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A study of the Nursing Service Quality and Satisfaction that Admitted Patients Perceived: being used SERVQUAL
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):506-518.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was performed to measure the nursing service quality being used SERVQUAL model and satisfaction that the admitted patients perceived. METHOD: The questionnaire founded on the SERVQUAL was developed and distributed to 300 patients at the three general hospitals in three provincial city, Korea. For data analysis, Cronbach's alpha frequencies, percentages, paired t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used. RESULT: In expectation, patients most highly perceived the assurance factor that was one among the 5 factors being constituted nursing service. In performance, patients most highly perceived the responsiveness factor. The performance degrees of the 5 factors and 20 attributes being constituted nursing service did not exceed the expectation degree of those. So the calculated figures for nursing service quality of the three subjected hospitals were all minus. In relation of the patients' demographics and nursing service characteristics to their general satisfaction, patients' sex, age, income and the all factors and attributes of nursing service had relation to their general satisfaction. CONCLUSION: It could be concluded that the nursing service quality of the three subjected hospitals was poor and the patients' demographic and nursing service characteristics had relation to their general satisfaction.

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A Study of the Perception Gap on Nursing Service between Consumers and Providers
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):871-884.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: this study was to investigate the perception gap on nursing service between consumers and providers.
the questionnaire founded on the SERVQUAL was developed and distributed to 300 patients and 210 nurses at the three subjected general hospitals in three provincial city, Korea during February to March, 2001. For data analysis, Cronbachs' Alpha, frequency, t-test, and paired t-test were used.
1. In the gap analysis on the 20 properties constituting nursing service, providers almost all perceived higher than consumer in quality. Among them, the number of properties being statistically significant was 7 in the expectation, 18 in the important and 7 in the performance. 2. In the comparison analysis of the perception gap on the expectation-performance and the important-performance, it turned out that the subjected hospitals had to improve their equipment and facilities immediately. It was suggested a good strategy to strengthen the responsiveness factor and the assurance factor of nursing service.
it could be concluded that nurses have to recognize the blind spot of their perception and endeavor to take away the perception gap between consumers and providers.

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A Study on the Differences of Perception between Consumers and Providers about Nursing Service Quality, and the Usefulness of Tools Measuring Nursing Service Quality
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(5):1121-1132.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Service quality is, unlike goods quality, an abstract and elusive term. However, quality is very important to marketers and consumers in that it has many strategic benefits in contributing to profitability of marketing activities and consumers' problem-solving activities. The main purpose of this study is 1) to explore the differences of perception between consumers and providers about nursing service quality, 2) to identify the useful tool between two tools measuring nursing service quality. To achieve these purposes of the study, the questionnaire was developed and distributed to 210 nurses who worked at seven subjected hospitals in Seoul. Also, 280 people who had a direct experience with the subjected hospital nursing services at the time of screening were involved. They were randomly selected at the seven subjected hospitals during August to September of 1998. Among them, 165 responses from nurses and 229 responses from others resulted in worthy finds. The measurement instrument for a nursing services quality evaluation was modified from the SERVQUAL model originated from Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988). The reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated and showed high degree of internal consistency (Cronbachs' Alpha = .9353). For data analysis, SPSS/PC was used for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1) In the perception about nursing services quality, there were gap between consumers and providers. Especially the critical attributes in point of perception nursing services quality, naming satisfy, hygiene and performance factors, are very different contents. 2) In the comparison analysis of the usefulness tools it was turned out that SEVPERF model is more appropriate than SERVQUAL model. And in the analysis to identify the construct validity of the tool, it is turned out that the relationship between the constructing factors of the tool and the general satisfaction is significant.

