Professional School of Nursing One hundred and fifty seven cesarean sectioned patients among 2010 deliveries, were reviewed with the following clinical charts from January, 1973 to December, 1974 at Taegu Presby -terian medical Center. The results are as follows; 1) The section rate was 7.8% 2) In age distribution, the most frequent age was 26~30ys and it's rate was 37%, and others were as follows; 31~35ys 24.2%,21~25ys 21%,36~40vs 10. 8%,41~45vs 7% respectively. 3) In indication, the cephalopelvic disproportion was the most prevalent and it's rate was 29. 3%, and others were as follows; malpresentation 14% previous cesarean section 10.8% uterine dysfunction 9.6%, toxemia 4%,elderly primigravida 4%, fetal distress 2.5% post maturity 3.2%, wanted cesarean section 1.9%, pelvic deformity 1.2% twin 1.9%,abrup- tio placenta 1.2%, Vaginal stricture 1.2%, and others 2.5%. 4) In type of operation, lower cervical transverse type was 82.1%, classical type 17%, and cesarean hysterectomy was 0.9% respectively. 5) General Anesthesia was major type and it's rate was 63%, and spinal anesthesia 17.2%, epidural anesthesia 14% and other combined type was 5.8%. 6) Perinatal mortality was 11.4%. 7) There was no maternal death. 8) Among the cesarean section complications, wound infection was 8.4%, headache 4.4%, urinary tract infection 1. 2% and one case in endometritis. 9) In combined surgery, tubal ligation was 31.2%, appendectomy 7.6%,posterior repair 1.2 %, salpingoop- horectomy 1.9%, and one case in resection of uterine septum. 10) Cesarean section was performed 61.3% in multipara and 38.2% in primipara. 11) 47(30%) had received artificial abortions. 12) 28(17.8%) had previously experienced cesarean section.