This study aimed to develop and test a structural model for sleep quality in female shift work nurses. The hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of Spielman's 3P model of insomnia and previous research related to the sleep quality of shift nurses.
This cross-sectional study used structural equation modeling and recruited 285 female shift work nurses from four general and university hospitals with over 300 beds located in C and J cities in Gyeongsangnamdo. Data were collected from September 27 to October 20, 2016, and then analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and structural equation modeling. The study used SPSS/Win 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 in processing the data.
The final model showed good fit to the empirical data: χ2/df=2.19, SRMR=.07, RMSEA=.07, AGFI=.85, TLI=.91, GFI=.93, GFI=.89, NFI=.87. The factors that influenced sleep quality were sleep hygiene (β=.32), perceived shift work status (β=−.16), stress response (β=.16), shift work experience (β=.15), perceived health status (β=−.14), and circadian rhythm (β=−.13) explaining 36.0% of the variance.
The model of sleep quality of the shift work nurses constructed in this study is recommended as a model to understand and predict the sleep quality of shift work nurses. The results suggest that strategies for improving the sleep quality of shift work nurses should focus on sleep hygiene, perceived health status, stress response, circadian rhythm, perceived shift work status, and shift work experience.
The purpose of this study was to develop and examine the effects of combined exercise program for older adults with sarcopenia based on transtheoretical model (TTM).
A non-equivalent control group with a pretest-posttest design was used. The subjects consisted of 43 older adults with sarcopenia in precontemplation stage, contemplation stage and preparation stage of TTM (experimental group: 22, control group: 21). The developed program consisted of 36 sessions for 12 weeks including combined exercise (60 minutes) and TTM based strategies for enhancing exercise behavior (10 minutes) per session. Data were collected before, immediately after the program between July 31 to October 27, 2017. The data were analyzed using independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test with SPSS/WIN 18.0.
Compared with their counterparts in the control groups, older adults with sarcopenia in the experimental group showed a significantly greater improvement in process of exercise behavior change, pros and cons of decisional balance for exercise behavior, exercise self-efficacy, parameters of muscle, and the level of physical performance.
The study findings indicate that this combined exercise program for older adults with sarcopenia based on TTM model was effective and can be recommended as a nursing intervention for older adults with sarcopenia.
We developed and tested the effects of a coping skill training program for caregivers in feeding difficulty among older adults with dementia in long-term care facilities.
A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The subjects comprised 34 caregivers (experimental group: 17, control group: 17) and 40 older adults with dementia (experimental group: 20, control group: 20). The developed program was delivered in 4-hour sessions over 6 weeks (including 2 weeks of lectures and lab practice on feeding difficulty coping skills, and 4 weeks of field practice). Data were collected before, immediately after, and 4 weeks after the program (January 3 to April 6, 2016). The data were analyzed using t-test and repeated measures ANOVA using SPSS/WIN 20.0.
Compared to their counterparts in the control group, caregivers in the experimental group showed a significantly greater improvement in feeding knowledge and feeding behavior, while older adults with dementia showed greater improvements in feeding difficulty and Body Mass Index.
The study findings indicate that this coping skill training program for caregivers in feeding difficulty is an effective intervention for older adults with dementia in long-term care facilities.
Feasibility of a Mobile Meal Assistance Program for Direct Care Workers in Long-Term Care Facilities in South Korea
The purpose of this study was to identify the degree of self efficacy, self regulation, situational barriers and self care behavior in patients with diabetes and to identify the relationships among those variables. Ninety five non insulin dependent diabetic patients participated. Data were collected by a self report questionnaire. The results are as follows: 1) Mean scores for self care behavior were 4.64 (diet) and 6.60(medication) on a 7 point scale. 2) Mean scores for self efficacy were 65.12(diet) and 88.46(medication) on a 100 point scale. 3) Mean score for self regulation was 0.42 on a 0-1 point scale. 4) Mean score for situational barriers was 1.48 on a 4 point scale. 5) Self efficacy was significantly highly correlated with self care behavior(r=0.72, P<0.01). 6) Self regulation(r=0.28, P<0.01), situational barriers(r=-0.32, P<0.01) were significantly correlated with self care behavior. 7) Self efficacy was significantly correlated with self regulation(r=0.25, P<0.01), situational barriers(r=-0.22, P<0.05). These results suggest that for improvement in self care behavior nurses should increase the level of self efficacy and self regulation in patients with diabetes and help these patients to cope with situational barriers.
