For nursing as a science to establish a unique system of knowledge, nursing researches should include philosophical activities such as critique, analysis and synthesis. As a consequence of these activities, nursing science comes to add up more abundant content of knowledge and have a more refined scientific system. In short, nursing science can be developed in respects of tools and methods through philosophical researches, i.e., philosophy of nursing science. Traditionally, the task of supplying individual science with pertaining methodological principles has been due to philosophy, or philosophy of each Scientic discipline. Philosophy of nursing science establishes a dem arcation between nursing and non-or pseudo-nursing, so that the unique natne of nursing can be revealed. Systematizing the particular knowledges or informations discovered through empirical resear ches, philosophy of nursing science, as a part of rational activities to construct its scientific theories. Owing to philosophy of nursing science, conce ptual frameworks or theories settled in various branches of nursing science can be integrated into a holistic system. Philosophy of nursing science can include argu merits on standards, values, goals and intents of nursing behavior, so that their interrelational networks can be understood. Philosophical discussions can offer nursing sci ence positive ways to more extensive development, preventing it from indulging in particular or exclusive inclination. And philosophy of nursing science in itself should also keep a liberal attitude to overcome preconceptions concerning methodology of nursing science.
A survey was made with regard to understanding attitude and practical use of modern and traditional methods of health care in a rural village with 742 inhabitants which comes under one of the whole three types of Korean rural community, to find out the following facts. 1. Among the five types of health-care given, the most understood, chosen and used one was the doctor followed next by pharmacy and continually herb doctor, folkways method, shamanistic treatment; the last shown method was principally chosen to use by only one among 139 housewives as respondants available. 2. Between herb medicine and folkways method of care, the former was more relief upon than the latter while the latter was more used than the former, seemingly because of relative low cast of the latter. 3. A considerable part of those who mainly used the doctor or pharmacy also used herb doctor or folkways care; modern and traditional care methods coexisted in the pertaining community. 4. Nearly all of the respondants ware, reasonably, aware of effectiveness of modern types of health-care; but, at the same time, more than a half of them had a positive attitude towards traditional method as well. 5. On the whole, the respondants made a distinction between traditional health care methods and shamanism, regarding the latter as ineffective. 6. The result hints that it would be desirable for health-care professionals to inquire into traditional methods of health-care with a view to being more acquainted with rural residents and so raising their use of services by experts. 7. It should be added that the results of this piece of study may have a general significance only within those communities which shares the same socio-cultural background and characteristic of the surveyed one.
For a man to maintain attention, he needs to keep a certain level of arousal. An inordinate increase or decrease in the level of arousal eventually has a negative influence on attention. Precedent research has shown that the degree of attention changes when an experience of stress is related to anxiety resulting in a rise in arousal. This research was done to examine this hypothesis by looking at the 27 female students, 14 of whom had failed in the annual examination. The results of the investigation are as follows ; The stress of failure in the examination was seen to raise the level of physiological arousal. Although pulse and electromyography showed no significant change, further inquiries should be made based on other types of methodology. In spite of the rise of arousal, the performance of selective task was degraded. This suggests those students failed to give moderate attention to given information for that kind of task. But the exact reason of that failure was not identified : that is it was difficult decide whether they gave too much attention to the anxiety brought about by stress. Performance of integral tasks, however, did not show any degradation. Judging from these results, stress seems to exert significant influence on attention in the selection of the appropriate information among the various potions given. This offers an important hint in relation to the health care situation where nursing information is offered. Clients who receive nursing information in stressful situations may have difficulty in separating and selecting this helpful information from other options which they have acquired through their life experience. The content and terminology of nursing information may be strange and unintelligible to clients, although they are quite familiar and distinct to nurses. So, it is desirable for nurses to give, in addition and at the same time when nursing information is given, some certain related information as devices for selection, instead of merely giving nursing informations as such. So far it is not clear whether the concept of information processing theory can be suitably applied to nursing. However, it is obvious, according to this research, that the quality of attention is disturbed in the stress situation. This is why further inquiries should be made into attention in practical nursing situation.
To ensure the autonomy of nursing care aetivies is one of the major and most interesting issues in the field of nursing. The pertaining autonomy demands the nurse to make decisions of her or his own with out interference and free of help from other sides of health care agency. The whole process of autonomous nursing behavior should be judged and conveyed by the nurse only on the basis of the internal factors of her care to solve the problems of the client's disorder in health. Truth of nursing science and relevence of nursing conduct depend on our construction of internal basis and establishment of self-sufficient reference system. The information for efficient decision-making at the scene of nursing can only be supplied by a systematic body of nursing science consisting of true or properly corroborated propositions. The science of nursing can be autonomous when we have framework of explanation, independently of other sciences and the behavior of nursing care can factually be independent of and peculiar to that of other but similar fields only when the science of nursing is correspondently autonomous.