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The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise and Biofeedback Treatment for Stress Incontinence in Korean Women
Young Hee Choi, Myung Sook Sung, Jae Yup Hong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):34-47.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study evaluated the Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle exercise and Biofeedback treatment for Genuine Stress Incontinence I assigned 60 participants to 2 groups : 30 to the pelvic floor muscle exercise group and 30 to the biofeedback group. Treatment protocol lasted for 6 weeks. Peak pressure, and duration time of pelvic muscle contraction were evaluated by a perineometer. Lower urinary symptoms, sexual matter and life style scores were achieved by using Jackson's scale. The treatment efficacy of the pelvic floor muscle exercise is compared with the biofeedback group and the main results of the comparison are as follows: 1. Pelvic muscle contraction 1) The peak pressure in the biofeedback group was significantly increased(P=0.000). 2. The frequency and quantity of incontinence 1) The frequency of incontinence in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased(P=0.000). 2) The quantity of incontinence in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased(P=0.000). 3. The lower urinary symptoms Daily frequency(P=0.000), nocturia(P=0.000), urgency(P=0.000), bladder pain(P=0.000), unexplained incontinence(P=0.048), wearing protection(P=0.022), changing outer clothing(P=0.005), hesitancy(P=0.008), intermittent stream(P=0.000), abnormal strength of stream(P=0.004), retention(P=0.000), incomplete emptying(P=0.000), and inability to stop mid steam(P=0.006) of the lower urinary symptoms in the biofeedback group were significantly decreased. 4. The sexual matters The dry vagina(P=0.004) and pain during sexual intercourse(P=0.002) in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased. 5. The life style. The fluid intake restriction(P=0.007), affected daily task(P=0.003), avoidance of places & situation(P=0.003), interference in Physical activity(P=0.002), interference in relationship with other people(P=0.01), and feeling about the rest of life with urinary symptom(P=0.000) in the biofeedback group were significantly decreased. In conclusion, the biofeedback treatment was more effective than the pelvic floor muscle exercise in genuine stress incontinence.

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Subjective Symptoms on Fatigue in Hospital Nurses
Shin Jeong Kim, Myung Sook Sung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):908-919.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to get some basic data for health care for working women, especially for hospital nurses. the number of subjects was 796 nurses from one general hospital and four private educational hospitals. The data were collected from February to April, 1988 using the questionnaire "Symptom Table on fatigue Perception" designed by the Research Committee of Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japan Industry. The collected data were analyzed using means and standard deviations for the subjective symptoms of fatigue and each item as an independent variable was analyzed by T-test and ANOVA test. The results are as follows: 1) The mean score for degree of fatigue was 1.89 and the degree of fatigue for physical symptoms had highest score of 2.04, the next was psychological symptoms at 1.89, and euro-sensory symptoms were the lowest ar 1.74. Among the fatigue symptoms, the item scored most frequently was "Legs feel heavy" with a mean score of 2.40 and the least frequent item was "My hand and foot trembled" with a mean score of 1.40/. 2) With the respect to the general characteristics of subjects, there were statistically significant difference according to age(F=17.039, p=.000), state of marriage(t=5.381, p=.000) presence of children(t=5.134, p=.000), clinical experience(F=16.663, p=.000), present position(F=12.598, p=.000), duty time(F=9.068, p=.000), monthly wages(F=7.361, p=.000), satisfaction about the pay and treatment at work(t=-5.511, p=.000), relation the doctors(t=-4.593, p=.000).

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Educational Issues and Strategies to Improve APN Education
Kasil Oh, Kang Mi Ja Kim, Keum Soon Kim, Jee Won Park, Myung Sook Sung, Eui Geum Oh, Myung Ha Lee, Chae Weon Chung, Dong Sook Cho, Young Ran Tak, Jee In Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):801-809.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed at exploring the current status of graduate programs for an advanced practice nurse(APN) to recommend future directions of APN education.


A total of 142 students enrolled in seven APN specialty programs, 67 professors who were involved in APN education, and nine nurse administrators participated in the study. Data was collected by questionnaires and focus group interviews.


The current definition of APN was found not to be specific enough to represent expected roles of APN in regards to knowledge, attitudes, roles, and skills. Standard curricula employed regardless of the area of APN specialty, lack of qualified clinical practice settings, as well as prepared instructors were found to be problematic.


The following needs to be addressed: 1. redefining of APN roles, 2. tailoring specialty areas of APN, 3. consolidating educational programs, and 4. ensuring APN role models and faculty. Suggesting a CNS role in Korean APN, areas of APN should be rearranged toclarify their roles and educational programs need to be further developed to meet the expectations and quality of APNs. It is necessary to ensure APN's employment in the health care system by laws and policies to perform advanced nursing roles.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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