This article reviewed and analyzed 39 studies on self efficacy theory applied to health related behavior. The following analysis was done: 1) study subjects 2) measurement tools 3) analysis according to the type of research design(intervention research, explanatory research). Some findings are summarized as follows: The study subjects were both healthy people in various developmental stages and patients with various illnesses. The health related behaviors examined in the studies were also various including exercise, smoking cessation, self care behaviors, etc. The measurement of self efficacy was done with specific tools in most studies. In the tools, activities that measured the health behavior domain were listed according to increasing difficulty or contexual arrangement or in combination of both of them. The analysis of 17 intervention research studies showed that generally the intervention program increased the self efficacy level of subjects and then the increased strongly self efficacy influenced behavioral changes. Most studies used more than one intervention method for increasing the self efficacy level. These were derived from sources of self efficacy suggested by Bandura. The analysis of 21 explanatory research studies showed that self efficacy strongly influenced behavior change and persistence. The major independent variable to affect the self efficacy was performance accomplishment in the past. Self efficacy explained more of the variance in health related behavior when it was applied with the variables in the health belief model, health promotion model, and reasoned action theory. On the basis of the above findings, the following suggestions are made: 1. For a desirable research design, self efficacy should be the intervening variable. That is, desirable designs would include intervention-self efficacy-behavior in intervention research studies and antecedent-self efficacy-behavior in explanatory research studies. 2. More prospective, longitudinal studies are needed to test the effect of self efficacy on persistence in health related behavior. 3. Studies comparing the effects of intervention methods are needed for each health related behavior, subject group, and context. 4. It is necessary to develop a reliable, valid measurement tool for self efficacy for each health related behavior. 5. Studies to differenciate the effect of self efficacy from that of outcome expectation on the health related behavior are necessary. 6. The antecedents of self efficacy should he investigated further.
Resourcefulness was analyzed by Walker and Avant's method to make a theoretical framework for nursing. Also, the appropriate Korean terminology was identified. "Resourcefulness" means the ability to use internal and external resources to eliminate or to control stress. 'Resourcefulness' is chosen to be the most appropriate term to reflect the concept of resourcefulness. Upon the concept analysis availability, controllability, confidence, and self-instruction were identified as the defining characteristics of resourcefulness. Contrary to other work, "availability" means the ability to use the social resources as well as the internal cognitive-behavioral resources. "Controllability" means the ability to delay or control immediate gratification of one's needs or to divert one's own mood in order to solve problem. "Confidence" is the self-efficacy belief in one's control ability. "Self-instruction" is the cognitive ability to instruct oneself positively. Resourcefulness is learned by active experience, vicarious experience, and formal or informal instruction or a need for change. As a result of the use of resourcefulness, the target behavior performed immediately and ultimately improve the quality of life or adaptation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the instrument including the defining attributes identified in this study. Also, it is necessary to simultaneously analyze the related concepts of self-efficacy, self-control, and self-regulation for appropriate use.
This study was conducted to test the effect of a self regulation education program as a nursing intervention with chronically ill patients. A quasi experimental research (non equivalent control group pretest-posttest design) was used in this study. The subjects were 30 non insulin dependent diabetic patients (experimental group: 14 patients, control group: 16 patients). The study was carried out from May, 1995 to February, 1996. Data were collected before the education program, immediately after and 2 months later and were analyzed with repeated measure ANCOVA, paired t-test and t-test. The results are as follows: 1. There was a significant difference in self efficacy between the two groups(F=27.61, P=0.000). There was a significant difference according to experimental stages(F=33.09, P=0.000) and interaction between education and experimental stages(F=30.21, P=0.000), 2. There was a significant difference in self care behavior between the two groups (F=27.05, P=0. 000). There was a significant difference according to experimental stages(F=31.14, P=0.000) and interaction between education and experimental stages(F=28.88, P=0.000), 3. There was a significant difference in glycemic control between before the education program and 2 months later in the experimental group (t=2.88, P=0.013). But there was no significant difference between before the education program and 2 months later in the control group. These results suggest that a self regulation education program is effective in promoting and maintaining self care behavior and in improving glycemic control. Thus this program can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for chronically ill patients including diabetic patients.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the process & outcome of a Health promotion program(Growing Younger & More Active) for the community resident older adults from March to December, 2001. METHOD: A quasi experimental research(one group pretest-posttest design) was used in this study. The subjects were 82 older adults(but 40 older adults 4 weeks after the program). Program had 5 sessions(10 hours) once a week. Data were collected before the program, immediately after & 4 weeks after the program and were analyzed with paired t-test. RESULT: The levels of Satisfaction, Interest & Understanding of the Program were high. Significant differences were found in health knowledge, health promoting behaviors, perceived health status and life satisfaction between before program and immediately after program as well as between before program and 4 weeks after program, but no significant differences in Health attitude. Self efficacy has significant difference only between before program and immediately after program , but no significant differences between before program and 4 weeks after the program. CONCLUSION: This results suggest that a Health promotion program for the community resident older adults developed this study is effective. So this program can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for the health promotion of the older adults living in community.
