Blood Lipid Profile, Weight Self-Efficacy Lifestyles, Depression in Middle-Aged Obese Women
Nam Hee Park, Hye Gyung An
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(8):1359-1366.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to determine the effects of weight management program using self-efficacy in middle-aged obese women. The study also attempted to measure the effects of the program on the weight efficacy lifestyle, body composition, and depression.


The research design of this study was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The experimental group consisted of 21 middle-aged obese women and another 21 middle-aged obese women in the control group. The women in the experimental group participated in the weight management program for 12 weeks using self-efficacy. The weight management program using self-efficacy included education on effects of exercise for weight control, aerobic exercise program, muscle training and counseling through the telephone.


After 12 weeks of participation in the program, BMI (p<.0001), body fat % (p<.0001), abdominal fat (p<.0001), in the experimental group were significantly decreased compared to the control group. Weight self-efficacy lifestyle (p<.0001) and depression (p=.006) in the experimental group were significantly improved after the program compared to the control group. According to these findings, weight management program self-efficacy for middle-aged obese women could increase weight efficacy lifestyle, and decrease depression, BMI, body fat, and abdominal fat.


The result also suggested that the increasing weight efficacy and lifestyle help the obese women to perform and continue exercise. This program could be used in the community such as public health center for weight care and mental health promotion of middle-aged obese women.

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Process of Change, Decisional Balance, Self-efficacy and Depression across the Stages of Change for Exercise among Middle Aged Women in Korea
Yun Mi Lee, Nam Hee Park, Young Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):587-595.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to differentiate the change in exercise behavior into different stages and to investigate differences in the process of change, self efficacy, decisional balances and depression according to the stages of exercise behavior change among middle aged women in Korea by using the transtheoretical Model.


A convenience sample of 434 middle aged women (40-64 years) completed measures of all transtheoretical model constructs involved in exercise behaviors (stages and processes of exercise behaviors change, self efficacy and decisional balance) and depression. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS 10.0 program including descriptive statistics, and one-way ANOVA.


The subjects were distributed in each stage of change in exercise behaviors: pre-contemplation (n=106; 24.4%), contemplation (n=126; 29%), preparation (n=88; 20.3%), action (n=51; 11.8%), and maintenance (n=63; 14.5%). The processes of change, pros(advantages of behaviors), self-efficacy and depression were significantly differentiated across the stages of exercise behavior change. Cons(disadvantage of behaviors) was not significantly differentiated across the stages of exercise behavior change.


Results of this study suggested that discriminating of processes of change, self-efficacy, decisional balance, and depression could provide positive information to people about the stages of change in exercise behavior. Therefore, in designing interventions, the stage of a client's exercise behaviors change needs to be assessed prior to application of intervention programs in order to increase and maintain exercise behavior in middle aged women.

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A Comparative Study on Family Perception between Abused Children and Normal Children by Kinetic Family Drawing
Haeng Ja Lee, Young Hae Kim, Nam Hee Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):265-277.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study attempted to find family perception differences between abused children and normal children by Kinetic Family Drawing.


The subjects of the study consisted of two groups, 143 abused who were in the upper 25th percentile, and 150 normal who were in the lower 25th percentile. Collected Kinetic Family Drawings were divided into five dimensions such as actions, human figure characteristics, dynamics, styles and symbols, and they was analyzed with SPSS/WIN 10.0.


In the perception about their family in action dimension, their family in figure characteristics dimension, their family in dynamics dimensions, and their family in symbols dimension, there is a sharp contrast between the two groups.


Putting these results together, abused children feel lower self-esteem and feel more sense of alienation in their family than normal children do. In addition, abused children perceive their parents as negative and aggressive people.

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Immersion Experience of the Cyber World of Adolescents
Nam Hee Park, Young Ran Cho, Won Hee Choi, Nam Jin Moon, Hye Gyung An, Jae Shin Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(1):15-24.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to explore the cyber world immersion experience of adolescents.


Multiple strategies for data collecting were used: an in depth face-to-face interview; analysis of adolescent` writings; and analysis of examples of phenomenon in the realistic world. The sample group consisted of 10 adolescents.


Although the experience was different for all adolescent interviewed, the essential themes of experience emerged: “fill up”, “homoeologous feeling”, “the older generation has a conflicting negative opinion”, “change in social character”, “become habitually skeptic”, “have bad health”, “mean of superiority and getting everything solved”, “ease of access”, “monetary benefit”, “addiction to the computer”, “forget real life solved stress”, “do harm to society”, “take comfort”, or “new job”.


Accordingly this paper suggests that contact with various software is necessary in adolescents, and good quality contents function to prepare and activate adolescents to apply the internet for good use.

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Factors Associated with the Stage of Change of Smoking Cessation Behavior in Adolescents
Nam Hee Park, Jung Soon Kim, Yun Mi Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(8):1101-1110.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the stage of change of smoking cessation behavior and investigate factors associated with the stage of smoking cessation behavior according to the transtheoretical model.


The participants, 297 smokers & quitters were selected by a stratified random sampling from 127 high school sophomore students in B city. Data were collected from April 6th to 16th, in 2002 using the structured self-report questionnaire.


The subjects were distributed in each stage of change of smoking cessation behavior: there were 46 subjects (15.5%) in precontemplation, 73 subjects (24.6%) in contemplation, 67 subjects(22.3%) in preparation, 56 subjects (18.5%) in action, 55 subjects (18.5%) in maintenance. Compared to the precontemplation and contemplation, people in preparation tended to smoke daily more and smoked for a shorter time, and as precontemplation progressed to the maintenance, past 1 year smoking cessation frequency increased and friends smoking decreased. Smoking onset age was the earliest in preparation, and the latest in maintenance. Helping relationships and self relationships are used a lot in precontemplation and also in contemplation. In preparation, self liberation and helping relationships are used a lot, in action, self liberation and helping relationships, and in maintenance, self liberation and environmental reevaluation. At each stage, the score of negative affect situation was the highest, but the one of negative affect situation, positive social situation, habitual strength, weight control decreased as precontemplation progressed to the maintenance. While the score of social pros and coping pros decreased with increasing stage, the one of cons tended to increase. Through stepwise discriminant analysis, it was found that social pros, smoking onset age, delf-libration were the most influencing powers among factors associated with the stages of smoking cessation behavior.


This study suggested that, in developing an effective smoking cessation intervention for adolescents, all the stage of a client's cessation had to be assessed prior to applying intervention programs. In addition, the results of this study will become a pillar of smoking cessation program planning and application.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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