Armed-Forces Nursing School Armed-Forces School of Nursing School The present study was undertaken to find the factors affecting academic achievement in a nursing school. 172 students were selected for this study and were divided into higher & lower 12 percent. Tools & measures used for this study were the interest test, personality test, test of self concept, test of adjustment & school achievement. The major findings obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Factors affecting school achievement except intellectuality were thus; 1) Artistic interest, literary interest, scientific interest biological, & scientific interest physical affected the academic achievement. 2) Sociability, responsibity, depression & reflectiveness affected the academic achievement. 3) Self criticism, total positive self-score, & personal self - score affected the academic achievement. 4) Adjustment to school, personal economics, health & value Morality affected the academic achievement. 2. Correlation between school achievement & interest, personality, self-concept or adjustment in the higher & lower group were thus; 1) There was a significant relationship between academic achievement & the following:arti stic interest, scientific interest-biological, scientific interest-physical, out-door interest, reflectiveness, sociability, responsibility. depression, self satisfaction-score, personal self score, social self-score, self behavior score, adjustment to school, health & values morality in the higher group. 2) There were no significant factors rekted with academic achievement in the lower group. 3. Difference or difference in relationship between higher & lower group in the interest,per sonality, self-concept & adjustment were as follows. ;
Armed-Forces Nursing School Armed-Forces School of Nursing School The present study was undertaken to find the factors affecting academic achievement in a nursing school. 172 students were selected for this study and were divided into higher & lower 12 percent. Tools & measures used for this study were the interest test, personality test, test of self concept, test of adjustment & school achievement. The major findings obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Factors affecting school achievement except intellectuality were thus; 1) Artistic interest, literary interest, scientific interest biological, & scientific interest physical affected the academic achievement. 2) Sociability, responsibity, depression & reflectiveness affected the academic achievement. 3) Self criticism, total positive self-score, & personal self - score affected the academic achievement. 4) Adjustment to school, personal economics, health & value Morality affected the academic achievement. 2. Correlation between school achievement & interest, personality, self-concept or adjustment in the higher & lower group were thus; 1) There was a significant relationship between academic achievement & the following:arti stic interest, scientific interest-biological, scientific interest-physical, out-door interest, reflectiveness, sociability, responsibility. depression, self satisfaction-score, personal self score, social self-score, self behavior score, adjustment to school, health & values morality in the higher group. 2) There were no significant factors rekted with academic achievement in the lower group. 3) Difference or difference in relationship between higher & lower group in the interest, per sonality, self-concept & adjustment were as follows. ;
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of curriculum operation of the basic medical sciences in nursing education at college of nursing, department of nursing and junior college of nursing, ultimately to provide the basic data to provide a curriculum of basic medical science in nursing education. 78 professors who were in charge of basic medical science at 22 colleges of nursing and department of nursing, and 20 junior colleges of nursing responded the questionnaire consisted of 22 question items about the status of objectives, lectures, laboratory practice and characteristics of professors, and mailed to the author. The findings of this study were as follows : 1. The subjects of basic medical science were identified as physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology in the most colleges of nursing and junior college of nursing. 2. College of nursing and department of nursing(9.1%) and 19 junior colleges of nursing(95%) did not open biochemistry, 1 college of nursing and department of nursing(5%) did not open pathology and pharmacology. 2 Junior colleges of nursing(10%) did not open pharmacology, 1 junior college of nursing(5%) did not open pathology, the other 1 junior college of nursing did not open microbiology. 2. Credits of the subjects were ranged from 1 to 4. Lecture hours of one semester of physiology at school of nursing and junior college of nursing was average 103.6 and average 102.67, that of anatomy was average 127.1 and average 98, that of microbiology was average 109.7 and average 86.33, that of biochemistry was average 105, that of pathology was average 91 and average 94, that of pharmacology was average 86 and average 85.75. 3. Most of schools used 1 textbook for lectures, 3 school of nursing and department of nursing recommended references without using textbook, while all 36 junior colleges of nursing used textbooks. 4. 5 among 10 schools of nursing and department of nursing had a laboratory practice in physiology, 4 among 7 schools in anatomy, 4 among 6 schools in biochemistry, 2 among 6 schools in biochemistry, 2 among 6 schools in pathology, 5 among 6 schools in microbiology. Not all the schools had a laboratory practice in pharmacology. 4 among 9 junior colleges of nursing had a laboratory practice in physiology. 1 among 4 schools in anatomy, 2 among 7 schools in microbiology. Not all the junior college of nursing had a laboratory practice in pathology and pharmacology. 11 among 20 colleges of nursing and department of nursing, 4 among 7 junior schools of nursing used a textbook of laboratory practice. 5. All the subjects as school of nursing and department of nursing responded that content of lectures and laboratory practices of basic medical science should be different from that of medical education, 34 junior schools of nursing responded that content of lecture of basic medical science in nursing education should be different from that of medical education. 33 junior schools of nursing responded that content of practice of basic medical science in nursing education should be different from that of medical education. 6. The final degree of 25 professors who were in charge of basic medical science were doctors of medicine, that of 5 professors were masters of medicine, that of 5 were doctor of pharmacology, that of 2 were a master of pharmacology, that of 1 was physical science. The final degree of 8 professors who were in charge og basic medical science were masters of medicine, 7 doctors of medicine, 4 masters of nursing science, 4 masters of pharmacology, 2 doctors of nursing, 2 doctors of physical science, 2 doctors of pharmacology and 1 master of public health. 9 full professors, 13 associate professors, 11 assistant professors, 3 full time instructors, and 6 part time instructors were in charge of basic medical science at college of nursing and department of nursing, 20 part time instructors, 8 associate professors, 6 assistant professors, and 2 full professors were in charge of has basic medical science at junior college of nursing. Based on these results, curriculum of basic medical science in nursing education should be reviewed deeply based on nursing model.
The purpose of this research was to uncover the expertise of ICU nursing in Korea, and to describe nurses' practice based on the degree of skill acquisition. A total of 18 ICU nurses participated in the study. The data was collected through individual in-depth interviews and it was managed using the NUDIST 4.0 software program. The data was analyzed using interpretive phenomenology suggested by Benner. Four properties of expertise of ICU nursing were identified. These are 1) concern and love toward patients; 2) knowledge; 3) skill, and 4) abilities in interpersonal relationships. And the characterisitcs of four levels of skill acquisition, that is advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert, were described with exemplars. The results of this study might help nurse researchers clarify and elaborate on the concept of expertise in ICU nursing, and enable them to understand how the process of skill acquisition occurs in the ICU setting. They might also help nurse managers establish educational goals for ICU nursing for student or novice nurses.