The purpose of this study was to suggest directions for developing a Health Promotion Program for the elderly in Korea for the future. For this, twenty previously developed & implemented health promotion programs were reviewed and analyzed in terms of target population of the program, components of the program, measurement variables for effects of program, the effects of the program. The results were as follows. 1. Most of the target populations were older adults living independently in the community. 2. Components of the program were health education, health assessment and counseling and exercise program. - Health education was done in most of programs. The topics of health education that were often included in the programs were life style changes, medical knowledge, independent living, the concept of health promotion and changes related to aging. - In health assessment and counseling, health professionals discovered their health problems through health assessment or health risk appraisal. Then they developed health recommendations on each health problem and encouraged the elderly to implement the recommendations. 3. Variables measuring the direct effects of the program were health behavior, knowledge, attitude, skill, use of medical/health reference book. Variables measuring the indirect effects, biometric outcome, health status, functional status, medical service utilization, medical cost and wellbeing. 4. The analysis showed that health education was effective for changing health behaviors, improving knowledge, skill and attitude in the elderly. Those results were suggested to be used as guidelines for developing a health promotion program for the elderly in Korea for the future.
The purpose of this study was to identify the response patterns of Health Locus of Control(HLOC) and to analysis of the health promoting behaviors depending on the response patterns of HLOC in Korean adults. The sample was composed of 300 healthy adults ranged from twenties to seventies to seventies. In data analysis, SPSS PC+ program was utilized for descriptive statistics, person correlation, ANOVA and cluster analysis. The results of the study were as follow : 1. The average score of Hloc in Korean were HLOC-I : 24.12(range 6-30), HLOC-P : 21.72, HLOC-C : 17.46. 2. The total mean score of the health promoting behavior scale was 2.50 (range 1-4), and the mean score on the subscales were ; self actualization 2.60, health responsibility 2.14, exercise 2.28, nutrition 3.16, interpersonal support 2.74, stress management 2.15. 3. The HLOC-I and health promoting behavior were correlated positively(r=0.184, p=0.001), and the HLO-C and the health promoting behavior were correlated negatively(r=-0.102, p=0.039). The HLOC-P and the health promoting behavior weren't correlated in the level of statistical significance. 4. The response patterns of HLOC in Korean adults were identified 6 types, such as pure internal, pure chance, believers in control, yea sayer, nay sayer, and complex control. The type of believers in control and the type of yea sayer were subdivided in two different types. The believers in control was the largest group(33.67%), and yea sayer was the next large group(26.33%). The pure chance and the complex control type was the smallest groups. 5. There was a significant difference in health promoting behavior depending on the response patterns of HLOC(F=2.67, p=0.010). There were also significant differences in 4 subscales of health promoting behavior : self actualization(F=3.12, P=0.038), nutrition(F=5.08, p=0.000), and interpersonal support?(F=2.26, p=0.029). These results suggest that the response patterns of HLOC is the important factor to predict the level of health promoting behavior in Korean adults.
This study was conducted to develop and to determine the effect of an tailored falls prevention exercise for older adults.
Subjects consisted of 59 older adults (experimental group : 29, control group : 30) living at nursing homes. Experimental group participated in tailored falls prevention exercise for 16 weeks (3 times a week, 50 min every session). Data were collected before the exercise, 16 weeks and 24 weeks after the beginning of exercise.
1) the experimental group significantly improved the muscle strength of hip extensor and flexor, knee extensor and flexor, ankle dorsiflexor, and plantar flexor compared to the control group. 2) the experimental group significantly decreased the mean time for 10 times chair stand. 3) the experimental group significantly increased the standing time on one leg and the number of heel raise for 30 seconds compared to the control group. In addition more older adults in the experimental group completed the tandem stance and semi-tandem stance for 10 seconds than the control group. 4) The experimental group significantly decreased the mean time of 6m walk and the fall frequency compared to the control group.
