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1 "Moon Sil Kirn"
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Original Article
Relationships Among Self-Concept, Perception of Aging, and Physical Aging
Young Hee Lee, Moon Sil Kirn, young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(3):269-280.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Although everyone grows old, perception about the aging process and aging as measured physiologically vary widely. Perceptions of aging have psychologically influence on pysical aging. This study was to examine the relationships between, self-cencept, perception of aging, and physical aging in the elderly and to contribute to the theory development which may direct nursing intervention to promote well-being of the aged. Subjects were 70 women residents of a nursing home for the elderly in Seoul. Data collection was done from May 15 to June 15, 1988 using interview schedules and mechanical instruments. The instruments were selected items from the Health Self Concept Scale developed by Jacox and Stewart for self concept, and Secord and Jourad's Body Cathexis Scale and Osgood's Semantic Differential Scale for perception of aging. Physcial aging was measured by mechanical instru ments, inspection, questions, and palpation. The data were analysed for mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient using an S.P.S.S computerized program. The results of the analysis were as follows. 1. The mean level of self concept for the subject group was 16.97(SD=+/-6.17)in a range from 6-30. The mean level of perception of aging was 39.6. (SD= +/-6.51) in a range from 13-65. The mean level of physical aging was 14.09 (SD= +/-2.05)in a range from 8-40. 2. Relationships among self- concept, perception of aging, and physical aging. 1) There was a positive relationship between self--concept and perception of aging(r=0.4461, p =0.000). 2) There was a negative relationship between physical aging and perception of aging(r=- 0.2975, p-0.006). 3) There was a tendancy toward a negative relationship between physical aging and self-concept, but not a significant relationship (r=-0.1033, p=0.197). 3. 1) No general charcteristic variables were related to self concept. 2) The general characteristic variable related to the level of perception of aging was religion (t=4. 17, p=0.001). 3) The general characteristic variable related to the level of physical aging was age (F=12.008, p=0. 000). There was a significant relationship between self? -cencept and perception of aging, and between physical aging and perception of aging. Therefore nursing intervention should focus on promoting a positive perception of aging and strengthening self-concept during the phyacal aging process.

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