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A Comparative Study on Complaints of Menopausal Symptom of Nuns and Married Women
Myung Sook Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(1):18-28.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The Purpose of this study is to extend the understanding and knowledge of menopause by comparing menopausal symptoms of married women and nuns in order to improve health and the quality of life for women. In this study a questionnaires were distributed to 116 nuns and 121 married women, from forty to fifty nine years old in Daegu metropolitan city. This study used the measurement of menopausal symptoms (Cronbach's Alpha=0.96) corrected and complemented by this student with consideration of various literature centered around menopausal symptoms, suggested by Janette M. Perz as 51 questions including 4 realms; [mental psychological factors], [physical physiological factors], [eyesight factors], and [urinary generative factors] in order to measure the degree of menopausal symptoms. The results are as follows : 1. There was a significant difference between educational background, religion, occupation, leisure time, satisfaction of marriage or ascetic life, existence of hormonal treatment, name of medical operation, and existence of counselling about menstruation as general and physiological characteristics of the nuns' group and the married women's group. 2. The menopausal symptoms of the nuns' group and the married women's group according to order in which they were presented were; 'feeling tired and lacking in energy(1.71 points)' 'vision not clear or clouded(1.69 points)', and 'be forgetful (1.57 points)' in nuns' group. 'be forgetful (1.87 points)', 'vision not clear or clouded(1.83 points)' and 'feeling tired and lacking in energy(1.76 points)' in the married women's group. The symptoms which showed the highest rank of menopausal symptoms had a maximum score of 4 points. 3. There was a statistical a significance (t=-3.9807, p<.0001) between the two groups which showed, on an average, 57.92 points in the married women's group and 43.03 points in the nuns' group from 0 to 196 of the possible points of menopausal symptoms. In difference of menopausal symptoms by menstrual aspect of the nuns' group and the married women's group, there was statistically significant difference between the two groups, showing 44.81+/- 26.07 score in the nuns' group and 72.33+/-35.29 score in the married women's group as the mean score of the groups with no menstruation(t=-4.1132, p=0.0001). 4. The differences in menopausal symptoms with respect to the general and physiological characteristics of the nuns' group and the married women's group were that the nuns' group showed less menopausal symptoms on all the items than that of the married women's group. Finally, in these results, the married women's group showed higher menopausal symptoms than that of the nuns' group. Especially as the score of menopausal symptoms since the climacteric was very high it is confirmed to be a new phenomenon. Accordingly, it is considered to be necessary to carry out an indepth study of the factors related to establishing a strategy for nursing service.

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Attitude, Beliefs, and Intentions to Care for SARS Patients among Korean Clinical Nurses: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior
Cho Ja Kim, Hye Ra Yoo, Myung Sook Yoo, Bo Eun Kwon, Kyung Ja Hwang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):596-603.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study examined Korean clinical nurses' intentions to care for SARS patients and identify determinants of the intentions. Theory of planned behavior was the framework to explain the intentions of Korean nurses for SARS patients care.


A convenient sample of six hundreds and seventy nine clinical nurses from four university-affiliated hospitals located in Seoul and in Kyung-gi province was used. Self-administered (83-items) questionnaire was used to collect data. Intentions, attitude, subjective norm, perceive behavioral control, behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs were the study variables. All items were measured using 7-point Likert scale (−3 to +3). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation method, and stepwise multiple regression methods.


Intentions and attitudes toward SARS patient care among Korean clinical nurses were moderate, but their subjective norm and perceive behavioral control of SARS patients care were negative. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that attitude toward SARS patient care, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm were the determinants of the intentions for SARS patients care as theory proposed. Among the behavioral beliefs, “SARS-patient caring would be a new experience”, “during SARS-patient caring, I should be apart from my family”, “after completing SARS-patient caring, I would be proud of myself being able to cope with a stressful event” and “with my SARS-patient caring, patients could recover from SARS” were the significant determinants. Among the normative beliefs, colleague approval, spouse approval, and physician approval were significant determinants of the intentions. Among the control beliefs, “SARS-patient caring would be a challenge” “SARS-patient caring is a professional responsibility”, “tension during the care of SARS patients” and “support from team members” were the significant determinants of the intentions.


Korean clinical nurses in this study were not willing to care for SARS patients and showed negative attitude toward the care. They believed their friends and family were not approved their care for SARS patients. Nurses were in conflicts between professional responsibilities to care for SARS patients and personal safety. This study was the first to understand stress and burden of Korean clinical nurses who are in front line to care for newly developed communicable disease such as SARS. Under the circumstance where several fatal communicable diseases are predictable, conflicts between professional responsibility and their personal risks should be taken into considerations by nurses themselves and by nursing administrators in order to improve quality of care.

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