This results suggest that tailored falls prevention exercise for older adults can improve muscle strength, static and dynamic balance and decrease the fall frequency of older adults.
This study was conducted to develop and to test the effects of an educational program for coping with problem situations as a nursing intervention in the diabetic patient.
A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. Data were collected from January to March, 2002. The subjects of the study consisted of 31 diabetic patients(experimental group : 17 patients, control group : 14 patients). The intervention of an educational program for coping with problem situations was applied to the experimental group for 4weeks(total 8 hours). Data were collected before the educational program, immediately after and 1 months later and were analyzed with repeated measures ANOVA, t-test, and paired t-test.
1. There was a significant difference in self efficacy between the experimental and control groups (F=13.793, p=0.001). 2. There was a significant difference in self care behavior between the experimental and control groups (F=4.583, p=0.041). 3. There was a significant difference in coping behavior of the problem situation between the experimental and control groups (F=62.018, p=0.000). There was a significant difference according to experimental stages(F=4.546, p=0.015) and interaction between education and experimental stages(F=12.039, p=0.000). 4. There was a significant difference in glycemic control between the experimental and control groups (t=-3.112, p=0.004).
These results support that a diabetic educational program for coping with problem situations is effective in promoting and maintaining self efficacy, self care behavior, problem coping behaviors and in improving glycemic control. Thus this program can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention of in-depth education for diabetic patient.
This study was conducted to develop and test the effects of a motivational interviewing self-management program for use with elderly patients with diabetes mellitus.
A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The participants were 42 elderly diabetic patients (experimental group: 21, control group: 21). The motivational interviewing self-management program for elders with diabetes mellitus developed in this study consisted of a 12-week program in total (8 weeks for group motivational interviewing and education and 4 weeks for individual motivational interviewing on the phone). Data were collected between February 13 and May 3, 2013 and were analyzed using t-test, paired t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA with SPSS/WIN 18.0.
For the experimental group, significant improvement was found for self-efficacy, self-care behavior, glycemic control and quality of life (daily life satisfaction, influence of disease) as compared to the control group.
The study findings indicate that the motivational interviewing self-management program is effective and can be recommended as a nursing intervention for elderly patients with diabetes mellitus.
This study was conducted to develop and test the effects of an emotional intelligence program for undergraduate nursing students.
The study design was a mixed method research. Participants were 36 nursing students (intervention group: 17, control group: 19). The emotional intelligence program was provided for 4 weeks (8 sessions, 20 hours). Data were collected between August 6 and October 4, 2013. Quantitative data were analyzed using Chi-square, Fisher's exact test, t-test, repeated measure ANOVA, and paired t-test with SPSS/WIN 18.0. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.
Quantitative results showed that emotional intelligence, communication skills, resilience, stress coping strategy, and clinical competence were significantly better in the experimental group compared to the control group. According to the qualitative results, the nursing students experienced improvement in emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, and empowerment, as well as a reduction in clinical practice stress after participation in the emotional intelligence program.
Study findings indicate that the emotional intelligence program for undergraduate nursing students is effective and can be recommended as an intervention for improving the clinical competence of undergraduate students in a nursing curriculum.
This study aimed to identify contents and trends of Korean nursing doctoral dissertations in terms of research methodology and theoretical characteristics.
The design of the study was descriptive study and a total of 1,089 quantitative studies completed between 1982 and 2010 were reviewed using the analytical framework developed by the researchers.
The majority of studies utilized the experimental design (51.5%) and the others were survey design (38.8%) and methodological design (5.0%). Study subjects were shown as patients (45%), care givers (11.2%), ordinary persons (40.6%) and others (3.2%). There were growing trends in experimental design and patients as subjects. The prevailing data collection settings were hospitals (45.8%) and community (27.8%). The theoretical frameworks that studies were based on were the existing theories (37%) and a newly developed theoretical framework by a researcher (25.2%). a framework derived from other studies by the researcher (25.2%). Majority of studies (78.5%) employed a single theory as a theoretical framework. However, 31.8% of studies had no theoretical framework based on.
Findings of this study provided the opportunities to shed new light on the current status of Korean doctoral dissertation and to deliberate on the future direction of nursing studies in Korea.
This study was conducted to develop and test the effects of an elder health promotion program and apply strategies for elder health leader training sessions with elders at senior citizen halls.