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Nursing Services Positioning Analysis for Nursing Services Repositioning
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):383-392.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Recently, the hospitals in Korea has positively changed one way or another. Therefore hospital managers must focus on the nurses' role in terms of consumers' perception of overall image of hospitals and the degree of satisfaction of the consumers To achieve the purposes, the questionnaire was developed and distributed to 280 people who had a direct experience with nursing services subjected hospitals in Seoul at the time of screening. among them, 229 responses were turned out to be useful and used for final analysis. The measurement instrument for hospital nursing service quality evaluation was modified from the SERVQUAL model originated from Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry(1988). For data analysis, SPSS/ PC and PC-MDS program were used. The results were as follows : 1) The perception map showed that the seven subjected hospitals were divided into three groups. It could be interpreted that the hospitals in the same group had a strong competitive relationships. Because the nursing services' scores of hospitals C and E were higher than those of other hospitals, they could be served as a benchmark for the other hospitals. 2) The marketing place of hospital nursing services was divided by four. Since service generally had a strong point in nearby service market segment, Aiming an nearby hospital nursing services market segment by the hospital nursing services department was regarded as a good repositioning strategy. 3) When consumers evaluated the quality of hospital nursing services, they were greatly affected by the hospitals' overall image or other characteristics. Therefore, for improving hospital's nursing services, hospital nursing services department requires a great deal of labor to improve hospitals' overall image or other characteristics.

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A Comparative Study of how Subjects' Characteristics and Nursing Service Quality Influence on Hospital Revisiting Intent between Patients and Nurses
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(7):1210-1220.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed to examine how subjects' characteristics and nursing service quality influence hospital revisiting intent, to compare perceptions of patients with those of nurses.


The questionnaire was developed and distributed to 300 patients and nurses at six general hospitals in a provincial city, Korea. For data analysis, the SPSS/PC program was used.


The nursing service quality's scores of patients is 3.61, that of nurses is 3.77, and there is a significant difference. The hospital revisiting intent's score of patients is 4.84, that of nurses is 4.61, and there are no significant differences. In subjects' characteristics, patients perceive that the hospital is the only different factor, and place hospital revisiting intent at 3.6%. Nurses perceive that education level and position are different factors, and place hospital revisiting intent at 3.3%. In nursing service quality, patients perceive that 2 attributes explain hospital revisiting intent at 17.8% and 2 factors explain it at 16.5%; whereas, nurses perceive that 2 attributes explain hospital revisiting intent at 15.3% and 3 factors explain it at 12.2%.


There are perception gaps between consumers and providers. So nursing and hospital managers must recognize these facts and provide various marketing strategies to overcome them.

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A Study of the Nursing Service Quality and Gap Perceived by Consumers
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):225-234.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a tool that measures the quality of nursing service, to measure the quality of nursing service perceived by consumers, and to identify the gaps between ideal and actual nursing services.


A questionnaire was developed and distributed to 300 people who had been hospitalized in one of six general hospitals with quality of nursing services in five provincial cities in Korea. For data analysis, the SPSS/WIN(ver 10.0) program was used.


The 20 attributes included in the instrument of quality of nursing service is abstracted into 2 factors : tangibility and intangibility. In quality analysis, 15 of 20 attributes are minus scores, meaning that those nursing services are perceived as generally low. However among the minus scores' attributes, only two attributes are significant statistically. Gaps between importance and performance of the nursing service exists in 19 among 20 attributes.


Nursing service quality (performance-expectation) needs to be improved, and Gaps (importance-performance) reduced. In addition, a tool measuring nursing service quality has to be developed so nurses can deal successfully with the quality and gaps of nursing service perceived by consumers.

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A Study of the Nursing Service Perceived by Consumers and Providers, and the Tool that Measures Nursing Service
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(6):772-783.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to measure the nursing service perceived value by consumer and providers, and to investigate the relationship among nursing service, general satisfaction and hospital revisiting intent, and to examinate the tools that measures nursing service's reliability, construct validity and usefulness.


The questionnaire was developed and distributed to 300 patients and 210 nurses at three general hospitals. For data analysis, SPSS/PC program was used.


The nursing service perceived value by providers is higher than that by consumers. There are distinctive difference in the expectation, and importance and performance values of the nursing service perceived. In examination of the relationship among nursing service, general satisfaction and hospital revisiting intent, nursing service has a deep relationship with general satisfaction, but doesn't have relationship with hospital revisiting intent. The tool that measures nursing service has a good reliability and construct validity. In analysis on the usefulness between the tools, SERVPERF tool is more useful than SERVQUAL tool.


The nursing service perceived value by consumer is different that by providers, and the tool that measures nursing service has a good reliability and construct validity. The SERVPERF tool is more useful than SERVQUAL tool.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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