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Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Secretion patterns by Body Mass Index(BMI) in Offspring of Parents with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Young Im Moon, Hye Ja Park, Young Ae Chang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):694-704.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was designed to assess the body fat distribution, and also to investigate the effects of body fat on glucose tolerance and on insulin secretion pattern by body mass in offspring of parents with NIDDM. The subjects consisted of twenty parents with NIDDM who had been admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine or had been seen in the outpatient clinic at Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University between February to March, 1995. Twenty offspring were randomly selected from forty six offspring of twenty healthy people without a family history of diabetes mellitus were matched by sex, age and body mass index(BMI). The results are as follows : 1. mean fasting serum glucose and insulin levels and insulin/glucose ratio were significantly greater in offspring than in the control subjects with BMI>or=25kg/m2 in the offspring and in the BMI<25kg/m2(P<0.05). 2. The total glucose area and insulin area were significantly greater in both the offsping and the control subjects with BMI>or=25kg/m2 than in both the offspring and the control subjects with BMI<25kg/m2(P<0.05). 3. Upper body skinfold thickness, Waist hip ratio(WHR), serum levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride(TG), total dietary calorie intake and protein intake in both the offspring and the control subjects with BMI>or=25kg/m2 were greater than those with BMI<25kg/m2(P<0.05). On the other hand, HDL-cholesterol in both the offspring and the control subjects with BMI 25kg/m2 was lower than those with BMI<25kg/m2(P<0.05). 4. The major variables influencing the total glucose area were subscapular skinfolds thickness and WHR and the major variables influencing the total insulin area were suprailiac skinfolds thickness, WHR, TG and free fatty acid. In the light of the results, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance were affected by body mass index, Upper body fat, WHR, and lipids(TG, Free fatty acid), it is implied that these are influencing factors on total glucose area and total insulin area. The identification of these factors might provide a useful tool to identify individuals at high risk of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, various nursing intervention programs to reduce obesity could be given to both the offspring of parents with NIDDM and to the obese healthy controls before diabetes mellitus develops.

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The Effects of Exercise Therapy Applied in an Efficacy Expectation Promoting Program on Self-Efficacy and Metabolism: in NIDDM(Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) Patients
Chun Ja Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):132-142.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was conducted to investigate whether exercise therapy applied in an efficacy expectation promoting program based on the self-efficacy theory of Bandura(1977) would increase self-efficacy and metabolism in NIDDM patients. The study design was a nonequivalent control group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design. The exercise therapy applied in the efficacy expectation promoting program was composed of a staged exercise program, a small booklet relating personal experience with diabetes mellitus and a telephone coaching program on performance accomplishment, vicarious experience and verbal persuasion, which are all induction modes of efficacy expectation. The subjects of the study were twenty eight NIDDM patients who received follow-up care regularly through the out-patient department of endocrine medicine in one general hospital which had a diabetic clinic. Fourteen were assigned to the experimental group and fourteen to the control group. The experimental group participated in the exercise therapy applied in the efficacy expectation promoting program from three to five times per week for four weeks and the control group did not have the program. The collected data were analyzed using the x2-test, t-test, paired t-test, and Cronbach's Alpha using SPSS/PC+. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Experimental group had higher efficacy score than control group(t=5.98, p=.00). And, There was a significant different in the efficacy score before exercise therapy applied in the efficacy expectation promoting program and after in experimental group(t=-6.42, p=.00). 2. Experimental group did not have lower level of glucose metabolism than control group(FBS : t=.32, p=.75, HbA1C : t=.60, p=.55, pc 2hrs. glucose : t=-.29, p=.78). But, There was a significant different in the amount of glucose metabolism before exercise therapy applied in the efficacy expectation promoting program and after in experimental group(FBS : t=3.63, p=.003, HbA1C : t=4.20, p=.00 2hrs . glucose : t=1.93, p=.001). 3. Levels of lipid metabolism were partly a significant different between Experimental group and control group(triglyceride : t=-1.87, p=.07, HDL cholesterol : t=-.29, p=.77, body weight : t=1.78, p=.09, Total cholesterol : t=-2.17, p=.04). And, There was partly a significant different in the amount of lipid metabolism before exercise therapy applied in the efficacy expectation promoting program and after in experimental group(triglyceride : t=2.50, p=.03, HDL cholesterol : t=-.43, p=.67, body weight : t=5.34, p=.00, Total cholesterol : t=2.26, p=.04). In conclusion, it was found that exercise therapy applied in an efficacy expectation promoting program was an effective nursing intervention for increasing self-efficacy and metabolism.

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Body Fat Distribution and Blood Pressure according to Anthropometric Change in Korean Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus(NIDDM)
Hye Ja Park, Sehyun Kim, Eun Jeong Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(5):837-844.   Published online August 31, 2006
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This study was done to identify fat distribution and blood pressure according to anthropometric change patterns between NIDDM patients and control subjects.


Cross-sectionally 167 NIDDM patients and 87 controls were studied. Previous maximal body weight and acute weight loss was obtained. Current height, body weight, BMI, waist-hip ratio(WHR), skinfold thicknesses(abdomen, subscapular & triceps), and blood pressure was measured. Three anthropometric change patterns were categorized by BMI changes from the maximum lifetim's BMI to the current time (obese-obese, obese-nonobese and nonobese-nonobese: obese: BMI≥25 kg/m2, nonobese: BMI<25 kg/m2). The data was analyzed by χ2, t-test, age adjusted ANCOVA and Least Squares Means(LSM) for multiple comparison.


Acute body weight loss(p=0.01), anthropometric change types (p=0.001), WHR (P=0.05), and skinfold thickness (p=0.002) of NIDDM were significantly higher than those of the controls. The mean arterial pressure, WHR and skinfold thicknesses were greater in both obese-obese and obese-nonobese NIDDM and control subjects compared with both nonobese-nonobese NIDDM and control subjects. (all p's< 0.05).


NIDDM patients had more central and upper body adiposicity. Also both obese-obese and obese-nonobese NIDDM and control subjects had higher mean arterial pressures and central body obesity.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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