A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Participants were 49 elders at a senior citizen hall (intervention: 27, control: 22). The elder health promotion program consisted of health education and exercise. A professional leader led the program for 4 weeks, and then an elder health leader and research assistant led for 8 weeks (total 12 weeks). Scales for elder health promoting behaviors, perceived health status, life satisfaction and senior citizen hall capability were used and physical fitness levels were measured. Data were collected between April 21 and July 28, 2010 and analyzed using Chi-square, Fisher's exact test, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA with SPSS/WIN 12.0.
Health promoting behaviors, physical fitness, perceived health status, and senior citizen hall capacity were significantly better in the experimental group after the intervention compared to the control group.
Study findings indicate that elder health promotion programs applying strategies of elder health leader training are effective and can be recommended as nursing interventions for health promotion of these elders.
This study was conducted to test the effects of a community health promotion project for farmers cultivating garlic. Bandura's self-efficacy theory (1986) and Chaskin's community capacity framework (2001) were used as the theoretical framework.
A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Study participants were 72 garlic farmers (intervention: 36, control: 36). The community health promotion project consisted of health promotion program and community capacity building strategies and was provided for 12 weeks (8 during farming off-season and 4 during farming season). Data were collected between February 23 and May 31, 2009 and were analyzed using chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA using SPSS/WIN 12.0.
For the experimental group, significant improvement was found for self-efficacy, farming related health behavior, physical fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, upper body flexibility, lower body flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, balance, agility), farmer's syndrome, and health related quality of life as compared to the control group.
The findings of the study indicate that the community health promotion project for garlic farmers is effective and can be recommended as a nursing intervention for health promotion of garlic cultivating farmers.
This study aimed to investigate the educational needs of research ethics among nursing researchers.
Convenience sample of 161 nursing professors and 262 master or doctoral nursing students participated in the study. Data was collected with self-reported questionnaire from June to August 2009, and analyzed with descriptive statistics using SPSS WIN (version 14.0).
Among 161 nursing professors, about 31.7% has educated nursing ethics in the postgraduate course. The most common course was nursing research or methodology (62.7%), and median education time was 2 hr. Areas that showed difficulty in understanding was the conflict of interest and plagiarism for professors and falsification and fabrication for graduate students. Average knowledge on the research ethics was 75.4 points for professors and 61.6 points for students based on the 100 points.
Educational needs of research ethics among nursing professors and students in the postgraduate course was high. We recommend both basic and advanced research ethics educational programs for the nursing researchers. The basic course should be at least 6 hr and include various cases and something to discuss.
This study was done to investigate the practice level of 14 health behaviors between male (N=139) and female (N=175) elderly and to identify the barriers to each health behavior of elderly people in Korea.
Data were collected from 314 elderly people (65 yr and older) living in metropolitan, urban, and rural areas. Descriptive statistics, χ2-test and ordinal logistic regression were used in data analysis using the SPSS Win 15 version.
1) The performances were different in some health behaviors between male and female elderly people. Male elderly showed better performances in balanced diet, regular exercise, and more than 30 min of exercise, while female elderly showed better performances in restriction of fat and cholesterol, restriction on alcohol, and smoking. There were no differences in stress management and health prevention behaviors between the two groups. 2) The common significant barriers in health behaviors of the elderly in Korea were the lack of habit and physical discomfort. However, the lack of perceived benefit was a significant barrier in male elderly. Lack of time and lack of family support were significant barriers in female elderly people in Korea.
These results suggest that tailored strategies should be developed considering the gender difference to reduce the main barriers of each health behavior in order to improve the health status of elderly people.
This study was done to suggest directions for developing exercise interventions for fall prevention in the elderly in Korea in the future.
Twenty five articles for fall prevention exercises were reviewed and analyzed.
84.0% of subjects were older adults age 65 and older living in the community. The most frequently performed interventions were lower limb strength and balance exercises together 43.3%, group exercise 70.0%, exercise 3 times/week 60.0%, 60 min per session 36.7%, duration of 12 weeks and 1 year 23.3% each. The most frequently used outcome variables were static balance 84.0%, lower limb muscle strength 72.0%, dynamic balance 56.0 %, and falls 56.0 %. The effect of exercise interventions on fall prevention was inconclusive. Lower limb strength exercises with resistance were effective for increasing muscle strength. Balance exercises with various movements for balance were effective for increasing balance.
Exercise interventions for fall prevention is recommended for older adults with risk factors of falling. The desirable type of exercise intervention is lower limb strength and balance exercise together.