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The Effect of Patient Teaching on Compliance with Sick Role Behavior of diabetic Patients
Oh Jang Park, Mi Soon Hong, Hyang Sook So, Kun Sung Jang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(3):281-288.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study examined the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior in diabetic patients. The purpose was to improve diabetic patents Compliance by D. M. patient teaching. The study objectives were to determine the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, and factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patients. The Sujects, consisting of 52 diabtic patients diagnosed in the C. and other hospitals in K. city were divided into experimental and Control groups. Data were gathered from July 25th to September 3rd, 1988 through inecrvicwe by questionnaires, measurment of blood sugar level by Reflolux. D. M. Patient teaching was defined as informational intervention of social support by the nurse. A booklet representing patient education and questionnaire were developed by the investigator, and were tested for Content validity, and reliability by Item Analysis: Cron-bachs alpha for any instrument to measure variables was patient Compliance .83, perceived health belief .65, diabetic knowledge .70. Analysis of data were done by paired t-test, t-test, Anova, Pearson correlation, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results of the study may be summarized as follows: 1. The effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, on diabetic Knowledge and health belief was Confirmed by significant differences between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiments. (P=000 P=006, P=004). 2. Factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patient were diabetic patient teaching (P<.005), perceived health belief (r=.5597, P<.005), blood sugar(r=.3205, P<.01), diabetic knowledge (r=.2876, P<.05).

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Analysis of Nursing Studies of Coping Conducted in Korea from 1978 to 1995
Hyang Sook So, Bok Hee Cho, Mi Soon Hong
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):709-729.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to analyze the trends of research on coping in Korea, to suggest future direction, for research on coping, and ultimately to contribute to an increase in explanation of adaptation. This article reviewed 79 nursing research papers on coping done since 1978 by examining them according to the period of publication or presentation, research design, type of subjects, measurement instruments, research for a degree or not, range of reliability, and association of coping and related variables. The results are as follows: The number of studies on coping increased rapidly from the mid -1980's and decreased slowly from the mid 1990's. The maority of the studies were surveys, comparative studies, or correlational studies. The subects of the 46 studies were healthy people, while those in the remaining studies were patients with a variety of illnesses. Thirth-eight studies on coping were done for master's thesis, three for dissertion, and 38 were not degrees. The Bell and Jalowiec coping scales have not been used since the early 1990's. In contrast, Lazarus and Folkman's W.C.C.L. has been used increasingly since that time. The reliabilities of the coping scale were reported in 37 cases and the Cronbach's alpha coefficients were .71 to .86. All subjects reported using more problem-oriented coping than emotion-oriented coping in short-term or emotion -oriented coping and healthy groups did more long-term coping. It was difficult to describe consistently the relationship between stress and coping according to the type of coping scale or research subjects, but generally moderate relationships were found. This was due to instrumental problems and no consideration of situational context. The subject group who used more short-term coping and less long-term coping reported poorer mental status, and higher scores in burnout and state anxiey than others. That is, the relationship between stress and adaptation increased the power of explanation with intervening the mediating effect of coping. The association of locus of control, mastery, social support, and self-concept with coping showed positive relationships; those of uncertainty and severity in illness with coping showed negati-verelationships; those of state anxiety and depression with short-term coping were positive, and those of self-esteem with long -term coping or problem -oriented coping were negative. There were significant differences in the scores of types of coping according to religion, level of education, and socio-economic status. That is, Presbyterians and Catholics, those with higher education levels and higher socio-economic status used more long-term or problem-oriented coping. On the basis of the above findings the following recommendations are made: 1. There is a need to test the mediating effect of coping variable in order to clarify the concept. 2. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the patterns of change in coping strategies when stressful events are encountered. 3. It's necessary to develop a reliable and variable measurement tool for coping. 4. There is a need to identify subscales of coping to increase explanation of variance 5. It's necessary to consider personal, situational, and antecedent variables: the characteristics of subject populations, the natures of illness and treatment situations. 6. The power of explanation of studies designed to identify the stress-adaptation process should be increased using the combination model of process-oriented coping and cognitive-structural model.

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The Effect of Social Support on Compliance with Sick Role Behavior in Hypertensive Clients and Duration of the Effect for up to 6 months
Oh Jang Park, Mi Soon Hong, Kum Sung Jan, Ji Young Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):159-170.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was done using a Quasi-experimental research design to determine the effects of social support on compliance with sick role behavior in hypertensive patients and to know if the effect of the social support on compliance lasted for at least 6 months. The subjects consisted of 81 hypertensive patients who were registered in the Cardio-Vascular OPD at Chonnam National University Hospital. They were divided by random sampling into 42 people for the experimental group and 39 for the control group. Data were gathered from June 3, 1996 to June 10, 1997 through individual interviews using a structured questionnaire. The results of the study were summarized as follows : 1. Compliance with sick role behaviors in hypertensive clients was significantly increased in the experimental group who received social support from the nurse as compared to the control group who did not receive social support(t=15.99, p<.001). 2. The effect of social support on compliance with sick role behaviors in hypertensive clients lasted for 6 months(t=7.99, p<.001). 3. Four of six people stopped smoking in experimental group after the intervention of social support, but none of the five in control group were able to stop smoking. Fisher's Exact test showed a significant difference between the experimental and control group(x2=4.385, p<.05). Mantel Haenszel test showed that the effect of social support on stopping smoking in the experimental group lasted for six months because there were no significant differences between one month after the social support and six months after, in the number of subjects who stopped smoking(x2=1.154, p>.05). Finally, social support was effective on compliance with sick role behaviors and stopping smoking in the hypertensive clients, and the effect of social support on compliance lasted for 6 months.

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Validity and Reliability of a Clinical Performance Examination using Standardized Patients
Ja Yun Choi, Keum Seong Jang, Soon Hee Choi, Mi Soon Hong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2008;38(1):83-91.   Published online February 28, 2008
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The purpose of this study was to test the validity of a modified clinical performance examination (CPX) for preclinical students in nursing.


70 nursing students in their second semester of the junior year at C University participated in CPX. Scenarios and checklists were developed by our research team from September to October 2005. Six stations were organized. Evaluation included physical examination of a patient with lung cancer, education on usage of a metered dosage inhaler, and lobectomy postoperative care. Students were randomly assigned to a station


There was a difference in the CPX scores according to stations. The agreement of scoring between trained faculty members and SPs was more than moderate (r=.647). The correlation between the CPX score and the average grade in the previous semester and between the CPX score and the average grade of a paper and pen test of the pulmonary system of adults was low (r=.276; r=.048).


Traditional CPX is generally recommended, however, modified CPX is appropriate for preclinical students in the current Korean Nursing school setting if there are additional scoring systems to balance the testing level at each station.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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